Explore 2016, The Fire Monkey with Richard Ashworth

A World going Bananas
2016, The Fire Monkey: a Year of Turbulence.
What to expect and what to do about it,
A day with feng shui man Richard Ashworth
The Pepperpot, Godalming.
10 till 5, Saturday December 5th 2015.
Dragons Den’s Kelly Hoppen: Richard is the man I trust with my own office.”

It’s Autumn, the time of Zeun Kong, the Descending of the Hoar Frost. Every day now we move further out of 2015’s Wood Sheep, the Year of Gathering, towards the Fire Monkey, the Year of Turbulence. I imagine you can feel it.

2015 for many of us was about joining and re-joining – relationships, family, clubs, unions, political parties, alliances. Those born in the Year of the Dog, Sheep or Ox may have argued among themselves (Kate & Wills both 1982 Dogs, for instance) and Dragons will have been in some demand as mediators, though not always appreciated (such as Tom Jones born 1940, Vladimir Putin 1952). For the Horse it was very much a year of two halves (consider Angela Merkel 1954 and David Cameron 1966) and for many Roosters (Ed Miliband 1969) a time of opportunities that slipped through the fingers.

You may have experienced unaccountable good fortune in a building facing North or an office to the North West. Rabbits may have made far-reaching decisions. Rats may have been unwary.

The favoured directions and Celestial Animals during the Fire Monkey will be very different. Monkey years often feature revolution and invasion; take 2004 (Iraq) 1992 (Desert Storm) 1980 (Russia into Afghanistan) 1968 (The Paris Barricades, Street Fighting Man, the Prague Spring) and so on. Fire Monkeys even more so: 1956 saw the Suez adventure and the Budapest uprising being savagely put down by Soviet forces. These regions remain flashpoints. And the turbulence extends to home and office – yours and mine. Not very British.

Bond Girl Naomie Harris:You were spot on about property prices.”

Whether domestically, internationally, socially or financially – bank crashes often feature the yang Metal of the Monkey – and in this as in other ways, 2016 is likely to be choppy. Some Animals will fare better than others and some properties will be easier to manage while others could be more demanding. On Saturday December 5th I will be talking about the likely shape of the year, its ups and downs and its impacts upon each of us. We start promptly at 10am at the Pepperpot in Godalming and by 5 you will be equipped with my take on the likely shape of the year, its impact on you, your loved ones, your livelihood and your environment and more to the point, how to survive it and thrive. Do join us.

Richard Ashworth is one of the most in-demand feng shui men in the West. He has worked with a handful of famous people like Gillian Anderson (who says he “inspires both confidence and awe”) and many not so excited about being well known.  Classically trained, it was in 2005 that he completed at Huazhong/Wuhan the only feng shui course yet to be certificated by a Chinese University. As well as the long-odds result of the 2005 Ashes Series, he accurately predicted the distribution of seats in Tony Blair’s second election victory, the assassination of Benassir Bhutto and Scottish Independence in 2014. On this last, he says the jury is still out.

Cost for the day: £125
Early Bird: £85 – paid in full by November 21st.
Places are of course limited.

29, Portsmouth Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2JU | tel: 01483 428998 | info@imperialfengshui.info

Corporate and Media Contact: Peter Dunne. Tel. 07768 617330 peter@peterdunne.com

© Richard Ashworth 2025