Selecting Auspicious and Personalised Dates

Selecting Auspicious and Personalised Dates
A One-day Zoom live Workshop with Richard Ashworth 
Saturday 15th (UK) & Sunday 16th June (World).
Basic familiarity with Heavenly Stems & Earthly Branches required.

When the Beijing Olympics opened at 8.02*am on the 8th of August 2008, an astonishing 4.7 billion people were watching. That’s around 70% of the world’s population. 4.7 billion is a big number. And the 8th August a very carefully chosen date. Anyone who believes that today’s hard nosed commercial China has abandoned traditional methods of divination, need only look a little beneath the surface of that date. Someone knew what they were doing.

For at least 3000 years Chinese diviners have been consulting the Stems and Branches that make up the Chinese Zodiac Animals in order to select the most auspicious dates for big decisions like when to engage battle or raise an Emperor but also for weddings, negotiations, interviews, examinations, celebrations and razor’s edge choices. And they don’t seem to have done too badly.

The 8’s in the above date reflect of course the fact that in Chinese tradition the number 8  is reckoned especially fortunate. What is also so is that the Pillars of the day are perfectly aligned. Equally the sequence of daily Officers and Mansions of the Moon, are auspicious beyond coincidence. And there’s much more. This is a skilfully chosen date.

In each of these two live online workshops we will examine the use of the above and other sequences to gain an edge. But there’s more again.

Whoever advised the PRC knew the ancient Xuan Kong Da Gua method of matching dates to places and people. It may be that whoever had millions of kids queuing around the block for the new Harry Potter book in the summer of 2007 did too. Perhaps also consider the timing of the 2016 European Referendum at the Summer Solstice, a moment as any astrologer will tell you, when many are at their least rational. And this week’s Euro elections, held at the very moment the seasonal qi reverses.

These last may seem fanciful but the power of the method is clearly not and on the 15th and 16th June we will look at a variety of ways for tailoring dates, times for placing Water and for building, getting married, making big decisions and many other purposes. Join us.

We’ve almost filled these sessions by invitation from among my own students but if you have a working knowledge of Stems and Branches and would like to know more about letting good timing work for you, do apply (to for one of the three places left, I’ll walk you gently through the rest.

I hope to meet you then,

Best wishes,
Richard A.
* The odd two minutes were to acknowledge the sponsors O2, of course.

Via Zoom only (really simple to use, just ask)
It will last approx. 6 hours with approx a 1 hour break.

Saturday 15th June will start at 10am (BST).
Sunday 16th June will start at 2pm (14:00 BST).
The workshop will cost £150 (Early Bird £125 by 1st June 2019)
To register please email: 
Richard Ashworth©

29, Portsmouth Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2JU | tel: 01483 428998 |

Corporate and Media Contact: Peter Dunne. Tel. 07768 617330

© Richard Ashworth 2025