The Rooster in the Year of the Earth Pig 2019

Who is a Rooster?

two brown hen and one red rooster

Years:  1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005.
Month*:  September
Hour: 17.00-19.00

Day: Ask Us
* Caution: the start of the Chinese month can be as early as the 4th & as late as the 9th, depending on the year. I can let you know this too.

 What is a Rooster?

The Rooster is yin metal, the night bird, glamorous and with an eye for detail. She appreciates an argument and likes to win but has little patience for causes that drag on. She will appreciate jewellery, fine art and good living and create wealth easily. Conversely of course a wide-awake Rooster like Aung San Suu Kyi can reject such distractions in order to serve a cause that has indeed dragged on for decades. And like Aung San Suu Kyi can suddenly and mysteriously change their mind. This is yin and yang.

The rule this illustrates by violating is that a typical Rooster is suited to work that involves short decisive arguments such as that of an advocate. Her brief passion is the perfect support for a client. She can defend with enormous commitment and then move on to the next one. That commitment is 100% but it is short lived. If she is in a job that involves holding her peace she may fret and become ill.

Osama bin Laden may be a good example of a typical 1957 fire Rooster: one big splash and he was off. A car must be fast, a partner challenging and life full of twists and turns. The Rooster is likely to be quick witted rather than profound and his attention span is short.

Her allies the Snake and the Ox are sometimes impatient with her because she can digress so widely and so easily but she brings to the metal alliance the pure competitiveness that the Ox might otherwise misuse and the Snake misunderstand. She is pure metal – that is determined to prevail at all costs – and they are not. They will not win many cases or many contracts without her and they would do well to pay and respect her appropriately despite the fact that she needs longer holidays and a better remuneration package.  Conversely if she fails to respect a support system that dots t’s and attends to punctuation and provides the intuitive flashes that the Rooster can exploit but seldom generates, she will not prosper.

Your pitfalls are sex drugs and rock’n’roll. You probably like to party and your personality may be addictive. You are likely to prefer dusk to dawn and also to the small hours.
The Rooster enjoys a powerful alliance with the Dragon in which they, uniquely in the average Dragon’s experience, may hold the whip hand. This is not always entirely healthy. They can bend the Dragon out of shape just as the Ox can bend the Rat. This sway must be employed responsibly otherwise both can be damaged. With that proviso this is one of the strongest alliances in the Chinese zodiac.

The Rooster predictably is one of the charismatic Flowers of Romance. Success and glamorous partners come easily to her. Often a Rooster can punch above her weight in this regard. Cinderella was a Rooster and Yoko Ono. This effortlessness can make for complaisancy, and bitterness is more common among middle-aged Roosters than any other animal. Growing old is hard for the Rooster who is often compared to Snow White’s stepmother. Who is the fairest of us all? Consider these aspects in the contrasting lives of Mick Jagger and Che Guevara both of whom were born – in different years – on the day of the Wood Rooster.

With the Monkey the wily, numerate Rooster can form a commercial alliance. A business co-run by these two will be irresistibly attractive but may not open on time. It may not close promptly either and may also suffer the cash flow problems that come from poor financial prioritisation. A marriage would risk the same types of problem: great parties, early divorce.

The cautious domesticated Rabbit is the nemesis of the Rooster. The Rooster likes bling and the Rabbit can see no life in a stone. Any relationship would generally be full of obstruction and passive aggression. The insistent wood of the Tiger is almost as maddening although his fierceness would at least engage the Rooster’s attention. The loyal, consistent Dog bores her rigid.

My Seattle based Student Stephanie Stewart’s forecast for the Rooster in 2019 follows, do look her up:

Richard Ashworth©

The Rooster in 2019

The Rooster’s conflict with the Rabbit flared up again in 2018. There were problems at home. Support arrived, briefly, from a distance.

Roosters have been struggling just to maintain status quo. They’re having a hard time accepting the changes required to maintain their usual quality of life. In a Dog year, the elemental nature of your pure Metal self was in direct opposition with year’s Fire nature. That kind of stress gets in your head.

The Rooster doesn’t like being cast in a supporting role but in 2018 there was no avoiding it. You may have talked yourself into thinking you couldn’t handle it. Other people perceive the Rooster as fragile. If she relies on that to excuse herself from difficult situations she’ll never find out how strong she really is. It’s only physical risk you need to avoid in 2019.

2019 brings a more peaceful year, but the Rabbit remains strong. You’re still uncertain as to the loyalty of those you’ve supported the most. Is it that you don’t trust yourself? In March, July and November remember that question. It’s not time for your comeback yet 1957 Fire Rooster Matt Lauer.

During May, June and July, regarding any legal matters, keep up with the details. Don’t be distracted by someone in an expensive suit telling you everything is taken care of. Given the facts you can decide for yourself. A Rooster is capable of finding the error in complex calculations when she applies herself. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a 1933 Water Rooster, has proved that over and over again.

Romance is draining this year, both for you and your friends Dragon, Snake and Ox. You will find yourself in some kind of triangle – relationship or otherwise, probably in May. There are players in the game that you didn’t know about; could be family members.

You are always surprised when people open up to you so here’s your early warning: it’s going to be one of those years. Be especially available in January, April, and May for friends who need to talk. Model the good faith that you seek.

Keep an eye on the Monkey, your partner in the House of Business. Their normally adept calculations may be off this year. They may require a nudge regarding health issues. You’ve likely been taking care of the Monkey since the middle of 2018. Keep it up.

December 2018-late March 2019 is simply an extension of the Dog year, especially in terms of your health and what you do to support it. April, when you receive help from a powerful friend, is your smoothest month of the year.

In May, guard against crying wolf. Assess, then determine who needs help – or doesn’t. Either way, help is always there. Sometimes it just takes longer to arrive.

For the last half of the year, especially in September, your cutting words harm you most. Be careful not to compromise that loyalty you crave.

Further education may be available in 2019 for some Roosters, but only if there’s enough water present. Want to know what the heck I mean by that? Book a BaZi.

© Stephanie Stewart 2019

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