Monday March 6th 2006 01.35

Ging Jit: Excited Insects

Richard Ashworth

Feng Shui Diaries

Ging Jit: Excited Insects

Solar fortnight beginning:

Monday March 6th 2006 01.35

Hour Day Month Year

wood wood metal fire

yi chia sun bing

chow wu muw xu

ox horse rabbit dog

Month: sun muw, the Metal Rabbit.

Solar Fortnight: Ging Jit Excited Insects

Excited Insects

My favourite solar fortnight. Things begin to happen, I am no longer overwatering the prayer plants in the South of the house and the sun is now powerful enough that they need to move East. But it remains so cold.

I love weather; getting colder, hotter, wetter or whatever. My favourite is actually high wind with driving rain – as long as I’m well wrapped up of course.

Perhaps the insects are excited because they feel the same.They can rent out the cocoon now and move on from the larva shanties.

Dog year Rabbit month: tricky for Dragon finances.

I’ve nearly caught up! This may even get to you before the next fortnight starts on the 20th. Things are speeding up. The Rabbit wakes early. He has a special relationship with the Dog that makes him safe in a Dog year and an equally special one with the Dragon that can stretch Dragon finances. Muw, the cuddly Rabbit is gentle yin wood but the metal variety is as contentious as Rabbits get. The yin metal stem can be argumentative or worse. In Vietnam for linguistic reasons, they call muw the Cat. They say you can give a dog an order but a cat will take a message. Sun muw is the only Rabbit with genuine feline qualities.

One rabbit I used to know had the run of the garden and his hutch enjoyed the best chi on the premises. He was a happy rabbit. The family could not stand to see him mooching in his hutch so they only put him away at night. Vast and with claws like stilettos, he might in theory have been a nutritional item in the food chain but you did not mess with him. The owner had pretty much given up gardening because however well he defended the leek and carrot shoots, the rabbit would simply watch and when the time was right hop over or dig under. This is the metal Rabbit.

So if wood generally supports you – which your ba zi will indicate – don’t expect too much from this month. On the other hand if yin metal is your assistant you, you may be pleasantly surprised by how much more straightforward this is than your usual March.

Dreams Coming True: Cucumber Sandwiches

Zoe emailed me from Scotland this week. She is approaching 40 – young from where I’m sitting but I know the panic – and single. Ready to settle down and fed up with the raw material offered to date.

I located a water feature spot for her last August. She finally placed it in mid-February. Late in February she met a man who passed the rigorous initial assessment. She is now on date three. As I was discussing with some very likeable ladies on a residential fitness weekend last week, date three means business. One and it’s anybody’s guess. Two and they’re considering it, three and you’re probably away, we concluded.

Not by the way, I hastily emphasise, that I think that women are victims in this it’s just that generally they’re more ready than men to see the joke.

I’ll report as Zoe reports to me but clearly we have moved the energies along there.

However one thing she said pressed my caution button: that she was becoming obsessed with keeping the water feature going. Remember she’s in Scotland where cold is a way of life and an outdoor water feature can easily freeze up. I know houses in Scotland where an indoor water feature can freeze up.

This obsession is worth looking at.

Another word for it might be “superstition.” When people talk of “superstition” they often are not very clear what they mean. One authority sees reliance on symbolic figures as superstitious unless they resemble particular vegetables in which case they are, he says definitely not superstitious. Go figure.

The Chinese Government uses the word to define pretty much anything inexplicable as well as a number of explicable things that they can’t forbid any other way.

But superstition begins at home. It is a mental state. I think it is something like the inability to tell the difference between what we can and can not control. There is little in this strange imaginary universe that we can control actually. Particle physics tells us that everything consists of molecules bouncing around. These molecules change nature and leap from place to place. Given sufficient time the molecules in your garden wall will turn into a cucumber sandwich. We can not control such things.

What we can do is tell the truth about what is so and about the changes we want. This is the tao. We can choose.

And Zoe has chosen. Her choice includes the water feature and it works to respect that as the medium she has chosen. But if she has chosen to move on, obsession – as opposed to respect – may even take her eye off the ball. Tricky stuff, having your dreams come true. Especially when it’s chilly and the metal Rabbit is abroad

As Maggie Smith said in Gosford Park, obviously referring to this time of year: “Difficult colour, green.”.

Feedback is encouraged including that you never want to hear from me again if that happens to be the case.


Richard Ashworth

Names have been changed to protect ..uh…me

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