Auspicious Dates and Places for The month of the Wood Dragon 2022

Auspicious Dates and Places


The (3rd) month of the Wood Dragon 2022.

(03:22 5th April to 20:45 5th May inclusive)

in the Year of the Water Tiger.

Public Bulletin 


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Hexagram 43 

A 9 month                              demands attention.

A typical Dragon Month        is transformational.

Where to be this month:       North West, South East.

Default orientation:               Face South or South East.

Where not to be this month: North, East.

Favoured Animals:                 Monkey, Rat, Rooster

Especially challenged:           Dog, Rabbit, Dragon, Tiger, Horse

The Hexagram (above):           43 Quai, Decision, Lake over Heaven; Breakthrough.

Summary:                               prepare for shock waves – not necessarily all bad.


8             6

7             2

3       5       1 

Wood Dragon lo shu 

The Month of the Wood Dragon – the shape of the month.

All change.

This is the month of doubling down or backing up. And because the Dragon has the biggest ego, it’s mostly about them.

Just after the Lunar New Year opened, Vladimir Putin, the world’s most prominent Dragon, chose to invade. This suggests that he’s receiving Date Selection advice from a Chinese diviner. If so he will know there is serious pushback due midsummer and that April will at best be awkward. I doubt 1964 Dragon Boris Johnson listens to anyone but the same applies to him. It’s clear btw that Trump also received such ze ri advice before he set his assault on the Capitol for 12:59p.m. on the 6th January 2021. Just a little too precise wouldn’t you say?

The Tiger of the Year obviously enough encourages the aggressive side of the Dragon; no surprises there. Dragons bring transformation (sometimes at a high cost) which can be relied upon to dissolve impasse. The Chinese character Zhen, the Dragon (Hexagram Number 51 in the Book of Changes) is topped by a rain cloud that indicates the tension broken by a sudden thunderstorm. And in a Tiger year they are faced with the choice to transform themselves. Or double down. The Dragon is proud and self-transformation is hard for the proud.

But the Dragon is not reluctant to break the rules. Not that she is invariably as shameless as the above two shape shifters but if her will calls for walking on Water or say, invasion, the Dragon will do just that. And finally the Dragon is prey to the “self-clash” – their own month can be their nemesis. And this is not just about Eastern Europe: expect a month that shakes everything (and potentially everyone) up. At month’s end we may be in a different world/office/ street/bedroom.

Obviously then this is no month for complacency – which is one alternative meaning of the month’s Hexagram (Quai Number 43). The situation – home and away, in business as in romance, in near as in far – is suddenly different. Which is fine as long as you’re not too attached to things as they stand. Altered surroundings may be the price of transformation: what was always one way was always another.

Every Dragon in the world is advised to rethink how they operate this year. Especially Putin who has doubled down and doubled down. Stretching his imperium has been a poor decision for all concerned. What he needed to do was back down. Retire maybe or get a job as a talk show host. Spend more time with his horses.

So how does a Dragon (or anybody) best respond to this challenge?

These principles apply also to non-Dragons and those not invading sovereign territory.

First: examine your truth. Are you on track? You do know. 

Second: admit error. As a general rule it won’t kill you.

Third: know where you are sticking to your guns in order to have been right all along. And back down. 

Fourth: look at how the Month, Hour and Day Pillars in your ba zi, each respond differently to a Tiger Year.

If you were born say in a Pig Month (November) your work year should be pretty sound; a Horse day (you need a Chinese calendar for that) indicates a year of positive personal attention; a Dog hour birth (9-11pm) that persistence will pay off. And so on.

And that principle is always true: if your Year Animal which relates among other things to the immediate, the personal, the physical, the obvious and the dead hand of family tradition, is ill-starred, take advice about the other ones.

In June I’ll be teaching ze ri in two separate workshops: ( ) one timed to suit my European students, the other for the rest of world. No dictators have registered so far. Join us.

Richard Ashworth 4th April 2022 

The Month of the Wood Dragon, Animal by Animal:

These generic forecasts carry different nuances dependent upon whether this Animal rules your Year, Month, Day, Hour or Life House.

Dragon (1952, 64, 76, 88, 2000; births in April* 7-9am & on certain days#) Turbulent; respect others’ egos & keep your own in check. Recognise error; change course.

Snake (1941,53, 65, 77, 89; births in May*, 9-11am & on certain days#) Observe and learn; role-models, mentors & teachers appear.

Horse (1942, 54, 66, 78, 90; births in June*, around midday & on certain days#) danger of haste & rush; be as appropriate to the moment as you are able. Trust your heart.

Sheep (1943, 55, 67, 79, 91; births in July*, 1-3pm & on certain days#) a time to consider resources (of all sorts) and how to call on them.

Monkey (1944, 56, 68, 80, 92; births in August*, 3-5pm & on certain days#) still facing head wind but Dragon offers you pole position if you’re alert. 

Rooster (1945, 57, 69, 81, 93; births in September*, 5-7pm & on certain days#) Empowered; use this time well. It may not be about you.

Dog (1946, 58, 70, 84, 96; births in October*, 7-9pm & on certain days#) Temporary halts; take on nothing new; expect to stop and start.

Pig (1947, 59, 71, 83, 95; births in November*, 9-11pm & on certain days#) Look up from routine, remember the magic and choose it again.

Rats (1948, 60, 72, 84, 96; births in December* 11pm-1am & on certain days#). Be available to advise, detach from whether that advice is taken. That’s not the point.

Ox (1949, 61, 73, 85, 97; births in January*, 1-3am & on certain days#) Accept your limitations which is the opening to surpassing them of course. 

Tiger (1950, 62, 74, 86, 98; births in February*, 3-5am & on certain days#) Rivalry; your long term interests and those of those you care about demand a wider view. 

Rabbit (1951, 63, 75, 87, 99; births in March*, 5-7am & on certain days#), Lots for you here. Know when you’re contributing and when exploiting.

* Chinese Months start later than European ones. #You’ll need help or a Chinese Calendar for this.

Special Days in April:

Especially helpful

Sunday 17th  April, Metal Rat, Void, Success (4) **** resourceful.

Words may appear empty or harsh but they’re likely to be transformational. Watch mouth but also ears. Listen!

Activity: Monkey SW2 (WSW around 240º) to hear clearly.

Empowers to eloquence: Monkeys, Rats, Dragons; Oxen.  In any Pillar 

Not so helpful.

Friday 22nd April, Wood Snake, Mound, Remove (9) **** For preservation.

Sleight of hand likely; not the day to end, discard or jettison. A break-up today is likely to be a mistake

Activity: South East for what’s really going on.

No favourites. 

Special Places in April:

Where to locate in April

North West, Authority: Year Star: 6 Month Star: 1 Fortune Virtue (Pig NW3).

1 brings connection: networking, gossip, catch-ups, reconciliation. The danger is that the entrenched yang – which is very close to meaning “male” – is indulged; handling the yang was ever thus: when to confront and when to humour? In this case enclose the area, make it comfortable and safe; a male out on a limb here can take time out or seek to make amends.

Exploit: Earth – something solid & heavy brings the magical 1:6:8. 

Where not to locate in April

North, Communication: Star: 1 Month Star: 5. Annual San sha

1: 5 All sorts of nasty this month and indeed all year. But Wood is said to mitigate. Stay clear if you have a choice. Add plants and/or flowers (three’s a good number) either way. 

Richard Ashworth is one of the most respected Western Feng Shui Masters. He was among the pioneers of feng shui survey & analysis at a distance on MySpirit Radio in the noughties. A good taster of his approach may be found on Audible at You can also see him at work on tv’s Housebusters at  Or read his collected Feng Shui Diaries. Most Thursdays and Fridays he is to be found teaching both feng shui and ba zi one-to-one online (times by mutual arrangement) with students from Seattle to Belgium. 

Richard has worked from Lebanon to Bermuda, in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore and with stars such as Naomie Harris, Kelly Hoppen and Gillian Anderson. Unusually for a Western Master, he has addressed the Grand Masters at the International Feng Shui Conference in Singapore. He is now also a Founder Committee Member of the IFSA UK Chapter. 

Every month we send subscribing clients a more comprehensive monthly bulletin than this one, covering in detail right places to be (and when) as well as the most helpful days Animal by Animal & much more from the Chinese calendar.

Subscriptions (and further info):

29, Portsmouth Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2JU | tel: 01483 428998 |

Corporate and Media Contact: Peter Dunne. Tel. 07768 617330

© Richard Ashworth 2025