Sheep Diary: what to expect in July 2014

Sheep Diary: what to expect in July 2014.Sheep at half the price.

Sheep Month opens: July 7th 12:57pm.


The Sheep month of a Horse year is a time of co-operation. The Sheep can not help but form teams of which typically the Horse is leader. There’s still plenty of Fire – hard to miss as we look out of our windows upon this blazing summer.

But the Sheep is Earth-in-Fire. Initiative is not the average Sheep’s strength. This is one reason I consistently refer to the Chinese Animal as Sheep rather than Goat; for one thing the Sheep is yin (ie broadly feminine) while the Goat is a very yang kind of symbol in many cultures. For another the Sheep is well-mannered while the Goat can be aggressive. So expect gentle herding in July and a gathering of groups, some demonstrations, many petitions and lowish-key protest.

The Sheep in the Sheep Month.

Sheep (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003) co-operate. They tend to be lieutenants rather than generals. This tendency to second-in-command is accentuated in a Horse year. Horse and Sheep are best mates but the Horse is in charge. The Horse is impetuous and spontaneous and the attendant Sheep is check and balance. So Sheep are likely to be even more considerate, organised and selfless than usual around now under their own sign.

Sheep months tend to favour the home-loving Rabbit and Pig as well as the Horse – currently probably over-turbocharged itself at the expense of the Ox and to some extent Rat, the talkers of the Chinese Zodiac. So just one caveat: it’s a dutiful, altruistic month for Sheep but not necessarily a communicative one. The smart Sheep uses this information to be especially out there.

Sheep Month Animal by Animal.

During the Sheep month:

Some Dragons may experience minor but fair and direct challenge.

The Snake may feel rushed,

The Horse may remain in charge,

The Monkey might wisely look over his shoulder,

The Rooster begins to shine once more,

The Dog may part company,

The Pig may not partake,

The Rat may button his lip.

The Ox may choose diplomacy.

The Tiger may be above it all,


The Rabbit may simply enjoy being home.

Note: last month I missed out the Snake. Not on purpose. But that gives a pretty accurate view of the Snake in a Horse month in a Horse year; over-shadowed. Snakes may feel like commenting.

The Sheep Pillars. How Sheepish are you?

Birth in the Sheep hour (13:00pm-15:00pm): obedient, cooperative mutually-bonded children.

Birth in the Sheep month (July*): it hurts not to work as a team

Birth on the Sheep day#: able to contain otherwise dysfunctional family.

Birth in the Sheep year: idealistic parents.

* Caution, the Chinese month generally starts and finishes a few days after ours.

# Just ask.

Where to do what, when and why.

This month’s lo shu is the 3, to do with the Eldest Son, the ambitious, but unsubtle aspirational. In a 4 year it may be that a 3 month pumps up the volume of the young male voice. This is the month when targets for the year are revealed as achievable or otherwise.

This month: the 9 Star is in the South West. In a 4 year this may mean that for the time being, kun the Mother, the totem of relationship, is biding her time. Expect an announcement from Hillary Clinton in September perhaps.

Also for your attention:

Learn authentic Chinese feng shui: Richard’s Starter Feng Shui Course The Wind that Stops at the Water runs this autumn over four weekends starting 13th September.

Learn ba zi: Richards next ba zi course, Discover the Secrets of the Four Pillars of Destiny, starts January 17/18th 2015.

Book both courses together for a further discount.

Richard now teaches via Skype: both feng shui & ba zi (including advanced) on a one to one basis for those who live abroad or can’t travel. This offers the opportunity to work at your own pace.

Go to: for more information.

Richard is talking Ba Zi at the London Astrology Lodge:

Monday 7th July at 7pm, Astrological Lodge of London at The Theosophical Society, 50, Gloucester Place, London W1 8EA.

Richard will be looking at times, places and people and explaining to the Astrological Lodge ba zi’s roots in the tao, yin and yang and the five elementsorwu xing. Along the way he will examine some historical events, to see if indeed they fall into cycles.

Astrologers, feng shui people, sceptics, cynics, civilians, all welcome. More details here.

Finally, read Richard’s last beautiful diary, “Its Dark and we are Wearing Sunglasses” here.

Richard Ashworth©, early in the month of the Metal Sheep, July 2014.


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