Playtime: the Month of the Metal Monkey 2018

Playtime: the Month of the Metal Monkey 2018.
Feng Shui Bulletin for August 2018
(22:15pm 7th August to 01:35 8th September 2018 inclusive)

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The Watchtower
Hexagram 20

Animal by Animal
During this metal Monkey Month,
The Rat waxes loquacious,
The Ox holds back,
The more robotic Tiger is unusually aggressive,
The Rabbit stays on the open road,
The Dragon is in-between,
The Snake runs,
The Horse tries to settle,
The Sheep breathes easy,
 Monkey bewares Tiger,
The Rooster awaits,
The Dog waits and watches,
The Pig is in proxy conflict.

Remember:             Each Pillar of your ba zi represents an aspect of your life:
Year Animal:          physicality, heritage, the obvious & immediate;
Month Animal:       work environment, education, peers, siblings, exes;
Day Animal:            you and your beloved;
Hour Animal:         intimate thoughts, children, dreams, the future.
An 8 Earth month brings rapid results following long term application.

A Monkey month can be playful to the point of neglect.
Most helpful location: tai chi (heart), geometrical centre of your space.
Least helpful location: North – again – and South West.
Favoured Animals: Monkey, Rat, Dragon, Snake.
Especially challenged one way or another: Tiger, Pig, Horse, Dog.
Hexagram (above): Kuan The Watchtower, Wind over Earth, watching & waiting.

Playtime: the Metal Monkey Month August 2018
This year is of course an Earth Dog. Last year was a Fire Rooster and 2019 will be an Earth Pig. This procession, the gan zhi cycle of sixty has been respected in China since 2637 BCE. Twelve Animals, Five Elements hence sixty characters; regardless of equinoxes, leap years or the minute gradations of atomic clocks, the sequence recurs seamlessly. Many people know this.

What they may not know however is that this same sixty-place sequence applies equally to Months, Days and Hours. This Metal Monkey Month will be followed by a Metal Rooster month in September, just as the Metal Monkey Year 1980 was followed by the Metal Rooster of 1981.

And what almost no one knows outside the world of woo-woo is that where our birth fell in these other cycles, Month, Day and Hour, is as meaningful. The Year cycle applies to the physical and obvious (and much more), the Month to the work and educational environments and the Day to our most private selves and relationships. There’s much more of course but perhaps read the following in that light.

August is the “silly season” when news-starved reporters write up the daftest stories. In a Metal Monkey month these tales may be nearer the knuckle than usual and the Monkey, the totem of stand-up comedy, may be tempted to satire. Be careful who you choose as your butt. Tigers for instance may butt back. Every Chinese diviner knows to watch for Tiger Days in the Monkey month because they imply the pointless aggression of road rage. Worse of course if it’s too hot.

The Metal of the month may also be making the Horse (composed of pure Fire) restless. Breathe, open, allow.

Tigers: best to bite it back rather than off. You may be sorely tested this month but every time you contain and express rather than dump your feelings, you get stronger.

Often easily disappointed the Rooster may be feeling let down. If so, seek the Dragon who did it. Apparently. Or better, take responsibility for a viewpoint that can only weaken you. Forgive and rest up for next month; you’re going to need your strength.

Sheep can safely graze after the panic of their own month. The year-long “Bullying Punishment” continues to try them along with Ox and Dog. If an Ox or Dog day brings that familiar sense of unfairness, call your nearest Dragon.

Dogs who have had a similar but less intense experience are relieved of pressure for a while – until October actually.

Oxen, squashed between antagonists recently, can gaze over the hedge with confidence; again until October.

Busy year for Dragons of course, fighting other people’s fires. Favoured by Monkeys, they may be in for unusual good fortune especially on a Basket day like the 5th September. Very creative time too.

Pigs have had their own trying time and can expect further trial by fire in 2019; this month may find them fighting another’s battles.

The Monkey month may bring a soapbox to the Monkey’s brother-in-arms the Rat, who loves to talk. Be careful your tongue doesn’t write cheques the rest of you can’t cash.

Rabbit can cruise, relaxed in the knowledge that they’re on track. Dog month brings pole position and 2019 further advancement still. Happy holidays.

Finally the Snake, the Monkey’s best buddy forges her own fortune from this Metal Month. You are the seeker after Truth; aim to back it however inconvenient.

Where to be in August.
Summary: immediate boost.
Tai chi, Home: Year Star: 9 Month Star: 8.
A place of refuge and recovery as well as creativity and rapid outcomes. The 8 Star may need a little encouragement – bright light and Water both may help – but emphasised by the 9 Star, this is a pretty helpful place to settle and attract abundance of all kinds.
To boost: Bright light or Water (fountain even better) Not both.

Where not to be in August.
Summary: exhausting.
South West, Accumulation: Year Star: 6 Fortune Virtue Month Star: 5.
There’s 6 Metal here all year; add more Metal to dilute the nasty 5 Star. Gender conflict looms, as well as power struggles over misused and/or compromised authority, lack of recognition. Break-ups, argument, illness – lungs, bladder, ears suffer. Steer clear. At the very least you’ll be exhausted lingering or entering any building regularly from the South West in August.
Solution: 6-Pipe Metal Windchime.

Richard Ashworth ©2018.

News and Upcoming Events:

Our new teaching term starts 7th September 2018 and we have just two one-to-one Skype/Zoom places available on Fridays. Each Starter Course (Ba Zi and Feng Shui) is made up of 20 one hour sessions with Richard.
He currently teaches and mentors students in time zones as far apart as Seattle, Iowa, Tennessee, Derbyshire and Devon.

More details can be found at:

Transformational Group Workshop with Richard
The weekend of Oct 20th/21st in Godalming, Surrey.
Further Details:

Every month we send paying subscribers a more comprehensive monthly bulletin than this one, covering in great detail the right places to be (and when) as well as helpful days Animal by Animal plus personalised auspicious dates and much more from the Chinese calendar.
For Subscriptions and Course Info:

Richard Ashworth is among the most respected Western Feng Shui Masters. He has worked from Lebanon to Bermuda, in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore and with stars such as Kelly Hoppen and Gillian Anderson. Unusually for a Western Master, he has addressed the Grand Masters at the International Feng Shui Conference in Singapore. His day job remains “walking round people’s spaces being enigmatic”.
Richard Ashworth©

29, Portsmouth Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2JU | tel: 01483 428998 |

Corporate and Media Contact: Peter Dunne. Tel. 07768 617330

© Richard Ashworth 2025