7th July 2005

Siu Shu: Slight Heat; Only a prawn in their salad; Trumpet blowing dept; Fighting a corner; Cycles of change V…

Richard Ashworth

Feng Shui Diaries

Siu Shu: Slight Heat

Solar fortnight beginning:

Thursday July 7th 2005 09.08

Hour Day Month Year
wood water water wood
yute yum quai yute
jee shun may yuw
snake dragon sheep rooster

Siu Shu: Slight Heat

Some chi changes are gradual, some sudden. From water Horse to water Sheep is on the face of it, not that drastic. The embers of the midsummer fire become the yin earth of the Sheep.What could be more peaceful? After all July is the “silly season” when there is usually so little news that papers have to make it up. To shed light on this unusually explosive change we need to know the nature of the stems that qualify each animal.

The stem is the upper character in each of the four pillars above. This Sheep month is yin water because of the yin water stem quai. Quai is volatile and has a unique relationship with mow, the yin earth stem; combined they make fire. And just as quai appears every 10 hours, every 10 days, every 10 months and indeed every 10 years, so does mow. Along with a whole month of quai we get a whole month of sudden fire combinations whenever mow appears. And the Sheep branch did open explosively: as the chi was changing, bombs were going off in Central London.

I’m always banging on about the cycles of Chinese metaphysics so a reasonable question is: “Was an attack on London predictable?” And just as with the tsunami, I have to say yes but I didn’t see it. Here’s how. Non-anoraks skip to page two.

The Imperial Heaven Star Lin Ga which appears at the moment set out above, is to do with transport. Whether it presages good or not-so-good depends on the cyclical characters accompanying it. On the day in August 2001 when Concorde crashed, Lin Ga appeared with the Lunar Mansion* Bird. Indeed I remember noting that it did not look a good day to fly as I boarded my own rather slower plane at Luton. And Lin Ga also coincided with the Madrid bombing. My friend Nikki Bishop used exactly this raw information to predict transport-disaster-Spain in the right fortnight. On the 7th of July, however, Lin Ga coincided with the Lunar Mansion, the Well, whose significance is ambiguous: on the one hand it is generally fortunate. Digging and building are encouraged for instance. On the other it is about purging and moral uprightness which presumably represents the thinking of the sociopaths behind this sort of brutality. Hard to call.

For myself, as I was saying to my 10-year old son last week while he successfully persuaded me to accompany him on the new rollercoaster at Legoland: “I find life quite frightening enough without inducing fear.” Fortunately he is prepared to humour me.

The question is this : “When are we predicting and when are we creating?”

* There are 28 of these in the calendar, each of differing duration.

See Derek Walters’ Chinese Astrology.

Only a Prawn in their Salad

Following this vector of thought, it is a creative act to see the G8 summit as positive if we want a lasting positive outcome. Aid doubled, trade restrictions lowered, commitment to distribution of basic health support is a 100% improvement. Not long ago the dogma was that it was all Africans’ fault for having so many babies. The simple maths that infant mortality of say two in three means a mother must conceive three children to keep one was not understood until the mid-80’s. This vicious circle may at last be broken. And if we have to deal yet again with why Pink Floyd broke up, it’s a price worth paying isn’t it?

As Margaret Mead said: “Never doubt that a small group of committed thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”

Get up to date at: http://www.makepovertyhistory.org/mph/campaign/process.do

Trumpet Blowing Department

BTW: followers of my annual predictions will notice I predicted a “Live Aid II” in December.

Fighting A Corner

Soraya’s house is on a corner at the end of a terrace. This usually means there will be winners and losers inside. At the North West, the realm of the Father, a high fence divides the garden. This is on the Dragon or yang side; suggesting a rift between yin and yang, male and female, mother and son, husband and wife.

Soraya is a smart, attractive, powerful woman. “Why is my teenage son underachieving at school? “ she asked.

“How is his Dad getting on?” I asked obliquely.

“Hard to tell, “ she said.



“Missing opportunities?”

That too.

“Do you argue a lot?”

She agreed they did and I rapidly reassured her that after decades of marriage, argument was probably a good sign. “But you’ve got to let him win sometimes,” I said.

She looked at me coyly, with what Chuck Spezzano calls a “busted smile.”

“You win, your son loses. This man suffered the hail of blows it took to win your heart. Give him credit. That way, you make it worth your son’s while to be like his father. Support one, you support both.”

There were mirrors all over the Eastern wall. Too many. The East represents movement. I was reminded of another house which had been floor to ceiling with self-improvement books bought by the wife for the husband. The message she intended was “Life could be so much better” What he received was “You’re no good.” Here the mirrors were telling the menfolk: “Change because you’re not alright.” What sort of motivation is that?

Cycles of Change V:

All the major stock market crashes of the 20th century took place in the 2nd or 3rd week in October. Sute, the Dog, of October, conceals a fire stem lasting just a few days in the middle of the month. Some years are more volatile than others, 1929 and 1987 being the worst but every year just as the winter settles in, comes a sharp blast of mid-summer.This can be enough to unsettle the metal of the markets which is vulnerable of course to fire.

Feedback is encouraged including that you never want to hear from me again if that happens to be the case.

Best wishes,

Richard Ashworth



If Poverty is to be History now is the time.

As ever, names have been changed to protect privacy.

29, Portsmouth Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2JU | tel: 01483 428998 | info@imperialfengshui.info

Corporate and Media Contact: Peter Dunne. Tel. 07768 617330 peter@peterdunne.com

© Richard Ashworth 2025