Healing Water for Fukushima


How we might help Fukushima: tomorrow March 31st noon

It’s possible you’ve never heard of Dr Masuru Emoto but he’s probably the leading edge in understanding water. This may seem an obscure accomplishment perhaps until you recall that we are all 80% h2o ourselves. He has written several books (best known probably is The Hidden Messages in Water) demonstrating just how responsive water is. His experiments demonstrate for instance that different emotions affect the molecular structure of water differently. You may have seen some of his breathtakingly beautiful photographs of affected water molecules. In short, water will take a message.
All of the above is pure feng shui; water is communication. All water is constantly in search of all other water. If I spill a drop, it will spread and descend until it finds other water. It may even evaporate in this pursuit. Like communication, you simply can’t, as the tsunami showed, block water. Some of the water we drink today will physically make its way to Fukushima. .
So if you like me, have been wondering how other than donating money to one of the richest nations on Earth you can help those suffering in Japan, please give serious consideration to repeating Dr Emoto’s words tomorrow Thursday 31st March at noon.
Water will not condense; it’s just not possible. And this fact that we are ourselves substantially water suggests that it may be intrinsic to life itself. In blessing Japan we bless ourselves. We ca be sure the water is listening.
Lecture over,


A letter from Dr Masaru Emoto

To All People Around the World,

Please send your prayers of love and gratitude to water at the nuclear plants in Fukushima, Japan!

By the massive earthquakes of Magnitude 9 and surreal massive tsunamis, more than 10,000 people are still missing…even now… It has been 16 days already since the disaster happened. What makes it worse is that water at the reactors of Fukushima Nuclear Plants started to leak, and it’s contaminating the ocean, air and water molecule of surrounding areas.

Human wisdom has not been able to do much to solve the problem, but we are only trying to cool down the anger of radioactive materials in the reactors by discharging water to them.

Is there really nothing else to do?

I think there is. During over twenty year research of hado measuring and water crystal photographic technology, I have been witnessing that water can turn positive when it receives pure vibration of human prayer no matter how far away it is.

Energy formula of Albert Einstein, E=MC2 really means that Energy = number of people and the square of people’s consciousness.

Now is the time to understand the true meaning. Let us all join the prayer ceremony as fellow citizens of the planet earth. I would like to ask all people, not just in Japan, but all around the world to please help us to find a way out the crisis of this planet!!
The prayer procedure is as follows.

Day and Time:
March 31st, 2011 (Thursday)
12:00 noon in each time zone

Please say the following phrase:

“The water of Fukushima Nuclear Plant,
we are sorry to make you suffer.
Please forgive us. We thank you, and we love you.”

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