Horse 2017

Who is a Horse?

Years:  1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014.
Month*:  June
Hour: 11:00 am – 01:00 pm
Day: ask us
* Caution: the start of the Chinese month can be as early as the 4th & as late as the 9th, depending on the year. I can let you know this too.

Skip to: Horse in Fire Rooster Year.

What is a Horse?

The horse is yang fire: the charmer, the extrovert, the seducer of the Zodiac, the Horse is rarely caught however high-risk his strategy. She has an ego of course but is better able to laugh at himself than for instance the Dragon. Like the Dragon, the Pig and the Rooster though, she is often not inclined to work with her own kind. The typical Horse is not a deep thinker and ego leads him to suppose that no one else is either.

There tends to be a belief in shortage, at work in the Horse. You may imagine that you must be first to the trough if you are to eat. In romance the Horse, like the Rooster, can be what Leonard Cohen calls “a thin gypsy thief”. This means his weakness can be a failure to respect boundaries and property. Of all the animals, the Horse and Rooster are typically the marriage breakers and the home wreckers. This is not inevitable of course. If we know this about ourselves we can make wiser choices. Just because today is a good day to die, it is not necessarily a good day to kill.

Predictably the Horse is often not great at commitment. The yin and yang of this by the way is that a self-aware Horse is the most constant partner there is.

Success matters a great deal to the Horse. He is not generally subtle. It is the winning not the taking part that tends to concern you.

Obviously enough the fiery Horse is not keen on water. He experiences this element, whether expressed as a Rat year or as excessive communication, as dampening his enthusiasm. Water slows him down but does not halt him. This tends to make the Water months – November to January – turbulent in all sorts of senses including the meteorological.

Interestingly the Horse’s charisma is best expressed either in a team with the other Plum Flowers, Rat,

Rabbit and Rooster or with the Sheep. You will often find Sheep and Horse out and about together, the Horse radiating charm and the Sheep reflecting it. This actually is a good partnership; the Sheep is in awe of the sheer daring of the Horse and the reckless Horse may often need grounding, safety and a short term loan.

The Horse’s home team, all of whom have fire in common, is with the Tiger and the Dog. These are the hunters of the Zodiac: the Tiger kills, the Horse chases, the Dog guards. This support system is the most likely to bring the Horse rewards. On his own he is prone to burn brightly and extinguish early. You’ll have a good time though.

The Horse can find the Ox hard work also. There is metal hidden in the Ox which the Horse can turn to his advantage but the Ox’s preferences are so humdrum.

The Horse has visual, imaginative and intellectual gifts but is unlikely to value them enough to put them to good use. Many of the words we use about the virtue of work illustrate the unwillingness of the Horse to stick at things: harness, yoke, saddle, blinker etc. Again the yin and yang is that a conscious Horse never quits.

A Horse who works with a Snake may achieve greatness because the Snake understands the Horse just as she understands the Dragon, additionally the Snake will not need to compete. In many ways the Snake is the perfect partner but it is more likely the Snake will recognise this than the Horse. The Snake suffers in the short term and the Horse in the long.

Racing, partying, playing, the danger for the Horse is burnout. The challenge is to defer gratification long enough that there remains a future.

Horse in Fire Rooster Year

Hurry slowly.

Stars include: sap gon luk, toe far.

Like 2014, you have sap gon luk, the star of success through good preparation this year. Your success remains assured; although this is predominantly a Metal year, your Fire shines through. Thank your parents btw – that’s what sap gon luk means. Chuck Spezzano used to say that “bonding is effortless success”; not “implies” or “entails”, “is”. Of your soul-mates, the Dog will be restless, many will have fallen by the wayside this year (think Bowie, Prince, Leonard Cohen) but many are (think Donald Trump) just warming up. The Dog is generally not subtle; you can save them from their worst misconceptions. The Sheep may need company and your shadow figure and champion, the Tiger having come through a very trying year has more learning to come.

This year, the South where the Horse lives, is visited by the tricky 5 Star. The 5 is the star of power; generally interpreted as one to avoid. That’s because, like you it’s powerful when properly managed. It’s a nettle to be grasped. This is a metaphor for your year; powerful if you’re daring, quiet if you’re quiet.

This year the challenge is to stand for something, You’re brilliant at dodging flack by shifting ground.

As a result you’re either already or about to be overlooked. The Horse is the sign of the sociopath; that

is to say someone who neither measures nor cares about the impact of their words or actions upon others; in the case of the Horse, as long as it attracts attention. This does not of course mean that you yourself are sociopathic, of course; just that ignorance of the outcome of your mistakes is so much more tempting to you than facing them. That’s only human but it’s particular to you.

It may sound like a fortune cookie but it’s a given that our weaknesses contain our strengths. In other words a flaw such as the need for attention at all costs can be turned into a preparedness to risk brickbats for a principle. The Rooster year puts you constantly in this conundrum. It’s a juggle. You want to be agreed with but not at the cost of compromise. Here’s some comfort: you’re at risk either way. If you simply lead by taking appropriate action, those whose support is worth having will follow and the rest may fall away. Following your truth will save you an awful lot of time spent on persuasion. And if you fail, you’ll still be able to look yourself in the mirror. This choice will be especially live in June but you’ll notice a foreshadowing in February and echo in October.

Busy old year. Rooster and Horse clash on several different levels. Your yang Fire doesn’t like the Rooster’s Yang Metal; it’s too dominating. Secondly you’re a prideful beast at a time when others seem favoured. Having said all this you’re spontaneous in a time of calculation, outgoing at a time of secrets, passionate before the time for passion arrives. Try to measure twice before you cut.

The position you have built up over the last few years is under threat. If you are not flexible and diplomatic you may lose it all. It may already be too late actually. Your hat could be in the wrong ring. But that’s not the end of the world.

Because the challenge invigorates you. Sap gon luk means that study will lead to success and toe far that you are approaching a peak of charisma. Oddly enough in a Rooster year, your charm is the  greater.

Readers Digest version: prosperous but risky.
What’s to be done about it: step up.
Amulet: Snake.
Feng Shui: activate the Dog at NW1 (WNW) for the Moon; that is proportion. You may need it
Helpful places: North East, Dog in North West (NW1/WNW).
Helpful times: February, July, October.
Health: Care of eyes, skin, heart.
Money: activate, occupy, face, Fortune Virtue at NW1 the Dog and (sparingly) Rooster W2/due West.
Relationship: risky toe far due South. Turbulent, passionate, unstable.
Feng Shui: activate the Dog at NW1 (WNW) for the Moon; that is proportion. You may need it.

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© Richard Ashworth 2025