Rooster Diary: what to expect in September 2014.

Rooster Diary: what to expect in September 2014.

Chicken Nuggets.

Rooster Month opens: September 8th 02:21am.

Chicken Nuggets.

Often this time of year feels more like a parting than does the New Year itself. Autumn has a very distinctive taste; endings are beginning just as beginnings are ending. There’s a new school year, a return to work after a break and so on. And this month of the Harvest Moon, the Zhong Qiu moon, generally reckoned to be the brightest and fullest of the year. Change is the only contant. Everything that is, expanding or contracting. In September we look both back and forwards.

The Rooster in the Rooster Month.

Roosters (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005) punch above their weight especially relationshipwise but a typical weakness is vanity. The Rooster month can bend the Dragon out of shape, brighten things up for the Ox and Snake and provoke the Rabbit into action. The Rooster naturally glittering, however suffers the so-called “self-clash” which can mean a month of rivalry and ruffled feathers. Best to come down off your perch.

Rooster Month, Animal by Animal.

During the Rooster month:

Roosters are best advised to make space.

The Dragon can lose his way,

The Ox tidies up.

The Snake shines,

The Monkey takes a break,

The Dog leads reluctantly,

The Pig is waiting for something,

The Ratmay not trust smooth words.

The Tiger marks time,

The Horse seeks a niche.

The Rabbit is challenged.


The Sheep offers a home.

The Rooster Pillars. Find your inner Rooster.

Birth in the Rooster hour (17:00pm-19:00pm): glamorous children.

Birth in the Rooster month (August*): work in design, fashion or finance.

Birth on the Rooster day#: attracted to all things bling.

Birth in the Rooster year: life lessons relating to relationship. Early choices.

* Caution, the Chinese month generally starts and finishes a few days after ours.

# Just ask.

Where to do what, when and why.

This month’s lo shu is the 1, to do with Water, circularity, communications and pitfalls. Talk, talk, talk is the trick. Complete emotional disclosure throws off chains while it opens hearts and doors. In a 4 year, a 1 month offers a turbo charge.What was your objective as the year opened? Do you remember? Are you still on track? Are you even accountable? Talk.

This month: In the West we have the 6 annual and the monthly 3 stars.This makes for conflict with authority. Often that conflict is intergenerational; youth versus experience, passion versus planning and so on. All of which can be so creative. In addition for the technically-minded, West is the primary wealth location of the year, holding the windfall pin choi star as well as the Moon which maintains stability and integrity and finally the hot Red Matchmaker which speaks for itself. Take a risk, live a little; add Metal if you want to keep the lid on, Wood or even better Fire if it’s time it blew. You know who you are.

Auspicious Dates and Places

Every month Richard compiles for his retainer clients at vast expense, a detailed bulletin of the current auspicious dates, places and procedures for health, wealth and wisdom. Now you can subscribe. If you’re interested in receiving that bulletin along with his daily Hot Spots, contact

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Richard Ashworth©, late in the month of the Water Monkey, Sept 2014.

29, Portsmouth Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2JU | tel: 01483 428998 |

Corporate and Media Contact: Peter Dunne. Tel. 07768 617330

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