Of the making of books: the Dragon Year.

You will note from my Animal Fortunes that the smart Dragon adopts a new approach in a The Year of Sudden Change. Dragons like myself suffer what is is known as the self clash. This means they don’t play well among themselves. A Dragon year then is likely to feel fraught with competition. The Dragon is a wilful beast who essentially pleases himself regardless of his remit and all such information is positive learning in disguise of course. So the best advice for the Dragon is to use this year to do what they were going to do anyway.

Accordingly in 2012 I will be less available, as for me it will be principally about writing and research. I want to ground some Chinese material I’ve not fully grasped while I seek out some fine tuning. This will involve me in travel to the Far East and elsewhere to consult the authorities as well as some deep thought. Two books, a tv series and a suntan are expected to follow this. Watch this space.

Meanwhile two contrasting books have come out lately by guys I’ve known a long time. “Withdraw some of your energy from drama and re-invest it in creativity and building your life,” writes Nick Williams. Bringing light to the world is a challenging call and his Resisting your Soul is a treasury of encouragement and good heart for those who would call light in. Age of Bewilderment by polymath and grump bucket David Sherrington however, is a primer for those who are looking for the switch and suspect the power has been turned off. Very funny in a mordant sort of way.

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Corporate and Media Contact: Peter Dunne. Tel. 07768 617330 peter@peterdunne.com

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