Bringing Home the Bacon: Month of the Water Pig 2018

Feng Shui Bulletin for November 2018
(20:54pm 7th November to 13:30 7th December 2018 inclusive)

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Hexagram 2

Animal by Animal
During this Water Pig Month,
The Rat is blocked,
The Ox may be fixated,
Tiger feels safe to pounce,
The Rabbit leaps if she dares,
The Dragon may take a little time out,
The smart Snake preempts opposition,
The Horse frets,
The Sheep sees the road ahead,
 Monkeys say just a little too much,
The Rooster stalls,
The Dog looks back,
The Pig feels crowded.


Remember:      Each Pillar of  a ba zi represents an aspect of your life:
Year Animal:    physicality, forebears, heritage, obvious & immediate;
Month Animal: work environment, education, peers, siblings, exes;
Day Animal:     you and your beloved;
Hour Animal:   intimate thoughts, children, dreams, the future.
A 5 month is about power that can be dangerous and hard to master.
A Pig month often emphasises the need for space and versatility.
Most helpful locations: North East & South.
Least helpful locations: tai chi & North.
Favoured Animals: Rabbit, Sheep & Tiger.
Especially challenged: Snake, Monkey, Rooster, Ox.
The Hexagram (above): Kun Earth, Earth over Earth, empowering.

4       9       2
3       5       7
8       1       6
 Water Pig

We still have some slots for Tune-Ups for 2019, getting your space up to date for the changed energy of the Earth Pig Year.
So much is different.
Also there are some places left for my Pig Year Forecast Day.


Bringing home the Bacon: the Water Pig Month
There are at least five different ways to calculate when the Chinese New Year starts. One is the day the energy of the daily Star reverses from yin to yang on its journey back to the Fire of the Summer. Very simply that falls on the 28th November this year. So in a sense the Year of the Earth Pig is beginning. If you’re sensitive to these things you may feel it, a delicate prickling in the rind perhaps. This month is different from the rest of the year. It’s anticipatory, as if hanging back for its turn. That is a likely theme of the month: when is the moment to make your move? Clearest answers may fall to Rabbit, Sheep and Tiger but there are helpful days for most of us. You’ll find these set out in my Monthly & Weekly Retainer Bulletins which for a modest fee you can subscribe to.

Those born during a Pig year may feel crowded rather than clear right now. Pigs are often not in clover during Pig months like this or Pig years like 2019. The Pig’s versatility means they are often not easy to pin down. Technically they have Earth, Wood and Water aspects; grounded, aspirational, distracted and emotional all at once. You may know people born in 1947, 59, 71, 83 or 1995 who are like this. For them these are likely to be ancestral traits, passed down the generations. Nature, nurture or dna? Who knows? Hillary Clinton (Fire Pig 1947) must have mixed feelings about the female surge in the Congressional mid-terms.

You may equally be familiar with individuals born in the Pig Month – that is November (although the Chinese month actually runs from around the 7th Nov to 7th Dec). They will often show the same wide-ranging interests, skills and need for space as Year-Pigs. And right now a feeling that the time has not yet come. But for the Month-Pigs this will tend to be restricted to the realm of work. Maybe mull these ideas over as they relate to the duties of  monarch-in-waiting Prince Charles (born November 1948).

Those born in the Pig Hour (between 9&11pm) may know these same things about themselves and their children but be in no great hurry to share the information. Be sure though that you have the precise time of their birth; it’s an unusual midwife who thinks “Let’s get the time right for the astrologers” before ensuring the baby is alive and well. Such ba zis can as you might guess, be a nightmare to draft; the Hour-Pig is an elusive porker.

And finally people born on a Pig day may open themselves only to those who know them well. Flexibility, versatility and inclusion are close to their heart. This month could be a busy one. About which they may have mixed feelings. Take 1965 Wood Snake JK Rowling; with record-breaking play, new movie and tv series, she probably has her hands full. Many ba zi practitioners would say she might actually be most helpfully considered a Pig rather than a Snake.

For the rest of us the Pig is now in the very air we breathe. As I said above, Rabbit, Sheep and Tiger are likely to find this empowering; Rooster, Ox, Snake and Monkey not so much. Dragon and Rat may find it hard to turn words into deeds, Horse and Rooster may be frustrated by lack of attention.

Again whether these Animals rule their Hour, Day, Month or Year of birth is critical; if that question intrigues, ask someone who can read a Chinese calendar to identify all four of your ruling Animals. Who knows what you may discover about yourself?

Richard Ashworth ©2018.

Where to be in November.
Summary: prosperous.
North East, Wealth Star: Year Star: 3 Moon, Month Star: 8.
The 8 is the Star of Prosperity. When it arrives in the North East it supports the meditation, spiritual connection and fertility natural there but activated it may make the area unusually aspirational, especially for West Group people (kuas 2 6 7 & 8), Rats & Pigs. Prayers may bear unusual fruit. Bright light will once again activate. Not for kids though or pregnant women.
To boost: Fire, that is bright light, as close to 24/7 as possible.

Where not to be in November.
Summary: morbid.
North, Distant Future: Year Star:5 annual san sha, Month Star:1
The North remains contentious as hell. The visiting 1 Water Star is little help: most authorities predict illness relating to the watery parts of the body such as kidney, bladder and ears. Also heartbreak in love. Do not face this direction or enter your house this way if you can possibly avoid it. Stay out! Again.
Mitigate: Anchort’ang lung (what’s that?) only.
Richard Ashworth ©2018. 

Richard Ashworth is among the most respected Western Feng Shui Masters. He has worked from Lebanon to Bermuda, in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore and with stars such as Kelly Hoppen and Gillian Anderson. Unusually for a Western Master, he has addressed the Grand Masters at the International Feng Shui Conference in Singapore. His day job remains “walking round people’s spaces being enigmatic”.

Every month we send (at a modest fee) retainer clients a more comprehensive monthly bulletin than this one, covering in detail right places to be (and when) as well as helpful days Animal by Animal and much more from the Chinese calendar.

Subscriptions (and further info):
Richard Ashworth©


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Corporate and Media Contact: Peter Dunne. Tel. 07768 617330

© Richard Ashworth 2025