A leap in the dark: the Month of the Wood Tiger 2018.

Another Monthly Bulletin in our new format; it tells you briefly how the month may turn out for you as well as where to concentrate for best outcomes. And this time, a little more about the nature of the month. There’s no actual Feng Shui Diary here. Which as it is not so time-sensitive, will be with you later in the month. Watch this space.
Meanwhile you can top up daily on Twitter (@FengShuiDiaries), LinkedIn and FaceBook. Best to like my page rather than be my friend if you’d prefer to avoid politics, rants, cute micropigs and photos of my grandchildren.
Summary: a month when patience and integrity are the central virtues.
Info, diary, assistance: sheilaashworthfengshui@gmail.com

A leap in the dark: the Month of the Wood Tiger 2018.

Bulletin for February 2018

(05:38 4th Feb to 23:25 5th March 2018 inclusive)


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Hexagram 211


Animal by Animal

During this Wood Tiger Month,

The Rat could be startled,

The Ox can breathe again,

The Tiger may overstep,

The Rabbit consolidates;

The Dragon abbreviates,

The Snake is gentle with him or herself,

The Horse may run amok,

The Sheep is back in,

 A smarter Monkey holds back,

The Rooster risks confusion,

The Dog feels very secure,


The Pig is finding meaning.


Remember: the 4 Pillars of your ba zi relate to Year, Month, Day and Hour of birth. Each represents different aspects of your life:              

Year Animal: physicality, forebears, heritage, the obvious and immediate;

Month Animal: the work environment, education, peers, siblings, exes;

Day Animal: you and your beloved;

Hour Animal: your most intimate thoughts, children, dreams, the future.


A 5 month features a return to base.

A Tiger month favours the rapid advance that follows patience.

Most helpful location: South (for East Group kuas 1 3 4 9)

North East (West Group 2 6 7 8).

Favoured Animals: Tiger, Horse, Dog, Pig.

Especially challenged one way or another: Monkey, Snake, Rat, Dragon.

The Hexagram (above): Tai, Peace; Earth over Heaven. Co-operation.

A Leap in the Dark:

Animal Fortunes for the Wood Tiger Month February 2018

The 4th February brings in the Tiger month. This is lap chun, the Spring Festival. And by most accounts sometime between the 4th and the 16th of February we also enter the Year of the Earth Dog. This means that our personal Fate or Destiny as represented by our Zodiac Animals, is subject to two new and powerful influences pretty much simultaneously.

Dog and Tiger are natural team-mates. Technically they combine to make Fire along with the Horse. So this is typically a month of passion and spontaneity and all three can expect a boost of energy all year. As can the Rabbit who is the Dog’s so-called “secret friend”. Which may come as a surprise; you might expect the Rabbit to live in terror of the Dog but no, this connection is an example of the Rabbit’s networking ability. If you want a hot line to movers and shakers ask a Rabbit.

For this month however the domestically-inclined Rabbit is mostly best staying home as the Tiger’s energy is a bit fast and furious for her. The Dragon on the other hand, although challenged by the Dog can generally keep a Tiger at a distance; a fast month for you Dragons, promising acceleration in mid-year. Equally the Snake may find the Fire of the month dazzling after the clarity of January. The untimely Fire makes this a month (as well as a year) of revelations and limelight for many of us.

The Sheep and Ox are likely to be snared by what is known as the “Bullying Punishment” intermittently during the year. Both may feel a little taken for granted right now; better that than the interventions and triangular relationships that can follow in July and October. The Monkey is at odds with the Tiger at the best of times, so your best bet may be routine for now. Roosters understand neither Dog nor Tiger; theirs is a yin Metal world of precision and proportion which makes it hard to maintain that immaculate front under Fire. The position of the Pig however as secret friend of the Tiger and neighbour to the Dog makes both his year and month periods of finding direction. Few Rats on the other hand will find this a straightforward time; they’re used to talking long and hard ahead of action, while the Fire creatures Dog, Tiger and Horse think the other way round. Stand back and allow what will be to be. The only constant of course is change.

There’s much more to say; watch this space.

Richard Ashworth ©2018.



Where to be in February.

Summary: the place of creativity.

North East, Wealth Star: Year Star: 4/3 gip sat, Month Star:

8 is the best, it’s immediate and helpful. To kuas 2 6 7 & 8 in particular. Abundance is a bigger issue than money but the 8 may be the key to both. Bright light will encourage it as long as the underlying longer-term Stars are playing ball – which will be an issue related to the individual dwelling. Continues to be the location to settle in for concentration; outcome may be more commercial than usual.

Enhancement: Bright light.

Where not to be in February.

Summary: morbid all year.

Tai chi, Home: Year Star: 1/9 Month Star: 5.

For some this month may be as ferocious as the Tiger and as cantankerous as the 5 Star. Challenging. Don’t allow yourself to be marooned at the heart of the house and make it worse. A 5 in the heart of a building is only of help to very skilled Masters. The rest of us are best standing back. Don’t try this at home kids.

Solution: t’ang lung or Metal ie Metal stuff, 6-Pipe Metal Windchime, Red 6, wu lou – take your pick. Best to stay clear.

In the video I refer to remarkable anaysis of Harvey Weinstein’s ba zi by my student Seattle-based Stephanie Stewart. What drives a man like that? Now you know. Here’s the link: https://stephaniejstewart.com/harvey-weinstein-release-the-hounds/


Richard Ashworth is among the most respected Western Feng Shui Masters. He has worked from the Lebanon to Bermuda, in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore and with stars such as Kelly Hoppen and Gillian Anderson. Unusually for a Western Master, he has addressed the Grand Masters at the International Feng Shui Conference in Singapore. His day job remains “walking round people’s spaces being enigmatic”.

We send out to Retainer Clients a (much) more comprehensive monthly bulletin covering in detail, the right places to be (and when) as well as helpful days Animal by Animal and much more from the Chinese calendar. It is available by subscription.

Subscriptions (and further info): Sheila@imperialfengshui.info 

And here’s the (Western Astrological) take of the very perceptive Lorna Bevan:
5D Astrology Report February 2018 Eclipsed and Uplevelled

29, Portsmouth Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2JU | tel: 01483 428998 | info@imperialfengshui.info

Corporate and Media Contact: Peter Dunne. Tel. 07768 617330 peter@peterdunne.com

© Richard Ashworth 2025