Boiling Point: Auspicious Dates and Places for The month of the Fire Horse 2022. Mon 6th June to 7th July

Auspicious Dates and Places
The (5th) month of the Fire Horse 2022.
(00:58am Monday 6th June to 11:22am 7th July inclusive)
in the Year of the Water Tiger.

Access strictly limited to Retainer Clients of Richard Ashworth feng shui Services

Page            1:             Overview.
Page            2:             The Horse Month, Animal by Animal; who wins, who                                            loses.
Pages          3-10:        The Horse Month, Day by Day; good, bad, ugly.
Page            11:            Boiling Point: the shape of the Horse month.
Pages          12-14:      What to do where, when & indeed why
Page            15:            Instructions for Four Point Activation.
Page            16:            Daily He Tu Journey Routine.

—–  —–
To pair
Hexagram 44

A 7 month                                       can feature self- or other sabotage.
A typical Horse Month               is fast and furious.
Where to be this month:           North West, North East.
Default orientation:                    Face South West or East.
Where not to be this month:    tai chi, East.
Favoured Animals:                      Tiger, Dog, Sheep
Especially challenged:               Rat, Ox, Dragon, Monkey, Horse.
The Hexagram (above):              Gou, To Pair, Heaven over Wind; Breaking                                                               ranks.
Summary:                                       expect attention.

6       2       4
5       7       9
1       3       8

The Month of the Fire Horse, Animal by Animal:
These generic forecasts carry different nuances dependent upon whether this Animal rules your Year, Month, Day, Hour or Life House.

Horse (1942, 54, 66, 78, 90; births in June*, around midday & on certain days#) Competitive; strive for perfection rather than supremacy. Caution.

Sheep (1943, 55, 67, 79, 91; births in July*, 1-3pm & on certain days#) empowered but 2nd-in-command rather than generalissimo. Serve the interests of others.

Monkey (1944, 56, 68, 80, 92; births in August*, 3-5pm & on certain days#) arresting. You may feel like you have to give a lot away this month. Do it with grace and candour.

Rooster (1945, 57, 69, 81, 93; births in September*, 5-7pm & on certain days#) Best not to undertake anything ambitious while the Horse has power to singe your tail feathers.

Dog (1946, 58, 70, 84, 96; births in October*, 7-9pm & on certain days#) Full of energy; you are at your most mobile if you use the surge of energy that way.

Pig (1947, 59, 71, 83, 95; births in November*, 9-11pm & on certain days#) power on the sidelines, all about meticulous preparation.

Rats (1948, 60, 72, 84, 96; births in December* 11pm-1am & on certain days#). Try to receive the hints and help that may come at you thick and fast. “Ideas are a dime a dozen but those who put them into practice are priceless.” (Joe Gandolfo).

Ox (1949, 61, 73, 85, 97; births in January*, 1-3am & on certain days#) A little too hot and rapid for comfort. Pace yourself.

Tiger (1950, 62, 74, 86, 98; births in February*, 3-5am & on certain days#) Peak power. Use it wisely: Hexagram 34. So easy for a Tiger to abuse power.

Rabbit (1951, 63, 75, 87, 99; births in March*, 5-7am & on certain days#), Demanded of in a big way; satisfaction of all sorts follows opening up to that. Forgive.

Dragon (1952, 64, 76, 88, 2000; births in April* 7-9am & on certain days#) Not much help; avoid linear solutions. And trust. Especially yourself.

Snake (1941,53, 65, 77, 89; births in May*, 9-11am & on certain days#) A rush. Maintain high quality.,

* Chinese Months start later than European ones. #You’ll need help or a Chinese Calendar for this.

The Month of the Fire Horse, Day by Day:
Use these forecasts to plan and prepare appropriately.

Below is listed a little about the energy, tone and implications of every day of this month – some suit certain Animals (as indicated) and activities more than others. Some suit nobody and my notes offer advance warning. To get most value you need to compare each of the Animals in the Four Pillars of your ba zi against the portents of the day

How do I know which affect me in particular?
To find out if you’re especially favoured (or not) notice that the ba zi I drew up for you consists of Five Animals, one each for the Year, Month, Day & Hour of your birth plus a Life House. When any one of these is name-checked below my comments apply to you, with different nuance of course depending on which Pillar the Animal indicated inhabits. The numbers in brackets indicate a year but each Pillar also corresponds to a Month Day or Hour. If baffled, do ask.

Your Year Animal will tend to relate to parents, family and origins as well as the physical, the obvious and the immediate, the family you grew up with and/or hereditary traits and patterns; deep history, deep heritage & your public face.

Your Month Animal relates to career or business as well as education, peers, siblings, exes and the work environment; shallower history, shallower heritage.

Your Day Animal represents you personally and your significant other. You may need a Chinese Calendar or professional advice (you have my email) to establish your Day Animal.

Your Hour Animal represents your deepest dreams, your children and the future. Which for many of us are pretty much the same thing.

Your Life House represents the voice that calls to you. It may be summoning you to your true calling but it may be no such thing. Which is a decision you have to make for yourself.

I rate the Favoured days with Stars from * (helpful) to ***** (take that leap) and Cautionary days from * (watch your step) to ***** (wrap up in a blanket & don’t stir).

The Fire Horse Month Day by Day
Monday 6th June Metal Tiger, Heart, Receive (1) *** Extremely helpful.
Horse Month kicks in: 00:58a.m with Mong Chung/Grain in Ear. More Fire. The wrong people may be making decisions today; keep notes – the opportunity to correct will come.
Power to the elbow of: Tiger, Horse, Dog, Pig.
Activity: Dog (NW1 WNW around 295º) for constancy.

Tuesday 7th June, Metal Rabbit, Tail, Receive (9) *** slow
Best stay home; nothing’s moving today. Just as well. What’s worthwhile will come to you but probably not before the 12th. Be sure to acknowledge appropriately when it does.
Activity: North West for a level head. No favourites.
May snare: Rooster, Dragon, the prideful   In any Pillar

Wednesday 8th June, Water Dragon, Basket, Open (8) **** advance gently.
For a catch-up with neglected friends, associates, relations. Pay the freight if necessary.
Activity: Rooster due West for forgiveness.
Welcome reunion: Water(92) Wood(44) Fire(56) Monkey; Water(72) Wood(84) Fire(96) Rat; Wood(45) Fire(57) Earth(69) Metal(81) Rooster.

Thursday 9th June, Water Snake, Dipper, Closed (7) **** Dark.
Expect to keep your own company which may involve let-down. Allow for disappointment as early as possible. It’ll be mended by the weekend.
Activity: Rooster due West for company.
Favours: Earth(89) Metal(41) Water(53) Snake; Wood(45) Fire(57) Earth(69) Metal(81) Rooster; all Oxen (49, 61, 73, 85, 97); continent Water(92) Wood(44) Fire(56) Monkeys.

Friday 10th June, Wood Horse, Ox, Establish (6) *** confusing
Wood Horse fixes things. You may have to er….hold your Horses. No hurry. Much Fire today: rapid, outgoing, passionate, hasty, spur-of-the-moment. Harness if helpful, respect if not. There’s no fighting it.
Activity: Tiger NE1 around 65º ENE for better timing.
Good time to set out: Earth(98) Metal(50) Water(62) Tiger;
Fire(46) Earth(58) Metal(70) Water(82) Dog;
Fire(67) Earth(79) Metal(91) Water(43) Sheep.

Saturday 11th June, Wood Sheep, Maiden, Remove (5) ***** isolating.
Sheep is about belonging. Or not; Maiden is about abandonment. Seek company, offer compassion, avoid knee-jerk responses. Especially do not rubbish relationship – repercussions would be out of proportion.
No favourites
Activity: Sheep South West1 (around 205º SSW) for early warning.
Sunday 12th June, Fire Monkey, Void, Full (4) **** extremely helpful.
Tiger of the year concentrates the mind. The character for the Monkey/Tiger clash (kun) means both confrontation and power. Time for a decision; probably tricky,longstanding & calling for precision. Best time probably not Snake hour (10-12am BST)
Activity: Rat N2 (due North) to reconcile opposites.
Special assistance: Water(92) Wood(44) Fire(56) Monkey;
Water(72) Wood(84) Fire(96) Rat; All Dragons; (40, 52, 64, 76, 88, 2000)
Earth(89) Metal(41) Water(53) Snake
In any pillar.

Monday 13th June, Fire Rooster, Danger, Balance (3) *** Polarised.
Justice restored. Only enter argument or competition if the odds are against you. Resist glitter. Rooster: this means you.
Activity: Ox NE1 (around 36º at NNE.)
Special assistance: Earth(89) Metal(41) Water(53) Snake; All Oxen (49, 61, 73, 85, 97); All Dragons; (40, 52, 64, 76, 88, 2000) In any pillar.

A word about Water placement: Placing a Water Dragonsentimental (that is living) Water, may be the most powerful feng shui boost possible. Carefully constructed, precisely timed & positioned, such a Dragon is reckoned to preserve qi (ie health, wealth and good fortune) frozen in time and place. Unsurprisingly, days suited to placing Water are few and far between. This Horse month just two make the cut: the 18th and 30thJune. A Water Dragon must be personalised, timed and placed precisely, for which you’ll Need expert advice or to know what you’re doing. Or both. Think ahead. Never place long-term Water without checking time and place.
Tuesday 14th June, Earth Dog, Room, Stable (2)  ***** Extremely fortunate
Full Moon: 12.51p.m. Wei wu wei. Relaxed, contained. No need to move position or body. Beyond argument. Stay put. Dynamic stillness: wei is doing; wu wei is not doing; wei wu wei is doing not doing.
Activity: South for limelight.
Favours: Tigers, Horses, Dogs, Rabbits, the outgoing.
This Full Moon (14th June above): selectively helpful. Any Full Moon suits washing & Moon-bathing those crystals (such as tourmaline & shungite) which like the Full Moon herself can block and dispel. I usually bathe ba gua mirrors & Red 6s/7s too. Broadly a Full Moon is for disposal and adaptation, New Moon for attraction. This Full Moon – Described above – calls for stillness. If those are your plans, this Moon as it peaks is the Moon for it.

Wednesday 15th June, Earth Pig, Wall, Initiate (1) Overwhelming.
Recent loss less poignant; a time to get back on the Horse even if it’s set off without you. No favourites but no hidden snares either.
Activity: Tiger North East (ENE around 65º for speed and aim.

Thursday 16th June, Metal Rat, Astride, Destruction (9) ***** Hard going.
Astride Mansion opens the Palace of the Tiger; so many Tigers! A day to open up; secrets & half truths can be corrosive. No exceptions. Problems more likely to be domestic than commercial, private rather than in the open.
Activity: Ox NNE NE1 around 65º to stick to the point.
Caution: Horse, Sheep, the impatient or showy.

Friday 17th June, Metal Ox, Mound, Danger (8) *** selectively helpful
Duty (& possibly power) may call unexpectedly. The physical aspect of things are highlighted today including that aspect of relationship. Respect ties that bind.
Activity: Ox NNE NE1 around 65º) may help you stick to the point.
Wisest and most discerning (just for today): Earth(89) Metal(41) Water(53) Snake; Wood(45) Fire(57) Earth(69) Metal(81) Rooster; All Oxen (49, 61, 73, 85, 97); Water(72) Wood(84) Fire(96) Rat.
In any pillar

Saturday 18th June, Water Tiger, Stomach, Success (7) ***** offers resources.
Pay close attention and you may find yourself recapping the Year to date on this Water Tiger Day in this Water Tiger Year. How’s it going? An especially good day to find out.
Activity: North West to learn lessons as they present.
Empowers to eloquence: All Tigers, Horses, Dogs, Pigs.  In any Pillar.

Sunday 19th June, Water Rabbit, Pleiades, Receive (6) *** Mixed miracles
Metal Ox empowers true leadership which may not be immediately popular. A day to remain open to inspiration from unexpected quarters.
Slows down: Horse, Sheep, the rash. Activity: stillness to remain receptive.
Favours: Water(83) Wood(95) Fire(47) Pig; Water(63) Wood(75) Fire(87) Rabbit; Fire(67) Earth(79) Metal(91) Sheep; Fire(46) Earth(58) Metal(70) Water(82) Dog. In any Pillar

Monday 20th June, Wood Dragon, Net, Open (5) ***** Frustrating
Technically a “Separating Day” when qi is low – the day before the Solstice, the “Full Sun” if you will, peak Fire. Rest.
Activity: Not today.
Favours: Water(93) Wood(44) Fire(56) Monkey; Water(72) Wood(84) Fire(96) Rat; Earth(69) Metal(81)Rooster.

Tuesday 21st June, Wood Snake, Beak, Closed (4) *** Variable.
Summer Solstice
Solar Fortnight: Ha Gee/Summer Solstice separates the rising from the falling.17:46p.m. Now qi recedes as the year becomes progressively more yin. The light will take you where it will. Let it.
Activity: Not today.
No favourites.

Wednesday 22nd June, Fire Horse, Orion, Establish (3) **** Hazardous
Max Fire; things move fast: your daily round may feel especially competitive, ruthless today. Qualms, a feeling of being bent out of shape for Horses and the unwary.
Activity: Rat due North for proportion.
Safe to move: Earth(8) Metal(50) Water(62) Tiger; Fire(46) Earth(58) Metal(70) Water(82) Dog; Fire(67) Earth(79) Metal(91) Sheep.
About Remove Days: Remove days are for getting rid of the unwanted, ideal for clearing clutter (and more) but they vary in quality; things can break loose. This means you could make important and lasting mistakes on an unhelpful one. This Horse month boasts three, the 11th which is not much help but also the 23rd June & 5th July either of which may be of some use; for clutter or space clearing for instance.

Thursday 23rd June, Fire Sheep, Well, Remove (2) For discard.
Conserve your strength as you’re likely to need it over the next few days. Travel light. Discard what you don’t use or don’t love. Beware own goals.
Activity: Sheep SW1 SSW around 205º to tell which is which.

Favourites: Water(83) Wood(95) Fire(47) Pig; Fire(67) Earth(79) Metal(91) Water(43) Sheep; Wood(54) Fire(66) Earth(78) Metal(90) Horse.

Friday 24th June, Earth Monkey, Ghost, Full (1) *** a following wind.
Monkey Day/Tiger Year. Not fast-moving. Decisions today are best rooted in tradition or reliable authority as repercussions will be profound either way.
Activity: South East for research as needed.
Special assistance: Monkeys; Rats; Dragons; Snakes
In any pillar.

Saturday 25th June, Earth Rooster, Willow, Balance (9) *** right outcome.
Changeover day. Dig deep.
Activity: South East to back the underdog.
Trickiest for: Rabbit, Dog, those with heads in sand.
Activity: Ox NE1 (around 36º at NNE.)
Special assistance: Earth(89) Metal(41) Water(53) Snake; All Oxen (49, 61, 73, 85, 97); All Dragons; (40, 52, 64, 76, 88, 2000) In any pillar.

Sunday 26th June, Metal Dog, Star, Stable, (8) ***** Very helpful.
For targetting. But not the time to hustle even if you’re running late. Any hazards are within. Which means the coast is clear. In some ways, the best day of the year; close to perfect for placing long term Water or entering long term discussions. Settlement could follow in a miraculous way.
Activity:  Measure twice cut once.
FavoursAll Tigers, Horses, Dogs, Rabbits.

Monday 27th June, Metal Pig, Bow, Initiate (7) *** Surface level change.
This is a day of rumbles and rumours, the distant beginnings of things that may be huge by the time they are perceived. Keep your ear to the ground. Don’t invest in immediate results
Activity: Tiger NE3 ENE around 65º. No favourites. Caution: Snake, Monkey.

Tuesday 28th June, Water Rat, Wings, Destruction (6) *** Emotional.
Water Rat traditionally brings talk and emotion – best if they’re combined. Today is a day of poignance, tears and healing for those who’ll let it (typically Water(92) Wood(44) Fire(56) Monkey; Water(72), Wood(84) Fire(96) Rat; any Dragon or Ox.) Could be a day of mysterious stuckness for others Typically those with Horses or Sheep anywhere in their ba zi). There’s a very profound lesson in there somewhere.
Activity: Ox NE1 (around 30º ENE) to keep control.

Wednesday 29th June, Water Ox, Carriage, Danger (5) **** Stay home
New Moon: 03:52a.m. Avoid slavish behaviour; fetching and carrying is hazardous. The further afield, the more so. Detach from completing.
Caution: Horse, Sheep, the impetuous.
Activity: Ox NE1 (around 30º NNE) to stick to the point.

Thursday 30th June, Wood Tiger, Horn, Success (4) Breakthrough.
Cycles re-start, traditions revive – with a bang. It’s Double Tiger; make way – unless you’re one too! A lot of Fire especially around midday. Turbo-charges those who can make good use of Fire; pretty much of a boost to everyone else too.
Activity: North West – further Fire.
On Fire: Tiger; Horse; Dog; Pig; in any Pillar.

About New Moons: collect up your crystals, wash & Moon-bathe them & re-start the daily He Tu Journeys. Include crystals that attract, such as moldavite (for power), rose quartz, amethyst and clear quartz (which will pretty much do as it’s told). Broadly Full Moon disposes, New Moon attracts; New Moon supports beginnings, Full Moon supports peaks. This (03:52a.m. 29th June) is a very still Moon.

Friday 1st July, Wood Rabbit, Neck, Receive (3) *** Bracing
Wood Rabbit brings relief early on. After that it may be time for correction. Best not to commit to anything long term. Resist glitter and blandishment from the Rooster hour (6-8pm BST) onwards.
Activity: North West for support from authority.
Favours: Water(83) Wood(95) Fire(47) Pig; Water(63) Wood(75) Fire(87) Rabbit; Fire(67) Earth(79) Metal(91) Sheep; Fire(46) Earth(58) Metal(70) Water(82) Dog. In any Pillar

Saturday 2nd July, Fire Dragon, Foundation, Open (2) **** Magical.
Abandon logic and linear thought as far as you can. And open. Today offers a tight window to the miraculous if you can let go of pre-conceptions. Fly.
Favours: Monkeys, Rats & Roosters, a light touch
Activity: Monkey SW2 (around 240º WSW) for company.
A reassuring note about forecasting: For the most part I gloss over plagues of boils and emphasise opportunities. We forecast (rather than predict) in order mostly to avert what may be averted; perhaps 30% of what is forecast is open to alteration. The fact is that each of us has free will, nothing is written in stone, on some level there’s no such thing as a mistake & no astrological analysis can ever do us full justice or save us from making our own decisions. A great deal has to coincide for disaster to occur.  Good Timing: a 1 day workshop via Zoom on date selection.
Sunday 3rd July, Fire Snake, House, Closed (1) ***** Stops.
Study, learn; today fine tunes academic appreciation and in any case it’s a very poor day to travel or venture in most other ways. Very short on opportunities, so settle down. Things take time sometimes; there’s no linear connection between time spent and creativity.
Activity: South East for attention.
Caution: Pig, Tiger.

Monday 4th July, Earth Horse, Heart, Establish (9) *** start/stop
Much Fire; Horses, Dogs, Tigers & Sheep should take it easy. Hurry is self-defeating but if you are relatively still, today may bring ideas to follow another day. Patience. Ignore the noise.
Activity: not today.

Favours: Earth(8) Metal(50) Water(62) Tiger; Fire(46) Earth(58) Metal(70) Water(82) Dog; Fire(67) Earth(79) Metal(91) Sheep.
In any pillar.

Tuesday 5th July, Earth Sheep, Tail, Remove (8) *****  Marginal.
Discard nothing rashly. Confirm memberships, be alert for serendipity.
Activity: briefly – tai chi to belong.

Sticky fingers: Pig, Rabbit, Sheep, Horse.

Wednesday 6th July, Metal Monkey, Basket, Full (7) **** mostly meh.
Snake Month/Tiger Year/Monkey Day: trouble with transport. There’s a silver lining though; you may have to seek it out. The effort involved sets you up for some while.
Favours: Everyone & no one.
Activity: Monkey SW3 WSW around 240º.

Thursday 7th July, Metal Rooster, Dipper, Full (6) **** protection needed.
The palace of the Dark Warrior opens with Dipper. Identify the issue by looking beneath the surface and play it safe. Your response will have quite deep and lasting repercussions.
Trips up: Rabbit,Dog, the inattentive.
Activity: Ox NE1 NNE around 30º for concentration.

The Month of the Fire Horse – the shape of the month.
Boiling Point

The heart of this Horse Month is of course the Solstice from which so much is expected. Peak Fire has been reached. In point of fact the yangmost day of the year is the 3rd June as I am writing. That’s because it’s the 5th day of the lunar month of the Horse (which rarely matches the Solar Month).

At the heart of the lo shu however is the mean 7 – focused on the superficial and in a hurry which means there’s still still no good reason to trust City Hall especially when paired with the unhelpful 5. I can’t say emphatically enough: stay out of the tai chi, centres, headquarters, capitals.

A fresh Hexagram rules the next three months: Quai, sometimes called the Perverse (Number 38) is a wild card, a spanner in the works but it also represents women getting a fair share of power, justice and representation. Watch for that taking form.

Many feng shui professionals expected 2022 to lack Fire. Probably because my basis for calculation is different and relatively unorthodox, I didn’t. Seems to me it’s proved a year overrun with Fire: firepower, fired employees, wild Fire – even if the sun isn’t shining. If your ba zi favours Fire, aim to be outside as and when the Sun shines. At the very least it’ll boost your vitamin D.

Forecasts and suggestions for the various locations are listed above but perhaps take note that the North is doubly proscribed as are East and the tai chi; approach or locate with caution. On the other hand one of the implications of the 1 in the North East is treaties and negotiation and of course the USSR lies in that direction from here. Which sounds hopeful. But as I’ve said in response to that question: if the Dragon Month did not topple Dragons Johnson & Putin, both are unlikely to fall much before the Dragon Year of 2024, though this October and then April 2024 may see a reduction in the power of Dragons generally.

Forecasting as you know has to be 70% correct so that we can mitigate or transform the 30%. And as both my role models Edgar Cayce and Chuck Spezzano said in their different ways: when I’m wrong about such things it just shows that prayer works.

This month I’ll be teaching ze ri in two separate workshops: ( ) one timed to suit my European students, the other for the rest of world. It’s still the case that no dictators have registered so far. Join us.
Richard Ashworth 3rd June 2022 

What to do where, when & indeed why in the 7 month of the Fire Horse.

2022     S                                                                          June         
4           9         2                                                               6            2          4
3           5          7                                                               5           7          9
8           1          6                                                               1            3          8

Red is readily usable, Black not. Green varies. Yellow marks the san sha. Caution.
These notes indicate where to locate this month.

Indications below are generic and may interfere with patterns I have set up. If I’ve worked on your space/home/building recently you might want to check in with me. For best value, consider the various levels on which these indications may take form: domestic, educational, in the workplace, in the commercial, global, political and other realms. You may be able to add a balancing Element, alter your orientation or change rooms but some areas you may only be able to observe.

Tai chi, Home, the centre: Year Star: 5 Month Star: 7. Year Wu huang.
5 and 7 together are about as bad as it gets: robbery, fire, conflict, sickness (especially stomach, mouth and lungs) are the traditional upsets. Even Metal is not much help as it exacerbates the 7 while weakening the 5. The 5 Yellow or wu huang is the only Star not identified with a Trigram. It’s not part of the family, it has no stake and no quarter. Beware. Globally no sign of peace; at home tension likely to rise. Stay out of the tai chi if you can. Mark it off so you know where it is. Mouth infections could indicate that you’re lingering there unintentionally.
The 5:7 pairing speaks of chaos at the heart of things. No clear direction from purported authority. A time to keep your own counsel and dispense trust frugally. Beware governments, HQs, capitals, centres. This too shall pass.
Continue to steer clear.
Pacify: t’ang lung; we can supply these.
Salt Water Cure; we can send you instructions.
No Fire: avoid bright light.

Location by Location
North West, Authority: Year Star: 6 Month Star: 8 Fortune Virtue (Pig NW3).
8 is helpful wherever it lands. Here it not only flatters the mature male but implies good outcomes in this part of the building. Add Water to make this more of an equal-opportunities place of good auspices but locating here is a pretty good choice anyway. The 6:8 pairing suggests that true authority is emerging: not necessarily elected or appointed but authority mandated by experience and wisdom. Globally there’s not much to do but observe. At home add Water – one aspect of which is simply authentic and if necessary emotional, communication. When the student is ready, the teacher appears.
Exploit: Water brings the magical 1:6:8.

West, Intervention: Year Star: 7; Month Star: 9. Annual toe far. Dragon Virtue
The 9 tends to make the 7 worse (ie confrontational) as a rule but if you made the Western sector (especially outside) very bright, loud and active (and open to the Sun if possible) you might encourage the 9 to reflect promotion, visibility and celebration. Open windows, use curtains sparingly. Let the sunshine in. As Chuck Spezzano used to say, fighting is just foreplay.
Activate: with Fire or Wood: bright light
Reduce impact of all sorts:  Water – a bowl changed daily.

North East, Wealth Star: Tai sui (Tiger) or Year Star: 8 Month Star: 1.
1 and 8 traditionally indicate fame and fortune but often not without friction. The Earth of the 8 may muddy the Water of the 1: harsh words, also various Water-related (eg kidney, ears) ailments could affect elders. Best spot for GCSE revision this month and for adults a space that is creative literally, metaphorically and financially. As ever favours Pigs and Rats (whose secret friends are Tiger & Ox respectively) of course
Continue to avoid facing NE3 (around 60º ENE).
Magnify: Metal brings the magical 1:6:8.

South, Bright Future: Year Star: 9 Month Star: 2.
Risk mild illness (or not) for chance of increase: 2 means profit, accumulation and other forms of growth. Not necessarily oedema & obesity as used to be considered the case up to now. Don’t overdo occupation here till the balance between the two is clear in your particular space. Then add Metal or Wood.
Magnify: with Wood (e.g. four plants or 4 flowers).
Reduce influence: add Metal.

North, Communication: Star: 1 Month Star: 3. Annual & Monthly san sha
1: 3 is industrious and aspirational. Another pretty good place for exam revision. Risk of upsetting employers or other authorities however. If that appears to be happening, add a little Fire (eg light or the colour red).

South West, Accumulation: Year Star: 2 Month Star: 4. Sui po
2:4 stumulates artistic expression and other forms of creativity but can almost as easily be the place that Mother/Daughter friction occurs. One of you could be distracted by romance. Suits artistic/literary expression and of course exam revision: best for Snake & Horse in this respect. Hold back before committing words to paper if your literary aspirations are in the way. Dad is best tutor/invigilator here.
Enhance: Water: a bowl changed daily.

East, Ambition: Year Star: 3 Month: 5. Sun (Rabbit E2),
Pretty poor for anyone residing East this month especially for Eldest Son, also Roosters & Rabbits – who may experience cash flow issues as the risky 3 meets the troublesome 5. Dogs: stay clear.
Enhance: add a little Metal – eg white furniture/décor.

South East, Determination: Year Star: 4 Month Star: 6. Moon (Snake SE3)
The 6 Literary (also military honours) Star arrives. Yang Metal 6 clashes yin Wood 4. Could very be creative or argumentative or both. Cash flow improvement for 1st & 3rd Daughters also Pig & Rooster located here. Possible broken bones
Tame: with Water eg dark blue.
Magnify effect: with Wood – four (or many more) plants inside – & outside if you open the window.
Note: Directions are from the tai chi (ie heart of the property) Feng shui is a very personal thing so generic advice needs to be applied with awareness of the underlying energy.

Four Point Activation for 2022:
The simultaneous 4-Point Activation of Dragon Virtue, Sun, Moon and Fortune Virtue at Rooster (around 270˚ W2), Rabbit (around 90˚ E2), Snake (around 154˚ SE) and Pig (around 330˚ NW1) respectively, is said to clear any major blockage; it may help to consider what that blockage actually appears to be, what constitutes clearing it and how that will feel.

Locations are from the tai chi.

The actual drill:
Put simultaneous attention on these four spots during the designated double hour, moving between them, making noise, cleaning, placing Water, working or whatever. The more energy expended the better. Outcome may relate to energy put in and quality of materials.

If I have surveyed for you, I will have marked these points. If you’re unclear, do check. You may need help but many manage on their own by setting things up and moving from place to place. Agitation – drilling, digging, hammering – will always activate, but certain locations at certain times suit certain types of activation; see below.

Hint: buy a rubber hammer.

Important: Timing:
1. Activation is likely to be most effective on auspicious days. We identify these in the Monthly and Weekly bulletins available by subscription. The North East, South West & tai chi may prove specially hazardous if activated carelessly this year.

2. Equally important is to choose a month that is safe for your particular building; this involves the Great Sun calculation which given the orientation of your building, we can work out for you; it relates to the sitting (or rear) position and it’s a bit fiddly.
If in doubt, don’t do the Activation.

Next suitable Date:                                                    30th  June
14:00 to 16:00p.m. BST

Additional Date for Water placement:                      26th  June
                                                                                    18:00 to 20:00p.m. BST

The locations (measured from the tai chi)
Note: tapping with a rubber hammer on its own may be sufficient vibration to move qi.

1. The Rooster (W2):
Special Star:             Dragon Virtue, burnishes & rescues reputation.
Toe far – makes romantic matches especially for
Monkey, Dragon and Rat – in any Pillar but most effective if
Year or Day.
Activation:                Bright light, moving all the furniture out of the
location, vacuuming, dusting etc & returning it.
Loud music. Not Water. Vibration.
6 Pipe Metal wind chime. Music box.

2. The Rabbit (E2):
Special Star:             Sun, mends, restores, blesses.
Activate here to heal a reversal attributable to a
feng shui error.
Activation:                Bright light. Water or fountain.
Moving all the furniture out of the location,
vacuuming, dusting etc and returning it!
Calm devotional Music. Gentle movement.

3.The Snake (SE3).:
Special Star:             Moon, helps things add up, organises.
Employ to tighten up admin, accounting etc.
Activation:                Bright light. Vigorous vibration.
Water – fountain best. Plus cleaning etc.
Music, dance, activity. Open doors & windows.

4. The Pig (NW1):
Special Star:             Fortune Virtue, abundance star.
Activation:                     Bright light. 6 Pipe Metal wind chime,
Agitation, cleaning etc. Music.
A little Fire – e.g. bright light

Instructions for 2022 He Tu Journeys.
There are four journeys this year. So you’ll need eight bowls and 120 rose quartz tumblestones. You may have some left over from the Ox Year.

1. Wash and leave your 120 tumblestones outside under the New Moon.

2. Place bowl of 30 tumbles at each starting point (NW, NE, SE, SW)

3. Place an empty bowl at each of the end points: (N, E, S, W).

4. Move one crystal daily from starting to end point of each journey.
At the next New Moon you’ll have four bowls holding 30 tumbles each at the end points (N, E, S, W).and four empty bowls at the starting points (NW, NE,  SE, SW)

5. Wash stones again, leave them under the New Moon again, start again.
You are mixing  the energies of the two locations. So breath in deeply at the starting point and feel, then carry that energy with you to the end point. Notice the meanings of the Star numbers as you mingle them.

Starting Points & End Points for He Tu Journeys 2022:
NW to N       He Tu Water          Communicating authority   Father to Son.
NE to E         He Tu Wood          Team building, creativity.      Brothers.
SE to S          He Tu Metal           Invention, discovery            Sisters.
SW to W       He Tu Fire              Brilliance                              Mother to Daughter

Richard Ashworth is one of the most respected Western Feng Shui Masters. He was among the pioneers of feng shui survey & analysis at a distance on MySpirit Radio in the noughties. A good taster of his approach may be found on Audible at can also see him at work on tv’s Housebusters at  Or read his collected Feng Shui Diaries. Most Thursdays and Fridays he is to be found teaching both feng shui and ba zi one-to-one online (times by mutual arrangement) with students from Seattle to Belgium.

Richard has worked from Lebanon to Bermuda, in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore and with stars such as Naomie Harris, Kelly Hoppen and Gillian Anderson. Unusually for a Western Master, he has addressed the Grand Masters at the International Feng Shui Conference in Singapore. He is now also a Founder Committee Member of the IFSA UK Chapter.

Every month we send subscribing clients a more comprehensive monthly bulletin than this one, covering in detail right places to be (and when) as well as the most helpful days Animal by Animal & much more from the Chinese calendar.
Subscriptions (and further info)

Richard Ashworth©

Richard Ashworth©

29, Portsmouth Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2JU | tel: 01483 428998 |

Corporate and Media Contact: Peter Dunne. Tel. 07768 617330

© Richard Ashworth 2025