Auspicious Dates and Places for The month of the Metal Dragon, 2020.
The (3rd) month of the Metal Dragon, 2020.
(15:48pm 4th April to 09:08 5th May 2020 inclusive)
in the Year of the Metal Rat
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Hexagram 43
The Metal Dragon Month, Animal by Animal
The Pig is less certain,
Rats may feel boosted,
The Ox is a little reduced,
Tigers usefully challenged,
Some Rabbits are ambitious,
The Dragon may feel crowded,
The Snake can study,
The Horse is a trifle less (but still) abashed,
The Sheep may feel excluded once more,
Monkeys may be flattered,
Roosters are usefully conscripted,
Dogs left outside.
Special attention this Month: Everything is online: study groups, surveys, individual tuition, ba zi consultation: for perspective.
A 6 month promises authority.
The Dragon Month makes for sudden change.
Where to be this month: West, North East.
Where not to be this month: South, South East.
Favoured Animals: Monkey, Rat, Rooster – in any Pillar.
Especially challenged: Dog, Rabbit, Dragon, Tiger, Horse, Ox.
The Hexagram (above): Kuai Breakthrough. Lake over Heaven.
5 1 3
4 6 8
9 2 7
Metal Dragon
This month’s lo shu: wu huang 5 South East san sha South
My Corona
Back at the turn of the century I did a whole string of surveys on radio. Punters would ring up and tell me they had a problem with say, their Father. And so I’d ask them what was happening in the North West of their home, the North West of course being the domain of the Father.
Some would not know how their homes were oriented, let alone how to operate a compass.
“The South is where there’s most light most of the time,” I’d say. “The East is where it rises, the West where it sets.”
“Oh yes, I know where the sun sets, outside the kitchen window.”
“So point just a little to the right of the kitchen window. That’s North West. What’s happening there?”
“It’s kind of missing. The house is L-shaped.”
“Aha. And your Father?”
“Pretty much out of my life.”
“You could say that.”
And so on.
And of course these consultations were less about precision, more about symbolism, more intuitive, less calculated. And often life-changing.
Obviously it’s easier if I know the house. Which is how I’ve been able for some time to perform Annual Tune-Up Surveys via Zoom and Skype. It’s a popular alternative because it’s both quicker and cheaper. And now with us all overshadowed by Covid-19 it’s safer and er…legal.
So when I worked this last week with Monica, it brought those radio sessions flooding back. And this time working at a distance was the only option.
The task was to install a Water Dragon. A complex undertaking at the best of times, my typical Water Dragon consists of an arrangement around the outside of a house including one or more fountains, statuary or stones and sometimes mirrors. A precisely placed and timed Water Dragon is reckoned to hold and distribute health, wealth and wisdom.
Monica lives out in the countryside with a substantial garden which meant that it was harder to make a mistake placing the Dragon correctly. I know the place quite well and I’d measured it up already. So she carried her tablet outside while we examined the places where the Water, statuary and mirror needed to be. At one point we reversed the process and I showed her on my iPad one of the Water features in my garden to illustrate how Water flow can be directed. Our Jack Russell Red helpfully illustrated how to drink from it.
There was much more but she’s a very smart woman so it was relatively straightforward. And as it happened she coughed several times too so I was glad for all of us that we’d done this remotely.
These are obviously not ideal conditions but I’m confident we got it right. We’ll see. When all this nonsense is over I’ll go and inspect.
The radio sessions were a very different process from the painstakingly measured angles and positions of Monica’s Water Dragon. But we live in several worlds simultaneously and the most elegant feng shui works on all three levels of Tian, Ti and Ren: Heaven, Earth and Human. There’s physical material and the laws of physics but there’s lots more. And laws were made to be broken.
Richard Ashworth © 2020
Where to be in April.
Summary: song and celebration.
West, Intervention: Year Star:9; Month Star: 8. Fortune Virtue (Rooster W2).
This month the annual 9 is host to the benevolent 8, bringing song and celebration. Relationship may be honoured, respected and renewed by locating, facing or activating here.
To accelerate: add Fire – bright light.
Where not to be in April.
Summary: perilousSouth East, Determination: Year Star: 6, Month Star: 5.
The Metal is made dangerous by the 5 and in the worst location for such an incursion: aggravated male aggression in the home of the 1st Daughter. Steer clear for now. A person in authority located here may be prone to unforced errors: ego.
Mitigate: fresh Water changed daily mitigates but only t’ang lung pacifies the 5.
Richard Ashworth ©2020.
Richard Ashworth is among the most respected Western Feng Shui Masters. He has worked from Lebanon to Bermuda, in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore and with stars such as Kelly Hoppen and Gillian Anderson. Unusually for a Western Master, he has addressed the Grand Masters at the International Feng Shui Conference in Singapore. His day job remains “walking round people’s spaces being enigmatic”.
Every month we send (at a modest fee) retainer clients a more comprehensive monthly bulletin than this one, covering in detail right places to be (and when) as well as helpful days Animal by Animal and much more from the Chinese calendar.
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