The Horse in the Year of the Earth Pig 2019

Who is a Horse?

animal animals backlit beach

Years:  1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002.
Month*:  June
Hour: 11 am – 13.00

Day: Ask Us
* Caution: the start of the Chinese month can be as early as the 4th & as late as the 9th, depending on the year. I can let you know this too.

What is a Horse?
The Horse is yang fire, the charmer. The extrovert, the seducer of the Zodiac, the Horse is rarely caught out despite his high-risk strategy. He has an ego of course but is better able to laugh at himself than for instance the Dragon. Like the Dragon, the Pig and the Rooster though, he can not work with his own kind. The typical Horse is not a deep thinker and his ego can lead him to suppose that no one else is either. Brexit mastermind David Cameron, born in the Fire Horse, may be a good example.

There tends to be a belief in shortage at work in the Horse. She thinks he must be the first to the trough if they are to eat. In romance the Horse like the Rooster, can be what Leonard Cohen calls “a thin gypsy thief”. This means his weakness can be a failure to respect boundaries and property. Of all the animals, the Horse and Rooster are typically the marriage breakers and the home wreckers. This is not inevitable of course. If we know this about ourselves we can make wiser choices. Just because today is a good day to die, it is not necessarily a good day to kill.

Predictably the Horse is often not great at commitment. The yin and yang of this by the way is that a self-aware Horse is the most constant partner there is; an endangered species by the way.

Success matters a great deal to the Horse. He is not generally subtle. It is the winning not the taking part that tends to concern him.

The ever-fiery Horse is not keen on water. He experiences this element whether expressed as a Rat year or as excessive communication as a dampener of enthusiasm. Water slows him down but does not halt him.

Interestingly the Horse’s charisma is best expressed either in a team with the other Plum Flowers, Rat, Rabbit and Rooster or with the Sheep. You will often find Sheep and Horse out and about together, the Horse radiating charm and the Sheep reflecting it. This actually is a good partnership; the Sheep is in awe of the sheer daring of the Horse and the reckless Horse may often need grounding, safety and a short term loan. Horse places the drinks order for his audience and the Sheep pays the tab; Sheep to the above-mentioned David Cameron was of course his stooge and gopher Nick Clegg.

The Horse’s home team all of whom have fire in common, is with the Tiger and the Dog. These are the hunters of the Zodiac: the Tiger kills, the Horse chases, the Dog guards. This support system is the most likely to bring the Horse rewards. On his own he is prone to burn brightly and extinguish early. He’ll have a good time though.

The Horse finds the Ox hard work also. There is metal hidden in the Ox which the Horse can turn to his advantage but the Ox’s preferences are so humdrum to him.

The Horse has visual, imaginative and intellectual gifts but is unlikely to value them enough to put them to good use. So many of the words we use about the virtue of work illustrate the unwillingness of the Horse to stick at things: harness, yoke, saddle, blinker etc. Again the yin and yang is that a Horse once-committed, never quits – think Boxer in Animal Farm.

A Horse who works with a Snake may achieve greatness because the Snake understands the Horse just as she understands the Dragon, additionally the Snake will not need to compete. In many ways the Snake is the perfect partner but it is more likely the Snake will recognise this than the Horse.

The Snake suffers in the short term and the Horse in the long.
Racing, partying, playing, the danger is burn out. The challenge for Horses far and wide is to defer gratification long enough that there remains a future.

My Seattle based Student Stephanie Stewart’s forecast for the Horse in 2019 follows, do look her up:

Richard Ashworth©

The Horse in 2019

The kind of attention the Horse likes went to the Dog in 2018. It wasn’t the year you hoped for. Funny how people think good luck means no problems at all. The Dog year opened your eyes to the fact that being in the spotlight can be scary. Horses are burned out.

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, a 1966 Fire Horse, was roped into her own public shaming by her relationship with the Dog in the Triple Fire Combination. With the Horse’s closest friend being the Sheep, it’s inevitable that the bullying punishment affects you. Maybe it’s the Horse’s self clash. The root cause of your embarrassment is usually an unintended consequence of showing off.

Pursuing your impulses as you usually do is not your best choice for 2019. There’s nothing to be done except slow down. You could be accident prone in a Pig year.

You accomplished many of your goals in 2018. Lucky! After October though, things came to an abrupt halt. An unwelcome surprise, as always.

Horses promised things in June or July, then found they had been overestimating their capacities. It became increasingly obvious that you couldn’t deliver in full. A Horse thinks of speed as her strength; it’s unreliable in 2019. You may even experience some physical mobility issues depending on the makeup of your BaZi. That alone might be the reason to have a reading.

The Horse’s brand of spreading enlightenment is not welcomed by the Pig. You’re going to get attention from people examining your conduct. Your optimism may seem false or forced except in February, March.  and July. If you’re trying to get something started, do it then. Accomplish any important tasks by July at the latest.

In the Gan Zhi cycle, the cycle of the 60 pillars, we have entered a phase where Fire is lacking. The Horse is almost pure Fire. Until around 2022 she’s going to have to be content with chopping wood to keep her own fire stoked. Seek independence. Keep track of your good ideas. Prime time is coming but not for awhile.

Focus on preparation rather than spontaneity. Improve your health. Seek education and training. Write. Learn consistency. Cultivate patience. Share.

From May onward you’ll be mostly swimming upstream. Don’t let it get to you. You are always ahead of your time which makes you worry that you will be working in obscurity forever. You won’t. Remember that in June when you’re tempted to jump the gun again.

Your best month is July when your secret friend the Sheep brings friends around to play. Horses with Water day stems get helpful attention from bosses and make good money that month. If you want to buy real estate in 2019 July could be the time.

When depression strikes in December a trip to a warmer climate will help.

You have the power to solve problems and remove obstacles in 2019; both for yourself and for others. Being a leader isn’t easy. Shine a light on your own behavior. Face and speak your own truth.

© Stephanie Stewart 2019

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