Dog Diary: what to expect in October 2014.

Beyond our kennel.

Dog Month opens: October 8th 18:20pm.

Beyond our kennel.

The festival known as Chung Yeung is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth Chinese lunar month, hence it is known as the Double Ninth. It’s a public holiday, this year October 1st. That’s one reason the Hong Kong Occupy action took place then. That date meant disruption to business was minimised and also that the famously assiduous student population felt able to cram the streets. I notice that they are dissipating as the total lunar eclipse of the 8th October approaches. I’m clearly not the only person who’s considering this stuff.

Esoterically some view a double nine as dangerously unbalanced, over-spontaneous and potentially hot headed. Others consider it visionary. Either way the choice of date suggests that metaphysics as well as indignation is alive and well among the younger generation of Hong Kong. Not to mention consideration and good manners.

The Dog is both stubborn and restless. So indignation may be the passion of the month. As it happens I’ve received some recognition for my (wrong) prediction of a “Yes” vote in the Scottish referendum but 45% of Scots remain suspicious as the promises made in the dark before the vote appear to be forgotten. The restless energy I overestimated is still abroad. From Catalonia to Quebec it remains unassuaged. History tells us that the parallel Wood Horse year to this one 1714 which also saw the continuing rise of the South Sea Bubble – the world’s first junk bond crisis – was followed by the First Highland Uprising in 1715. What are we to make of that? That the quest for proper representation is far from over is one conclusion. That we’re not going to save the world from itself until the profit motive subordinates itself to human well-being is another. Oil companies paying scientists to lie on their behalf and then believing the lies are like Wile E Coyote sawing off the limb he is sitting upon just as were the officers of the South Sea company selling worthless pieces of paper and then buying them back at a hundred times the selling price.

Traditionally an eclipse, interestingly enough was thought of as the Sky Dog swallowing the Moon. Eclipses are generally considered baleful auguries of course and dogs have a habit of depositing the waste from their swallowings in the most inconvenient places.

The Dog in the Dog Month.

Dogs (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006) are loyal, considerate, faithful and often available past their sell-by date. They can have little truck with ramblings like these; in the Dog month otherwise-enigmatic Dragons like me can seem to be psycho-babbling prats. The Dog draws Fire from the reserved Rabbit and watches the back of the security-unconscious Horse while making the Rooster uncomfortable. He may even help the Tiger simmer down.

Dog Month, Animal by Animal.

During the Dog month:

The Rooster is overdressed.

The Dragon is affronted,

The Ox shies away.

The Snake prepares to bite,

The Monkey extends his break,

The Dog believes in himself, right or wrong.

The Pig prepares,

The Rat drafts a statement.

The Tiger estimates his influence,

The Horse rears up.

The Rabbit steps up.


The Sheep is not at home.

Dog Pillars. Find your inner Dog.

Birth in the Dog hour (19:00pm-21:00pm): conservative children.

Birth in the Dog month (August*): unsatisfied doing work without variety.

Birth on the Dog day#: partners of lifelong loyalty.

Birth in the Dog year: fixed views that life may moderate.

* Caution, the Chinese month generally starts and finishes a few days after ours.

# Just ask.

Where to do what, when and why.

This month’s lo shu is the fiery 9. The 9 amplifies. So the volume is turned up on whatever processes are already underway. In a 4 year, which is itself about invention, a 9 month offers something like prophecy. What outcome is to be predicted from the current circumstances?

This month: South West, Accumulation: 1, 6. A transformational he tu combination and still the best location, front door and way to face in 2014. Add Earth for a boost; 1:6:8 is generally reckoned to bring money. The Sun of healing remains alongside the helpful tin yute gwai yan. This location suits low, flat, rectangular furnishings so you can be there and be square.


Sat 18th October: Richard will be talking at the London School of Astrology’s ‘Improve Your Life’ Day. Expect lame jokes, occasional poignance included in the ticket price. More details at:

Auspicious Dates and Places

Every month Richard compiles for his retainer clients at vast expense, a detailed bulletin of the current auspicious dates, places and procedures for health, wealth and wisdom. Now you can subscribe at a little less than vast expanse. If you’re interested in receiving that bulletin along with his daily Hot Spots, contact

Richard Ashworth©, late in the month of the Water Rooster, 2014.

29, Portsmouth Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2JU | tel: 01483 428998 |

Corporate and Media Contact: Peter Dunne. Tel. 07768 617330

© Richard Ashworth 2025