21st May 2005

Siu Mun: grain filling; Princess and the pea; Obligatory spooky stuff; Distractions; Cycles of change II; Ending Hunger..

Richard Ashworth

Feng Shui Diaries

Siu Mun: Grain Filling

Solar fortnight beginning:

Saturday May 21st 2005 07.22

Hour Day Month Year
earth wood metal wood
gay yute sun yute
muw jee jee yuw
rabbit snake snake rooster

Siu Mun: Grain Filling

A typically poetic description of the time of year. My sunflowers are shooting up but they frankly need a bit more sun before they flower. The experiment with globe artichokes hangs in the balance.

The sun enters Gemini today. The Chinese solar fortnights illustrate the correspondence between the Chinese Calendar and Western astrology. The Snake month jee lasts from 5th May to 5th June. At its midpoint today, the sun arrives in Gemini which itself finishes on the 22nd June, the midpoint of ng the Horse at the summer solstice. Which allows anyone interested who didn’t know this, to map the Western Zodiac onto the Chinese animals. QED.

The Princess and the Pea.

Frances Hodgson Burnett wrote that every girl is a princess. And if I were to forget I have teenage daughters to remind me.

I was in Paula’s house doing a follow-up survey. There had been huge leaps in her social life since my first visit but relationship remained the big question. A successful career woman in her mid-30’s, very attractive, certain to make a lot of money, she wanted Mr Right. Right Now!

All in a days’ work.

I corrected a water-feature here, inched a Buddah across the floor there, moved her bed a couple of centimetres to pick up relationship energy. Placed a tiny hand mirror as a temporary solution to a glitch. Everything now in place.

As we sat down with a cup of tea to debrief, the doorbell rang. A bouquet of flowers from an admirer. Fantastic, I thought, hard to argue with that. She read the card: “It’s that bloke from down the road. Wants a date.” Then she frowned: “ I always get attention from the ones I’m not interested in.”

What do you do?

Her house as it happens is not right for her longterm. I can do all sorts of things to support her for the time being but I could do a lot more in a house that was configured right. So I gave her a checklist of how the right house would be configured which can be done for anyone given their exact moment of birth.

Obligatory Spooky Stuff

Zelda’s house had been built for a surgeon in the 1950’s. He had died since but appeared still to be there.The estate had housed doctors from the nearby hospital and the orientation implied Master Masons. Many top doctors are reputed to be freemasons, I understand.

She had been told she might find a body under the extension! But the energy I found there was not wicked. It was self-righteous in a very male way, reluctant to admit errors so as to learn from them. But it was not evil. We don’t on the other hand, I remarked, generally want our surgeons learning by trial and error. He was still there it seemed because he would not admit some sort of major blunder. I did not want to speculate as to what. Without admitting the blunder he could not move on. But neither could Zelda. Every prospective purchaser backed out for some reason.

I suggested to him that everybody makes mistakes; wisdom starts with the realisation that we are ignorant. Live, dead, hanging on, it’s the same principle. So move on already.


Virginia had benefitted from distance healing sent by my friend Nikki which had cleared ancient stuff from her flat after we had made all sorts of changes leading among other things to regular sleep for the first time in years. At the heart of the process was a conversation in which she got that feng shui, visualisation, reiki, Goddess workshops, what have you, were all irrelevant if she did not make a choice to change her life. Receiving this information took a great deal of courage and humility.

So after a decade of time out her life is moving. But she has got used to distractions. She’s a very talented woman who is just terrified of pursuing her purpose which is quite high profile. So I was unsurprised that a series of dramas happened around her as the energy was freed, culminating in a ludicrous farce involving a car chase around North Wales and the ill-tempered eviction of a reluctant gay couple from her mother’s flat stopping just short of slap-fighting!

I explained these were distractions, ways of not moving forward. The path was now clear. She could fly. As the distractions arise – minor illnesses, car breaking down – she has to deal with them appropriately but see them for what they are.

This week she had a bug and asked for more distance healing. I told her no more feng shui, no more distance healing yet. Feel it all the way through. As we do this the distractions run out and we can move on.

The danger of any model, any method, is that we can get attached. Any model taken too literally leads to dependance. People will often queue round the block to be disempowered and run like hell when offered their own power back! Funny old game.

Cycles of Change II

As noted last fortnight, this month’s combination of stem (sun) and branch (jee the Snake) is the same as for the year 2001 and therefore may contain “echoes” of 2001. I have received quite a bit of response to this idea. So let’s take it a bit further

Q: What links the years 61AD & 1381? Both sun yuw years – metal Roosters?

A: The Peasants Revolt and the Budiccan Revolt both arising from similar issues and

taking place in much the same geographical area.

History is peppered with these similarities. I’ll look out more but I can’t pass on without mentioning Ian Wallace’s proposal that Tottenham Hotspur always prosper when there is yin metal in the year pillar. 1961 and 1971 for instance. Check it out.

Ending Hunger

I received an email from Natalie Imbruglia this week. When I saw the sender’s name I assumed that opening it would bring me either a virus, a compromising photo or the usual help with my physique. But it was genuine. On behalf of makepovertyhistory she was inviting me to take various sorts of action. They are focussing on the G8 summit in the first week of July. I think however that it is much more urgent for reasons I will happily outline in one-to-one correspondence. If you feel called, here is the web address.


Any feedback is always welcome including that you never want to hear from me again if that happens to be the case.

Best wishes,

Richard Ashworth


If Poverty is to be History now is the time.

As ever, names have been changed to protect privacy.

29, Portsmouth Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2JU | tel: 01483 428998 | info@imperialfengshui.info

Corporate and Media Contact: Peter Dunne. Tel. 07768 617330 peter@peterdunne.com

© Richard Ashworth 2025