Grouching Dragon/Powder Monkey: my diary for the Dragon Month which started overnight

Grouching Dragon/Powder Monkey
My diary for the month of the Water Dragon
(April 4th 16:32pm May 5th 09:54 inclusive)
in the Year of the Fire Monkey.

—-  —-
Hexagram 43

Rain washes away the pollution of the past,
so one is restored to original wholeness and soundness. Liu I-Ming.

If you would like to learn ba zi & feng shui, see the panel at end of the article for special Spring deal, Sheila.

The Dragon Month
 Animal by Animal.
During this Water Dragon Month,
The Rats plan is revealed,
The Ox builds an argument,
The Tiger can sit in judgement,
The Rabbit makes demands,
The Dragons ego may need checking,
The Snake is attentive,
The Horse awaits her turn,
The Sheep prepares defence,
The Monkeys aim improves,
The Rooster is exalted,
Most Dogs retreat,
The Pig steps up.

Where to do what, when and why
Summary: The month’s 9 Star brings attention. With the Wood Season of Spring well underway, there is plenty of Fire about. This suggests a dynamic month that like fortune, favours the brave. Along with rapid change, expect attention; best to make it welcome. This probably applies most to Rats, Roosters and Monkeys as well as those with 3, 4 2 and 8 kuas. Dragons are best advised to welcome (but not to seek) lime light. If you’ve set up shop by the tai chi (or heart) of your space – you shouldn’t have – decamp now. If remaining there is inevitable, watch your diet.

South East, Determination: Year Star: 1 Fortune Virtue Month Star: 8.
Now the place where things are happening. With the impetus of the 8 it’s the place for imminent discovery, research and intellectual achievement.  Be there; occupy, sleep, work in this area. You can add Wood usefully too – 4 bamboo stems in 4 glasses of Water is helpful and/or a Water fountain; in this case bringing achievement to fruition. Fill your boots! A little (and I mean a little) Metal – a coin or two – here may help too. A South East door is the best one right now – especially for kuas 3 4 and 9 as well as certain Monkeys, Rats, Snakes, Roosters and Oxen. If you can’t locate South East, face that way; all you need is a scout compass and a little gumption. Location is relative to the space we find ourselves in. How we face is determined by the vastness of the stars.

Know your inner dragon. How Dragon are you?
Birth in the Dragon Hour (7-9am)~: late-blooming magic.
Birth on the Dragon Day#: hard to predict.
Birth during the Dragon Month (April)*: transformational business.
Birth in the Dragon Year: wizardry down the opposite gender dna line.

~ An hour later than the clock during British Summertime.
# You’ll need a Chinese calendar for this.
* Caution: Chinese months start later than Western ones.

Grouching Dragon/Powder Monkey
As you know, all Monkey years are somewhat alike; so we can as I’ve said before, expect 2016 to recall 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968 and 1956. Remember those? Even if you recall the years it’s unlikely you’ll remember April, the pivotal Dragon month of those Monkey years. And what you may also not know is that the top part of the Chinese ideogram for Dragon is a thunder cloud. There is no Dragon without thunder, no Dragon without the cleansing force of the storm. The Dragon focuses the chaos that accompanies the Monkey. Not that that is all bad; fresh air and second chances follow thunder. And this month promises innovation, experimentation and breakthrough – in whichever context concerns you. The fact remains however that in the year of the mischievous Monkey, change may be sudden.

What might the shape of that change be? It is clear if you’ve been paying attention that there is dissatisfaction in the air. Much of it is evenly shared out between followers of Donald Chump, Bernie Sanders, Corbyn, Farage, Syriza, Podemos, and even Isis, the world’s largest and nastiest playground gang. With rising hysteria and riots, the US election is looking more and more like the Earth Monkey of 1968 while much of the rest of the world is looking unstable. And in April we can expect acceleration.

So whether your concern is domestic, social, romantic or commercial, now is not the time to be precious about the status quo but to embrace change. There may be sticking plasters to remove, attachment to detail could simply prove painful. Indeed attachment to comfort may be especially uncomfortable. At the end of April the landscape – political, social, personal, domestic – may look very different. In a good way.
Richard Ashworth © 2016 

*Special Spring Offer*  If you book & pay for Richard’s ba zi & feng shui courses & pay in full by the 15th April 2016, you can have both courses either in person or via Skype for £2000.00.
Just email:

29, Portsmouth Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2JU | tel: 01483 428998 |

Corporate and Media Contact: Peter Dunne. Tel. 07768 617330

© Richard Ashworth 2025