Rooster 2017

Animal Forecast 2017: 10. Game Bird, outlook for the Rooster in 2017

Who is a Rooster?

Years:  1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005.
Month*:  September
Hour: 05:00 pm -07:00 pm
Days: ask us
* Caution: the start of the Chinese month can be as early as the 4th & as late as the 9th, depending on the year. I can let you know this too.

Skip to: Rooster in Fire Rooster Year.

What is a Rooster?

The Rooster is yin metal, the night bird, glamorous with an eye for presentation and detail. She appreciates an argument and likes to win but has little patience for causes that drag on. She will appreciate jewellery, fine art and good living and create wealth easily. Conversely of course, a dangerous Rooster like Qaseem Soleimani (Iranian General i/c of the Iraqi Army – Google him) can reject such distractions in order to serve a cause that has indeed dragged on for decades. This is yin and yang.

The rule this illustrates (by violating it) is that a typical Rooster is suited to work that involves short decisive arguments such as that of an advocate. Her brief passion is the perfect support for a client. She can defend with enormous commitment and then move on to the next one. That commitment is 100% but it is short lived. If she is in a job that involves holding her peace she may fret and become ill.

Osama bin Laden was a typical 1957 fire Rooster: one big splash and he was off. For you, a car must be fast, a partner challenging and life full of twists and turns. The Rooster is likely to be quick witted rather than profound, with a short attention span.

Her allies the Snake and the Ox are sometimes impatient with her because she can digress so widely and so easily but she brings to the metal alliance the pure competitiveness that the Ox might otherwise misuse and the Snake misunderstand. Think Ed Miliband snatching leadership of the opposition from under his brother's nose. The Rooster is pure metal – that is determined to prevail at all costs – Snake and Ox are not. They will not win many cases or many contracts without her and they would do well to pay and respect her appropriately despite the fact that she demands longer holidays and a better remuneration package.  Conversely if she fails to respect a support system that dots i’s and crosses t’s in order to support the intuitive flashes that s/he can exploit but seldom generate, she will not prosper.

Her pitfalls are sex, drugs and rock’n’roll. She likes to party and her personality may be addictive; the Rooster prefers dusk to dawn and also the small hours.

The Rooster enjoys a powerful alliance with the Dragon in which she, uniquely in the average Dragon’s experience, may hold the whip hand. This is not always entirely healthy. She can bend the Dragon out of shape just as the Ox can bend the Rat. This sway must be employed responsibly otherwise both can be damaged. With that proviso this is one of the strongest and longest-lasting alliances in the Chinese zodiac.

Predictably the Rooster is one of the charismatic Flowers of Romance. Success and glamorous partners come easily to her. Often a Rooster can punch above her weight in this regard. Cinderella was a Rooster and so is Yoko Ono. This effortlessness can make for complacency; bitterness is more common among middle-aged Roosters than any other animal. Not the remarkable Ms Ono btw. Roosters are often long-lived also.

With the Monkey she can form a commercial alliance. A business co-run by these two will be irresistibly attractive but may not open on time. It may not close promptly either and may also suffer the cash flow problems that come from poor financial prioritisation. A marriage would risk the same types of problem: great parties, early divorce. The unbalanced Metal creatures – Monkey and Rooster – sometimes know and understand precision but don’t respect it.

The cautious domesticated Rabbit is the nemesis of the Rooster who likes bling while the Rabbit can see no life in a stone. Any such relationship would generally be full of obstruction and passive aggression. The insistent wood of the Tiger is almost as maddening although his fierceness would at least engage the Rooster’s attention. The loyal, consistent Dog risks boring her rigid.

Rooster in Fire Rooster Year.

Special Stars: Man cheung, tin yute gwai yan, jeung sing.

Demons are a girl’s best friend.

You could be forgiven for supposing that in a Rooster year the Rooster can expect to be on the crest of a wave. Unfortunately that’s not a given. This year you need to bear three things in mind: one is that the Rooster often doesn’t know (or value) times when she’s winning. One of her weaknesses is an inability to celebrate before moving on. Although last year may have tried your patience – plans taking ages to complete for instance – there were many wins, especially in the area of influence. And back it the Snake year of 2013, the world was at your feet. Take time now to acknowledge, I should. How did you do it? With whose assistance? These are gains to build on.

The second thing is that you, like the Horse, the Pig and the Dragon suffer the so-called “self-clash.” You might call this charisma overload. These animals have ego. The Horse typically can’t stand others in the limelight, the Pig is often manically controlling, the Dragon quietly disdainful and the Rooster unutterably vain. At your worst you’d sooner stay home than risk sharing a dinner table with someone you feared was more attractive – in whatever sense – than yourself. And in the Rooster year, this risk is a constant for you. Its corollary is insecurity which leads to jealousy and issues of bad faith. These are likely to be the lessons and burden of the Rooster year

Thirdly you are a toe far, a “Flower of Romance. These – Horse, Rooster, Rat and Rabbit – are the stud muffins and sex kittens of the Chinese Zodiac. You are a Master in this area. And this year while your own love life may be extremely rich, you are called upon to advise others. And the issue for you and others – in particular Rabbits – is disloyalty. Consider Metal Rooster Beyonce Knowles and work forward from there. She is way ahead of the game.

And it’s certainly a given that, despite her gifts, the average Rooster doesn’t want to concentrate any longer or think any deeper than she has to. These twin attitudes tend to add up to a belief in shortage; the Rooster suspects that another’s gain is her loss. And vice-versa. And since the Snake year of 2013, when a great deal went your way, you appear to have adhered to this unhelpful view. This will apply to career as well as relationship and possibly health and fitness.

This investment in the so-called zero-sum game may be your deepest weakness. And it’s what the jeung sing Star calls the Rooster to examine in 2017. Sasha Fierce er….Beyonce has this I-won’t- be-  beaten Star in spades. This will probably feel most uncomfortable in March and October. If you don’t know this already: such feelings are what tend to motivate us to act.

This is to say that most of our decisions are not reasoned but emotional – look at recent elections and referenda both sides of the Atlantic and all over Europe! – and mostly they are in order to bring us what we call “positive” feelings or to fend off what we call “negative.” In the American mid-West (ie Rooster territory) they know the agony of hopelessness, hence a Trump vote.

In your case there are probably certain people or types of people, that you just can’t stand being with. It’s not them, it’s the feeling you have around them if you’re honest, isn’t it? As a general rule, feeling into these experiences is an act of growth and discovery. And since most of us are trying not to feel most of the time, we tend to miss the point. Which is this: our most profound lessons may be concealed within this pain. And in your case you it may be very hard to avoid this year. The likelihood is that your lesson is to recognise and master jealousy. Hard one. Watch especially for Rabbits who are walking a similar track. This is especially easy to see because you are so unattracted to them with their cosy domesticity and Mother-fixations. This is what we call a shadow figure – what we know ourselves to be and so reflexively reject. Our demons if you will. And sometimes demons are indeed a girl’s best friend.

By March, the pain of the green-eyed monster may seem too much to bear, making even deep self- examination preferable. Your man cheung star unerringly telegraphs a year of learning but man cheung needs Water, that is to say expression, a willingness to participate and to disclose emotionally. This will tend of course to be easiest for you later in the year, during the Water season of Winter but there will be a foreshadowing probably during April. Try to make it about you and not them.

As far as mechanical feng shui is concerned, seeking Water also means staying physically cool, gravitating to the North of whatever space you’re in, wearing the colour blue, and concentrating important activity to the hours of darkness. This is not say btw that 2017 won’t be exciting and hopeful. There’s that to it too, especially if you embrace what’s going on in your life and the associated feelings; notice each embrace may feel like a weight falling away. But it’s scary.

One way to make the best of it is to mend some fences. There are some votes you have cancelled and boats you have burned. In most cases these emotional no-go areas involve Dragons (to whom you are generally drawn) but Rabbits too and indeed Horses and Rats. This year that attraction may be your saviour. Seek especially the neglected Dragon and be gentle and generous with him.

To summarise, sometimes the Rooster just doesn’t know when they’re ahead of the game. It may be that you think of competition as being equivalent to winning at all costs. Actually true competition is about delivering our best and empowering others to do the same. It’s only in false competition that we gain from the disempowerment of others.

Remember that in your chart this year is tin yute gwai yan which means help is always at hand if you will ask for it with sincerity and humility. And there is no such thing as a professional foul.

Readers Digest version: a year of great and demanding learning.
What’s to be done about it: communicate deeply.
Amulet: Dragon.
Feng shui advice: seek Water.
Helpful places: South East.
Health: only push yourself so far.
Money: try to make it win-win.
Relationship: if communication is shallow, so is relationship..
Helpful times: January, April, May.

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