The Metal Tiger My diary for the 1st month, 2016

The Metal Tiger
My diary for the 1st month, 2016
(Feb 4th 18:14 to March 4th 11:46am inclusive)
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Hexagram 11
“The little is departing, the great is arriving.”
The Book of Changes.

The Tiger Month, Animal by Animal.
During this Metal Tiger month:
The Rat writes unread.
The Ox takes a break.
The Tiger could strike out.
The Rabbit is happily restrained.
The Dragon may be affronted.
The Snake waits his turn.
The Horse goes through her paces quietly.
The Sheep is busy.
The Monkey is in charge.
The Rooster is at a loose end.
The Dog backs up.
The Pig refocuses.

Where to do what, when and why.
It’s a New Year. All change; new energy, new places to draw upon and new ones to tame. At the centre of this month’s lo shu (or magic square) is the same number (or Star) as the year. Which means the spots that are helpful this year are doubly so this month. And they are: East, South East and West. Work in the East or face East in order to get noticed; in the South East for concentration; the West for creativity. Keep a smile on your lips, a song in your heart and spring in your onion.
The I of the Tiger
The Tiger never forgets. That is not always an advantage; some things such as slights and indignities are often best forgotten. But the Tiger is often not great at this; she generally remembers not only a favour but also those times when her place in the pecking order was not respected. A stickler for justice, the Tiger may define that word in a very personal way. Tiger is the fearless leader but also the character for martial law. Men will die for a balanced Tiger and because of an unbalanced one.

We’ve hit the ground running. This particular Tiger month is a Metal one; that is to say that we face a month of the same energy as 2010 and indeed 1950. These were for many, harsh times of austerity. The balanced Tiger can see far ahead – often a Tiger person has literally 20/20 vision – and then move very fast in pursuit of prey. So expect this to be a month that brings vision but not necessarily an easy one. The Monkey of the Year of course is wary of Tigers – remember Shere Khan in the Jungle Book? – so a smooth journey is unlikely; this applies most to Tigers and Monkeys themselves but also to Snakes and Pigs. These four are the animals most related to mobility. So be ready for issues around movement. Remember btw that you can be a Tiger by Year, Month, Day or Hour with differing nuances.

As it goes, each animal rules a portion of the compass and hence of the globe. The flashpoints of the Monkey year continue to smoulder – Ukraine, Southern & Central Europe, Turkey & Syria – while every Jeremiah in the world is predicting financial meltdown which I’ve been doing for several years now and I’m a bit bored with it. The next four years will see huge changes but meanwhile fair elections in Nigeria and especially Indonesia, the approach of zero population growth, Sanders challenging for President and Amazon now competing with Tesla to take passengers into space, may be the buds of a new world order. We’ll see.
Richard Ashworth ©2016

Tiger Pillars; know your Tiger rating.
Birth in the Tiger hour (03:00pm-05:00am): late flowering.
Birth in the Tiger month (February*): sharp business mind.
Birth on the Tiger day#: focused.
Birth in the Tiger year: not so focused.
* Caution, the Chinese month generally starts and finishes a few days after ours.
# You’ll need a Chinese calendar for this. Or ask.

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