Rooster 2014

Who is a Rooster?

Years: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005.
Month*: September
Hour: 05:00 pm -07:00 pm
Days: ask us

* Caution: the start of the Chinese month can be as early as the 4th & as late as the 9th, depending on the year. I can let you know this too.

What is a Rooster?
The Rooster is yin metal, the night bird, glamorous and with an eye for detail. She appreciates an argument and likes to win but has little patience for causes that drag on. She will appreciate jewellery, fine art and good living and create wealth easily. Conversely of course, a wide-awake Rooster like Aung San Suu Kyi can reject such distractions in order to serve a cause that has indeed dragged on for decades. This is yin and yang.

The rule this illustrates by violating is that a typical Rooster is suited to work that involves short decisive arguments such as that of an advocate. Her brief passion is the perfect support for a client. She can defend with enormous commitment and then move on to the next one. That commitment is 100% but it is short lived. If she is in a job that involves holding her peace she may fret and become ill.

Osama bin Laden was a typical 1957 fire Rooster: one big splash and he was off. A car must be fast, a partner challenging and life full of twists and turns. The Rooster is likely to be quick witted rather than profound, with a short attention span.

Her allies the Snake and the Ox are sometimes impatient with her because she can digress so widely and so easily but she brings to the metal alliance the pure competitiveness that the Ox might otherwise misuse and the Snake misunderstand. Think Ed Miliband snatching leadership of the opposition from under his brother’s nose. The Rooster is pure metal – that is determined to prevail at all costs – Snake and Ox are not. They will not win many cases or many contracts without her and they would do well to pay and respect her appropriately despite the fact that she needs longer holidays and a better remuneration package. Conversely if she fails to respect a support system that dots t’s and attends to punctuation and provides the intuitive flashes that s/he can exploit but seldom generate, she will not prosper.

Her pitfalls are sex, drugs and rock’n’roll. She likes to party and her personality may be addictive. She is likely to prefer dusk to dawn and also the small hours.

The Rooster enjoys a powerful alliance with the Dragon in which she, uniquely in the average Dragon’s experience, may hold the whip hand. This is not always entirely healthy. She can bend the Dragon out of shape just as the Ox can bend the Rat. This sway must be employed responsibly otherwise both can be damaged. With that proviso this is one of the strongest alliances in the Chinese zodiac.

The Rooster predictably is one of the charismatic Flowers of Romance. Success and glamorous partners come easily to her. Often a Rooster can punch above her weight in this regard. Cinderella was a Rooster and so is Yoko Ono. This effortlessness can make for complacency, and bitterness is more common among middle-aged Roosters than any other animal.
With the Monkey she can form a commercial alliance. A business co-run by these two will be irresistibly attractive but may not open on time. It may not close promptly either and may also suffer the cash flow problems that come from poor financial prioritisation. A marriage would risk the same types of problem: great parties, early divorce.

The cautious domesticated Rabbit is the nemesis of the Rooster. The Rooster likes bling and the Rabbit can see no life in a stone. Any relationship would generally be full of obstruction and passive aggression. The insistent wood of the Tiger is almost as maddening although his fierceness would at least engage the Rooster’s attention. The loyal, consistent Dog bores her rigid.

Rooster in Horse Year.

Stars include: tai yin Feminine Star, gou sha Entanglement

You don’t know when you’re winning. That’s why Roosters tend to be poor gamblers. You’re the dreamers of the Zodiac, often not living in what many think of as the real world. One side of this is that you often believe (rightly) that you can do things no one else would attempt. It also can mean that you’re not paying attention when opportunity knocks. You’re often also very poor at celebration because you’re so rapidly onto the next thing that you miss the joy of success. No problem in that except that in a year like this when you are by turns challenged and empowered, you may mistake one state for the other.

The Chinese character kun is often translated as “clash.” And kun is what the Horse is to the Rooster. Which doesn’t sound promising. Kun however is equally accurately translated as “challenge”, “discipline” or “influence”. This year brings challenge to the enterprising Rooster, discipline to the Rooster seeking direction and influence to the one who stands firm.

Kun also means “man-woman relationship” to the female Rooster. Many Roosters are still looking for the Prince on the White Horse. There’s a decent chance he’ll actually appear this year. If not it’s probably because you’re too picky or you’re slumming – as your ba zi and recent history both tell. Your weakness is vanity. Are you too ornery to adapt? Learn. This is a year to commit and let yourself be happy. If we’re only here in this shape on this planet once; best to make it count, huh?

The Horse is extrovert, spontaneous and competitive. This year you’ll find yourself competiting with others whose gifts and weaknesses could be unfamiliar. It’s not that the opposition has super powers or a different scale of values, it’s that you haven’t woken up. Know what you need to change. Be as humble as you can manage. Don’t insist on being right. That you behaved foolishly last time, is not a good reason to do it again.

Finally, the Rooster for all her time in front of the mirror, often doesn’t know herself. It’s fine – on a certain level – to lie to anybody other than yourself. If you (continue to) tell yourself lies you are truly lost. You probably made a serious error of judgement sometime in 2010. If you can go back, review, admit error and move forward, 2014 will be a breeze and 2015 a following wind.

Health: care with lips and toes.

Money: plenty of access to money. Some of it may be yours.

Relationship: deepening relationship, marriage likely.

Feng Shui: Cautiously tap into the South. Face this way, occupy Southern sector (measured from the heart of the building).

Readers’ Digest Version: a year of joy and of benefactors.

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