Horse Diary: what to expect in June 2014

Horse Diary: what to expect in June 2014.

Nags and Hobby Horses.

Horse Month opens: June 6th 02:32am.


A Horse year is inherently fiery and the Horse month of a Horse year doubly so. Consequently, expect Fire to show itself in all the ways Fire does: heat of course but also the slips of judgement and haste that come from the discomfort of overheating. Fire is passionate and indiscrete. Fire is spontaneous. These are times when even the calmest of us make unforced errors. It’s a time when overheated stockmarkets peak and unlikely football teams triumph. But it’s also a peak of innovation and vision when sales of Elon Musk’s eco-friendly Tessla car are taking off, a plan to install lcd sensors over America’s roads has raised over a million dollars by crowd-funding and Marianne Williamson’s game-changing campaign for Congress almost took off. She’s a Water Dragon btw, so she should expect a bumpy ride but that’s probably inevitable, the establishment being what it is. Bumpy but ultimately triumphant.

The Horse in the Horse Month.

Horses (1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002) like Dragons, tend not to play nicely among themselves, so a Horse month tends to bring disagreement, rivalry and competition. Horse times – years and months – favour the sturdy Dog, the most loyal of the Animals, and the often contentious Tiger, but not the Horse so much. The Sheep may find it easy to build and run teams official and casual just now; the smart Horse employs a Sheep for just such a purpose. But the Horse’s own energy may dip especially towards the middle of the month as the year energy peaks. Observe prominent Horses like Angela Merkel and David Cameron with compassion. And Sheep like Nick Clegg.

Horse Month Animal by Animal.

During the Horse month:

Some Dragons may falter and rise reinvigorated,

The Horse may feel competed with,

The Sheep may form the missing link,

The Monkey may alternately overwhelm and suffer overwhelm,

The Rooster shines if she can choose the game,

The Dog may shine too,

The Pig may take unusual risks,

The Ratis advised to hold back his best shot.

The Tiger is likely to rise, the Ox to lie relatively low


The Rabbit may be on the horns of more than one dilemma.

Note: little is inscribed in stone. The trick is to use forewarning as forearming. The Chinese character kun that is challenge means influence, power and discipline also.

The Horse Pillars. How Horse are you?

Birth in the Horse hour (11am-13:00pm): outgoing children, joy found late in life.

Birth in the Horse month (June*): frenetic work schedule.

Birth on the Horse day: extrovert nature.

Birth in the Horse year: partying parents.

* Caution, the Chinese month generally starts and finishes a few days after ours.


Where to do what, when and why.

As I write, yesterday’s Primary decided that Marianne Williamson would not get to stand as the California’s 33rd District Congressperson. At the centre of this month’s lo shu is the 4, to do with the Eldest Daughter, the intelligent truth-seeking female who like Ms. Williamson typifies the best of 21st Century woman. The 4 of course also rules the year. So trends are reinforced, portents doubled-up. It is despite everything , a time of invention and innovation, illumination and enlightenment. Fingers crossed.

This month: the South holds the fortunate monthly 8 Star. It’s a tricky area all year but if you crave attention, now is the time to pump the South. Best method is probably plants and/or flowers. Don’t make it too dynamic. Wood moves constantly but slowly. Poor time for a Dragon to open a campaign though.


Also for your attention:

Learn authentic Chinese feng shui: Richard’s Starter Feng Shui Course The Wind that Stops at the Water runs this autumn over four weekends starting 13th September. Early Bird price available (save £150) till 1st July. You can now participate via Skype – wherever you are.

On the evening of July 8th Richard will be talking Chinese Astrology to the Astronomical Lodge of London. More details here. Know your Animals!

Stop Press: All things being equal, next week we’ll be sending out (& blogging via WordPress) a longer piece, Richard’s first in a while. If you like these longer pieces, watch out for it. If you don’t er…watch out for it.

Richard Ashworth©, late in the month of the Earth Snake, June 2014.

29, Portsmouth Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2JU | tel: 01483 428998 |

Corporate and Media Contact: Peter Dunne. Tel. 07768 617330

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