International Feng Shui Association – UK Chapter Launch

International Feng Shui Association – UK Chapter

Lovers and practitioners of authentic Chinese feng shui in the UK have for some time felt the need for an organised group that recognises and preserves the traditional standards and practices of this ancient art. Which is why I was both honoured and gratified when Stephen Skinner invited me to be a founding committee member of a British Chapter of the IFSA.
The IFSA was set up in Singapore in 2004 by GrandMasters such as Raymond Lo, Tan Khoon Yong, Yap Cheng Hai, Vincent Koh and Stephen himself, to serve the needs of professionals and feng shui aficionados alike. The IFSA conference (next one November 6th & 7th online) is generally recognised as the one to attend if you can.
Founding Members of the UK Chapter include Masters Derek Walters and Taiwanese Master Chen as well as Masters Jin Peh and Tony Holdsworth, Victoria Michaelides and Navaneeta Das.
Events, Classes, workshops, courses and conferences will follow but for now I’d encourage anyone interested in supporting authentic feng shui – especially my own students – to join in the appropriate category.
For myself I look forward to a long and rewarding adventure with the Association, I wish you the same.
Master Richard Ashworth.

The International Feng Shui Association (IFSA) of Singapore is pleased to announce the establishment of its UK Chapter in London as of 20th October 2021. 

The IFSA is a non-profit organisation that was founded in Singapore on May 8th 2004 by a passionate community of Feng Shui masters, practitioner, academics, and other experts in Chinese metaphysics. Its aim is to assist the global cultivation, awareness and appreciation of traditional Chinese Feng Shui and to foster the highest standards of competence and practice within this industry.  The IFSA also aims to assist all traditional Feng Shui Practitioners, by engaging in various events and educational activities designed to promote traditional Chinese feng shui. One of its aims is also to spread awareness, that classical Feng shui has specific formulae and systems that have worked for thousands of years, and don’t depend on intuition or newly made-up rules which may or may not work.

The benefits of being a member include:

  1. Membership of a reliable organisation headed by no less than 4 Feng Shui Grandmasters (GM Tan Khoon Yong, GM Vincent Koh, GM Raymond Lo, GM Dr Stephen Skinner).
  2. Access to an online Facebook closed group that allows you to ask questions (at whatever level) and to receive answers from acknowledged Masters.
  3. Access to friendship and community, with other members with the same interests in Feng Shui, Bazi, Qi men dun jia, Yi Jing, XKDG, etc.
  4. Regular online catch ups/ F2F meets soon, when Covid is no longer an issue.
  5. Availability of specialist classes (online and otherwise) designed to enhance your existing feng shui skills.
  6. Reduced rates at the annual International Feng Shui Convention (this year to be held online on 6th-7th November, 2021)
  7. Discounted purchase of the first luopan that is accompanied by a manual giving full details of the method of use for every ring, authored by GM Dr Stephen Skinner and Master Dr Jin Peh.

And for those practicing feng shui as a professional

  1. Display of your name in the website
  2. Certification when certain levels of competence are reached as per IFSA guidelines, which can then be displayed as a credential.

The membership base of the IFSA encompasses much of the globe with Chapters in Australia, Singapore, US, Japan, Poland, Mauritius, Romania, and now the UK, with many members in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Estonia, France, Greece, Mexico, Germany, Dubai, India, and Indonesia, making the IFSA a truly International Feng Shui Association.
The pro-tem Committee of Management for IFSA UK includes Grand Master Dr Stephen Skinner, Master Tony Holdsworth, Master Richard Ashworth, Victoria Michaelides (aka Victoria Mohajerin), and Navaneeta Das with Master Dr Jin Peh and Master Janene Laird, Master Derek Walters and GM Chen as Honorary Committee Members.

Membership is divided into Affiliate (students and enthusiasts), Associate (at least 1 year of practice), Full Professional (at least 3 years of practice) and Corporate members (registered companies providing feng shui consultation and maybe selling courses, etc. Fees include a free ad in the IFSA-UK.ORG website (running for a year) and our Facebook page). If you wish to find out more about IFSA UK and its benefits, or to join us today then please visit our website at IFSA-UK.ORG. Click here to join us today

Best Regards,

Richard Ashworth
for the Management Committee

29, Portsmouth Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2JU | tel: 01483 428998 |

Corporate and Media Contact: Peter Dunne. Tel. 07768 617330

© Richard Ashworth 2025