A full survey involves a comprehensive look at a property which usually takes a day. If your property is either very big or unexpectedly complicated or you have special requirements, it may take longer. We will discuss this on booking.
Generally I start by discussing with you what the ba zi has already brought up which can be life-changing in itself. Often it will have told me all sorts of things about you before we meet.
Next I will establish the orientation and dimensions of a property (you can follow me around or leave me to it) so that I can draft a map of temporary and permanent energies. As 70% of feng shui is external, this will mean looking around outside and in. I will make a tape of the whole process on the spot for you to keep and I aim to do the drafting then also but sometimes it is best left till later, especially if there are a lot of human issues to address.
This full survey also includes aftercare other than further visits or further drafting. I am available via email or phone (at your expense and in business hours) for support while you implement recommendations and the chi settles. In practice I often visit twice within my original quote.
In my own house the feng shui is pretty much constant work in progress. So if I come to yours and make twenty or thirty recommendations you may need to feed information back to me as things start to work and there is likely to be some to & fro-ing which is included in the price.
Basically a full survey means I will stick with you until the energy moves positively.
All prices on application
On the other hand, I will do a “walkround” which involves me doing just that. I will record our discussion(s) but you may choose to make notes as the walkround does not include any paperwork. This usually takes two to three hours onsite during which I aim to point out the major problems and what to do about them. I don’t guarantee to draft a full ba zi, although I will if time permits and I won’t do any involved calculations or drafting but I will take sufficient measurements and orientations to be able to write it up as a full survey (with brief ba zi) later if you change your mind. I will record this too.
All prices on application
Feng Shui, enriching lives in South-East Asia.
Not many people in Europe know that in Malay kuala lumpur means “muddy river.” When I was last in KL, a well-known feng shui Master showed me how he had located his second sumptuously-appointed office suite in relation to the railway line and the soup-coloured River Klang (which may well have been the muddy river in question). He also pointed out to me the premises of a client across the river whose new build – on his advice – was precisely parallel to his own.

In Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore, the skyline is studded with unusual buildings. Very often the peculiarities are feng-shui inspired. It is a matter of record for instance that much of the unusual detail of the HSBC building by Kowloon Harbour was included on the advice of a feng shui Grand Master. If you’re ever there, have a look; for one thing there are two subterranean floors accessed by a ground-level escalator. While you’re there, look up at the window-cleaning harnesses on the façade opposite the Bank of China. And perhaps look at the corresponding wall of the BoC. Then perhaps notice the red and white house style of both banks and compare their progress through the last decade or so with that of their many struggling European competitors. Both of these banks retain feng shui Grand Masters.
It’s also a matter of record that HSBC was the only British clearing bank that needed no special assistance during the crash of 2008. And it’s hard to ignore that as China has put up high-rise after high-rise, she has become wealthier and wealthier.
Closer to home.
Feng shui may be all about abundance but it is not all about money. As of writing I don’t advise any banks but I am retained by a number of businesses who have found that the principles of the Five Elements can be used to ensure health and harmony among staff. Ba Zi – for which I’m probably best known – is a big help in identifying who gets on with whom, and what shape a team should take, for instance. Equally, seating people appropriately can ensure support in the right places; placing Accounts in the money spots and the boss in the dominant locations are good examples as well as ensuring that doors and driveways are ideally located.
Best Staff, Beautiful Home, Beautiful Partner.
I have a client in the Midlands who runs a small manufacturing business. When we met in 2007, he did not own his home, had not been in relationship for several years and his business was poorly staffed. We staffed up the business with the best people he’d ever had, found him a beautiful home which is in the course of being adapted to him and a partner who is a ten on every scale that matters. He did not experience any downturn in his business during those years by the way.
If you’d like to test these claims, feel free to invite me into your business.
Price on application.
I also hand draft ba zis for individuals without necessarily doing a feng shui survey. A ba zi lets me know a great deal about someone – their future, their past and their nature – whether we meet or not. More importantly, because it is based on five-element theory, a ba zi lets me know what can be done to help. A ba zi can in the right circumstances lead to radical life change quite rapidly. The cost includes a 1-hour debrief session and a recording of the session which will be emailed to you. I offer four subsequent sessions as a package if that is appropriate. Sessions usually take place here in Godalming or at Harley Street but I can do a ba zi by mail, telephone or Skype and it is often a good place to start.
Once the ba zi is drafted I will (by arrangement) offer further up-to-date interpretation at my hourly rate: ie you don’t have to pay all over again for drafting.
By arrangement, I also offer personalised year forecasts based on the ba zi; usually in conjunction with my Annual Predictions which go out to my emailing list shortly after the Winter Solstice.
All prices on application
For more about the ba zi go to the Ba Zi page.
Richard’s annual predictions go out automatically to everybody. Many people have these personalised so as to know what the chi is doing month by month and how this relates to them. You will need a full ba zi drawn up for this first.
Price on application.
Purchase Advice: These days I can generally give you a yes/no from an agent’s online information without leaving my office and I charge this at my hourly rate. I will view onsite by arrangement also.
Timing: I will choose auspicious dates for any event.
Compatibility and career suitability: I will compare ba zis I have already drafted at my hourly rate. Generally this is two hours’ work.
Commercial Surveys, Architectural and Planning
All prices on application