Make more mistakes in 2012

Well that’s essentially how we learn, isn’t it? Albert Einstein suggested that the definition of insanity was to keep doing the same thing while expecting a different outcome. I’ve been teaching ba zi to a very able group for the last few months and one of the many new insights they have gained (and, incidentally, some they have helped me with) is the value of understanding what brought each of us to where we are now. Ba zi offers answers to some of the most demanding questions in life: Why do I keep making the same mistakes? Haven’t I been here before? When did I take this turning?

Often feng shui offers solutions to the questions raised by the ba zi. A little attention to the right area at the right time and the world (at least from our perspective) is a changed place. So one conclusion I have drawn is to offer once again a course of study in pure Feng Shui. This will be open to those who have no prior knowledge of Feng Shui as well as to those who plan to take it very seriously. As with all my courses, it will be thorough but by no means exhaustive. Feng Shui is a lifetime study and in this four weekend course I plan to offer the tools to get you started.
Do come and join us.

More details here.

Weekend One: 23rd June- 24th of June
Weekend Two: 22nd September -23rd September
Weekend Three: 27th October – 28th October
Weekend Four: 1st December – 2nd December

All courses will take place in and around Guildford, Surrey between, roughly, 10am and 5pm.

29, Portsmouth Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2JU | tel: 01483 428998 |

Corporate and Media Contact: Peter Dunne. Tel. 07768 617330

© Richard Ashworth 2025