Big Fire, Big Ice: Big Water.

Tiger, Tiger.

Fire Tiger month, Wood Horse year.

February 5th 06:21am.

Big Fire, Big Ice: Big Water.

The Tiger opens the year with a burst of Fire. To some extent this is always true because the Tiger is part Fire. In some years this blast of spontaneity, of visibility, of passion is more marked than in others. This year it is quite extreme. Heres my take on the year btw.

Here is film of Richard talking prophetically about flood meadows, exterior feng shui, real wind and especially real water. Bear in mind this was before the recent ‘biblical’ floods. Who knows? There might be something in this stuff.

The Tiger in the Tiger Month.

The Tiger itself is generally confident, neither flattered nor challenged by a Tiger month. Such confidence is not always justified. They might like to know that the fresh power Tigers may be feeling now is likely to last the whole of the Horse year and may or may not be 100% valid. Tread carefully. The Book of Changes (Hexagram Ten Lu, Treading) says: “…one’s purpose will be achieved if one behaves with decorum.”

Tiger Month Animal by Animal.

The Tiger:

Demands expression of the Rabbit.

Supports the Horse even in ill-conceived endeavours.

Directs the Dog.

Instructs the Monkey, sometimes with surmountable barriers.

Assists the Pig, one-to-one.

Frustrates the over-ambitious Rooster – but satisfies the contained one.

Talks across the Ox but that’s not just the Tiger.

Focuses the Dragon.

Flatters some Snakes, wakes others up.

Draws deeply on the Rats powers of expression.

Backs the Sheeps team.


The Tiger Pillars:

Birth in the Tiger hour (1-3am): implies great vision and children with the same ability.

Birth in the Tiger month (February): work that requires constant vigilance.

Birth on the Tiger day: a tendency to put parenthood ahead of relationship.

Birth in the Tiger year: Vision, patience, clear memory especially of favours and slights. Ambitious, can appear aggressive.


Where to do what, when and why.

This month’s lo shu is the 8, to do with rapid positive achievement. This ambitious objective is probably best supported by locating yourself or facing West which is likely to work better for West than East Group but it all evens out. If this is Greek to you (or even Chinese) you’re hardly alone. You can take it on trust or study enough to question it or of course anything in between.


Forthcoming Events: Click below

Feng Shui Course 2014: Early Bird Offers now available

Big Fire, Big Ice; Big Water: Richard talking in October 2013 about real wind, real water

Richard Ashworth©, early in the month of the Fire Tiger, Oct 2014.

29, Portsmouth Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2JU | tel: 01483 428998 |

Corporate and Media Contact: Peter Dunne. Tel. 07768 617330

© Richard Ashworth 2025