A One-Day on-line Workshop on the Book of Changes

A One-Day on-line Workshop on the Book of Changes
Richard Ashworth.
October 19th/20th 2019.

“Only collective moral force can unite the world.” Hexagram 45 T’sui; Massing; Lake over Earth.

The Book of Changes is a miraculous thing. Essentially it’s just sixty four images and yet a reading can be so personalised and so up to the minute. Generals, philosophers, politicians, poets, artists and calligraphers have consulted the I Ching or Yi for guidance for over three thousand years. Whether we’re considering the recipes of Ken Hom, Sun Tzu’s Art of War, the obscure procedures of classical feng shui or the labyrinthine mysteries of Qi Men Dun Jia, the roots are in the Yi. 

The Yi has its origins in ancient shamanic practices but it has probably never been more in use than it is today. Each Hexagram or six-line figure, corresponds to one of sixty four states of being, sixty four moods or sixty four puzzles, if you will. Each line like life, is in constant motion and as each line changes in accordance with certain rules, it offers a way to progress from the situation in which we find ourselves into another. It won’t necessarily be better but it will be different.

On the 19th & 20th October I will be running one-day workshops looking at the history of the Book, its influence on feng shui, divination, prediction, acupuncture, TCM and on Chinese culture, from cuisine to military strategy. But above all we will look at the transformation concealed between its lines and how we may use it in our lives and work.

There are two one-day workshops, both online by Zoom; on Saturday the 19th we start at 10am BST to accommodate my European students; on Sunday at 3pm BST for the rest of the World. The workshops run for approx 6 hours with breaks.

We only put these things on when the Universe has made it absolutely clear that it is appropriate and the fact is that most places have already been allocated to my students. But there are a few places left if you move fast. The cost is £175.00 and I’m afraid the Early Bird price has already expired.

If you would like to participate please email: sheilaashworthfengshui@gmail.com

Hope to see you.

Richard Ashworth.

29, Portsmouth Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2JU | tel: 01483 428998 | info@imperialfengshui.info

Corporate and Media Contact: Peter Dunne. Tel. 07768 617330 peter@peterdunne.com

© Richard Ashworth 2025