Discover the Secrets of the Four Pillars of Destiny: professional starter Ba zi course 2014.

Discover the Secrets of the Four Pillars of Destiny:

professional starter Ba zi course 2014

Why do some of us repeat the same errors time and again? Why are health, relationship and plenty like falling off a log for some and falling under one for others? It may have something to with the ba zi, a snapshot of the elements prevailing at our birth.


Ba zi is sometimes called a Chinese Horoscope which is misleading because although it can be spookily accurate about our character, circumstances, strengths and weaknesses, its central value is in identifying moments of choice. If we can identify a choice – good, bad, ugly, far-reaching or incidental – we can un- or re-choose. Ba zi may be the best tool that there is for dissolving stuckness.


At the end of the four weekends you will be able to draft a full ba zi in Chinese characters – it’s really not that hard – and although ba zi is a life’s study, you will have all the tools to interpret.


Who should join us? Anyone curious to know more about themselves or about feng shui and Chinese Metaphysics. Anyone wishing to make better choices and more informed plans for the future. It’s likely to be a group of interesting, individual and curious men and women. These groups always are.

For more details go to:

29, Portsmouth Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2JU | tel: 01483 428998 |

Corporate and Media Contact: Peter Dunne. Tel. 07768 617330

© Richard Ashworth 2025