Fire Rooster Day, a look at 2017 – A Day with Richard Ashworth

Only FOUR places left! Current Early Bird is £100!
The Fire Rooster
2017 : the Year of the Turkey.
A Day with Richard Ashworth Dec 3rd 10am Godalming Pepperpot
What can men do against such reckless hate?”
The Two Towers.

Aleppo, Trump, Brexishambles. What next? How much Monkey chaos will carry on into the Rooster Year? As it happens, I’ve been calling it the Year of the Turkey for some time now. For good reason. However black it seems though, this is the dark before the light.

Join me on Dec 3rd/10th and I’ll do my best to explain.

And the fact is that there’s rarely been a time when having some idea of the likely themes and events of the coming year has been as important. Any Rooster year is likely to be one when show, publicity and packaging disguise content, as well as a time of upheaval and revolution. This one especially so; it’s a year to ask difficult questions. But which questions? And of whom?

Be comforted that the annual lo shu or “magic square” has at its centre the Watery 1 of communication. It’ll be a year of talk and negotiation as well as spin. It is in the nature of yin and yang that for every action, there is a reaction. It may be hard to see right now but in the great arc of things, sometimes it gets darker before it gets lighter.

On the world stage, the trouble spots will move. We’ll have a look at that too. If I’m right we can be ready.

In our houses,the Eastern area will call for very careful treatment to forestall a plague of boils, as will the South. A South East door looks handy as does (unusually) Water in the tai chi or “heart” of the house.

As for your Animals, free tickets (or at least well-positioned ones) to the year go to some Dragons, Snakes and Oxen. The Rooster herself will have to approach the year especially carefully as will some Rabbits and Dogs.  More I’m not giving away before December.

Internationally the likely trouble spots essentially move East. There’s more, much of it ultimately very hopeful; I will be expanding on this at the Pepperpot, Godalming High Street between 10 and 5 on the 3rd December. Join us. A better future starts here.

Be sure to bring with you details of any property, issue or individual with whom you are concerned.

Price: £125. Current Early Bird is £100
Email: to book your place.
Pay by Paypal at:
or ask Sheila for bank details.Last year, this weekend sold out very quickly. We have three Skype places (only) available for participants who are in the GMT time zone.

And finally….for US Time Zones: We’ll be repeating this workshop for US time zones via Skype/Zoom. Again I’ll be reviewing the coming year, issue by issue, animal by animal, location by location with ideas for making the best use of it. It’s a pretty comprehensive day. Hope you can make it.

There’s more info on the News Page of my website:

Cost: £100. via Paypal from the link at:
Please contact before paying as limited places available.
Richard Ashworth©

29, Portsmouth Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2JU | tel: 01483 428998 |

Corporate and Media Contact: Peter Dunne. Tel. 07768 617330

© Richard Ashworth 2025