23rd September 2004

Feng Shui Diaries

chow fun: The Autumn Equinox

Solar fortnight beginning

Thursday Sep 23rd 2004 00.52

Hour Day Month Year
wood wood water wood
gap gap quai gap
chee jee yuw shen
rat snake rooster monkey

We had £1,000 worth of new steering rack on our Renault Espace this week.

The only place we can currently park it is facing or backing onto the Monkey at the South West of the house. This year those who have had to park their cars on this orientation may also have had an expensive time in terms of vehicle upkeep. If you have no choice, try to park with the back of the car to the Monkey. This may help ensure a first time MOT pass.

The Rooster is the next one along both on the compass (clockwise of course), the clock and the calendar. So in 2005 generally avoid travelling or facing due West especially between June and October.

We anticipate a better year for the Espace anyway.

There are of course additionally, specific places that will support health and wealth in most gardens. Regardless of its orientation, generally keep the front garden flat and low and the back well-protected. Avoid tall trees in the area where South East borders East (measured from the middle of the house.) Even these measures will make a noticeable difference to most homes.

Now we have reached the Autumn Equinox, one of the turnings of the year. More yin, less yang, winding down to the Winter Solstice when the yang is reduced to a speck.

If you are in a relationship that is not satisfying you might like now to think about what to do, what truth perhaps needs telling to get back on course. Generally the truth is both simple and positive.

Those who feel out of touch with their purpose might now consider why they feel this way. All of us feel out of touch at times and we seem sometimes to become clear only to be confused again at some point in the future. Being in touch with our purpose is a question of observation and of acceptance. The truth is that we always are in touch with it and always were. As you know, of course.

This is the nature of change. This is the Tao

Feng shui grew from Taoist roots: an attempt by a series of Chinese geniuses to predict and control the Tao. The Tao is the process that we speak of trusting, the flow that we go with or not, the skid into which we steer. So this project was of course doomed to failure. The Tao will no more be predicted than the tide pushed back. Except when it is.

I am often asked to what extent you must believe in feng shui in order to have it work for you. The answer is not at all. There is a level which you might call sympathetic magic: displaying an image of two lovebirds or a Gustav Klimt where you will see them regularly will tend to bring romance into your life. If you are quite clear that is what you want. Especially if you have been told that where you have put them is the right place and you believe it.

But it will work much faster and more effectively if it is simply put in the right place at the right time. The right place by the way is generally the South West but could be elsewhere.

For the couple in the Spirit & Destiny article on my website it was probably North East.

Which was part of the problem: in the South West a relationship will grow naturally, in the North East it may resist development.

You get a Monkey year every twelve but it will be 60 years before we see another wood Monkey. Thank the Lord. My own year has been pretty successful but for the world it is hard to imagine one with worse clouds gathering. And not a great idea to try.

There are three months left and this covers the US elections: a big opportunity for truth to be told. Whether we admit it or not we get the Presidents we choose. We do not have to be US voters to appreciate the Tao of what we have and move to the Tao of what we would prefer.

This month a new Hexagram: Pi Hindrance or Obstruction. Not an easy one: we may be facing the most demanding part of the year and possibly the most rewarding. This is the nature of change. This is the Tao.

The Hexagram for October-November will be Guan, Watching. As we used to say: the whole world is watching. Watching or voting, let us choose wisely

I attach, again, a flyer for my One-Day Workshop on Sunday 26th September (probably a little late by the time this gets to you) and Friday evening workshops starting the 8th October at Godalming Holistic Centre. You do not need to have done the One Day Workshop for the evenings to make sense. I plan for the course to be fun, demanding and fulfilling, intellectually, spiritually and emotionally. You won’t be a feng shui Master by Christmas but you will be able to do a few tricks.

Do come and do circulate the flyers. There is a contact number on them but if all else fails do email me.

As usual, I apologise if you never wanted to read this in the first place. Email me to be left in peace in future. Otherwise, I’ll be in touch as usual in approximately two weeks.

Best wishes,

Richard Ashworth


Richard was featured in the July issue of Spirit & Destiny magazine and is on Channel Five’s Housebusters this autumn.

29, Portsmouth Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2JU | tel: 01483 428998 | info@imperialfengshui.info

Corporate and Media Contact: Peter Dunne. Tel. 07768 617330 peter@peterdunne.com

© Richard Ashworth 2025