Tune Up for the Wood Sheep Year 2015

Tune Up for the Wood Sheep Year 2015

The Year of the Second-in-Command.

It’s a premise of Taoist thought that the only constant is change.

And so every year the energy changes; useful pockets replace tricky ones and vice-versa. The Year of the Horse has been fast and brash and as I predicted, a time of – sometimes embarrassing – shedding of light. From Westminster to the Eastern Ukraine, where there has been skulduggery, the skulls have been dug up. Deceit and duplicity have been hard to conceal.

The Sheep Year is different; more sedate, more meditative. The Sheep is a team builder, though not necessarily a leader, so this is a year characterised by cooperation and mutual assistance. Obviously energy doesn’t change like a door shutting but it stands to reason that as the world turns, everything changes. All that there is, is always growing or decaying.

So the san sha or “Three Killings” which has been unsettling the North all year, moves to the West. As it happens, it joins the 5 wu huang Star there. And if you’ve been enjoying the benefits of a West-facing building these last few years, it may be time to re-think. This annual re-shuffle affects every room, every building, every locality, every nation.

Accordingly then, each year, some time between the Winter Solstice when the Sun fades to its lowest ebb and the Chinese New Year (Feb 20th in 2015) Richard visits his retainer clients to “tune them up” for the fresh energy of the year. This involves identifying the propitious spots and “activating” them appropriately (which may mean something as simple as installing a spotlight or a loudspeaker) and doing whatever is called for to neutralise or mitigate the less helpful positions.

Obviously this does not mean installing sophisticated fountains or addressing chronic issues and in an average home or a small office this takes around two hours and you’re set.

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29, Portsmouth Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2JU | tel: 01483 428998 | info@imperialfengshui.info

Corporate and Media Contact: Peter Dunne. Tel. 07768 617330 peter@peterdunne.com

© Richard Ashworth 2025