Early Bird for Qi Men Drafting Extended to March 1st
The Early Bird for the Qi Men Hand Drafting Course has been extended to March 1st as I didn’t send out a reminder earlier and is now only £400!
This is a practical, hands-on workshop in which you will learn how to draft and interpret QMDJ, thereby respecting process as well as outcome and removing yourself from dependence upon expensive software.
The workshop is via Zoom on March 16th and starts at 3pm GMT and will finish at approximately 9pm (with breaks).
All the details are here: https://imperialfengshui.info/starter-qi-men-dun-jia-zoom-day/
Richard Ashworth is one of the most respected Western Feng Shui Masters. A good taster of his approach may be found on Audible . You can also see him at work on tv’s Housebusters Most Thursdays and Fridays he is to be found teaching both feng shui and ba zi one-to-one online (times by mutual arrangement) with students from Seattle to Belgium,
Richard has worked from Lebanon to Bermuda, in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore and with stars such as Naomie Harris, Kelly Hoppen and Gillian Anderson. Unusually for a Western Master, he has addressed the Grand Masters at the International Feng Shui Conference in Singapore.
Every month we send (at a modest fee) retainer clients a more comprehensive monthly bulletin than this one, covering in detail right places to be (and when) as well as the most helpful days Animal by Animal and much more from the Chinese calendar.
Subscriptions (and further info): Sheilaashworthfengshui@gmail.com
Richard Ashworth©