Horse Diary: What to expect in June 2015

June 2015: Horse Diary, the month of the Water Horse.

Horse Month opens: June 6th 08:20am.







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Coming to Meet.

Hexagram 44

Mid-Summer Murmurs.

Generally Horses seek the light; it is the nature of the Horse to crave attention. This quality of yang Fire, first identified thousands of years ago by the observers whose conclusions gave rise to Taoism, coincides cyclically with the high noon Sun, mid-Summer and the South. Naturally at this time of year we spend more time outside, we are more physical, more prominent, more mobile. The quest of the leaf for the sunlight, the stretching of the trees of the forest for its canopy, this is the Horse. And all of these qualities attach to the Horse month.

It’s a time of clear vision also. Following the what-you-see-is not-what-you-get of the Metal Snake month, we can now see what we actually have got: a world somewhat in chaos, precarious peace in half-a-dozen flash points and the environment upon which everything depends, possibly itself under sentence of death. Incidentally we have a parliament that is hung, drawn and quartered.

What to do with this? The time of the Horse is the time of spontaneity of action and of passion; doesn’t sound very British but then that union is itself under threat. If your inclination is to action, now is the time. This may mean risking confrontation. If you’re drawn on the other hand to contemplation, this may not be the moment. That time will come.

Where to do what, when and why.

In terms of the classical feng shui model, action, activism and general bringing-it-on-ness is identified with the number 3 whose home is in the East. It’s at the heart of this year’s lo shu (or magic square) which means it’s ever-present. This month the volatile East receives the blessing of the 8. Which means it has a following wind. East is yang Wood which is ever-expanding, always bursting new bounds, youthful and contentious.

If this is what you want, seek the East. That is to say, sleep in the East of your building, face East as you go about your business, place your pillow Eastwards* and place Water and/or plants in this location. Even better if you are of the East Group; if you’re not sure what that is, just ask.

Either way, let’s be responsible for what we oppose.

*er…and put your head on it.

The Horse in the Horse Month.

The outgoing nature of the Horse can show up as reckless or attention-seeking behavior in a young, inexperienced or dim Horse. By contrast, the wiser Horse may not show his hand. You may have learned to hold back. So next time you spy someone dancing on tables, there’s a decent chance it’s a young Horse (born 2002, 1990 or possibly 1978). And as for you, if you are drawn to clubbing but hold back from display, you may well be one of the sager Horses of 1966, 1954 or even 1942. This is yin and yang.

And as you might expect, the Horse has ego, This may be more true of someone born on a Horse day*. Which may highlight the difference between yin and yang Fire. Yang is on the face of it stronger and more certain. Yin can be less obviously secure but harder working. For this and other reasons, a person born on either Horse day or year suffers what is known as the “self-clash” ie Horses may not play well together. A Horse-Horse marriage is a spiky thing indeed.

Throughout 2015 the Horse will tend to be turbo-powered by your friend the Sheep. Sometimes you may even find yourself acknowledged for someone else’s good deeds. Ron Burgundy in “Anchor Man” is that kind of Horse; with what Will Ferrell calls “unearned confidence”. There are one or two in politics and banking. And show business. And feng shui.

The Horse is fond of the Sheep of course – as long as he knows his place – and can work with the Dog and Tiger. Each of these three is by nature a hunter but prepared to cooperate with the others at least until the deal is done. These animals have had to learn the business of win-win which doesn’t naturally make much sense to them; what is the point of competition without a winner? The answer of course is that there is competition for excellence and there is winning at all costs. In one the world is enriched, in the other winning may not raise standards but lower them.

To complete the picture, the Horse finds the average Rat depressing – she’s just too articulate – and the Rat’s sidekick the Ox even more so. If he notices them. They are reasonable in a way that the Horse has little patience with. And why not. Sometimes, he figures, life is too short for caution.

* you’ll need a Chinese Calendar to ascertain this.

Horse Month, Animal by Animal.

During this Water Horse month:

The Rat may feel ignored.

The Ox may be overlooked.

The Tiger may be unusually cooperative.

The Rabbit may be stretched even further.

The Dragon may lie low.

The Snake may take a back seat.

The Horse may attract both attention and competition.

The Sheep may serve.

The Monkey could roll over.

The Rooster holds back.

The Dog insists upon a fair share.


The Pig may take a step back.

Horse Pillars; know your Horse rating.

Birth in the Horse hour (11:00am-13:00pm): extroverted kids.

Birth in the Horse month (June*): suited to work in promotion.

Birth on the Horse day#: spontaneous to the point of haste.

Birth in the Horse year: outgoing family background.

* Caution, the Chinese month generally starts and finishes a few days after ours.

# Just ask.

Traditional Chinese Feng Shui: a journey through time and space..

Evening Talk and Day Workshop.

We can calculate and learn but sometimes we just know. The Chinese characters used in feng shui – principally the Animals – somehow contain such knowledge and can in a sense, talk to us if we will pay careful attention. In September at the College of Psychic Studies I’ll be teaching the place of intuition in classical feng shui; how we can know what’s right and what’s wrong about a person or place and what to do about it. This last is harder btw.

The evening talk (Tuesday 8th September) will be followed by a one-day crash course (Saturday 19th September). You may find these events especially useful if you know little about the subject and would like a rapid introduction in depth.

We’re telegraphing them now because the opening module of my next Feng Shui Starter Course The Wind that Stops at the Water, falls on the weekend in-between (12th/13th September) and you might use these events as an introduction.

Open to experts, aficionados and civilians. Do join us.

Tuesday 8th September (evening) & Saturday 19th September (all day)

at the College of Psychic Studies:(

Richard Ashworth©, late in the month of the Snake, 2015.

29, Portsmouth Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2JU | tel: 01483 428998 |

Corporate and Media Contact: Peter Dunne. Tel. 07768 617330

© Richard Ashworth 2025