The Monkey Month: the time of the Hungry Ghosts

Auspicious Dates and Places for
the (7th) month of the Water Monkey 2024.
(09:05 7th August to 12:27pm 7th September inclusive)
in the Year of the Wood Dragon.
Public Edition

Hexagram  7
—-  —-
—-  —-
—– —-
—-  —-
—–  —-
Gathering, the Army.

An 8 month                                            is about accumulation.
Monkey Month                                    is the Month of the Hungry Ghosts
Where not to be this month:         South East, South West, South
Where to be this month:                 North West, East
Favoured Animals:                            Monkey, Rat, Dragon, Snake.
Especially challenged:                    (in order) Tiger, Pig
The Hexagram* (above):                Shi  Gathering, Earth over Water.
Summary:                                              assemblies of varying value.

I was interviewed by mystical journal Mystic Mag the other week. They asked some good questions. Here’s the link if you’re interested:

7       3       5
6             1
2       4       9
Water Monkey lo shu
The Monkey Month: the time of the Hungry Ghosts

A man’s greatest pleasure is to defeat his enemies, to drive them before him, to take from them that which they possessed, to see those whom they cherished in tears, to ride their horses, and to hold their wives and daughters in his arms”  Genghis Khan.

The Hungry Ghosts are like Genghis, those alive or otherwise whose appetites can never be satisfied. In Chinese tradition these souls have returned from the beyond but clearly are as likely to be found alive and kicking at Davos in the spring and at this time of year in their yachts clustered around the Mediterranean. The Festival of the Hungry Ghosts itself falls on the 18th August in 2024.Traditional advice is to avoid being alone outside after dark, wearing the red or black that are said to attract spooks and – wait for it – frequenting forests or beaches.

As I write it’s pretty clear that the Hexagram of the month Shi, Gathering, sometimes called the Army, is already in evidence, with more riots and protests than I can remember. There is little wrong with the world that is not down to groups of excitable men inadequately supervised: Shi asks where does convocation end and mob begin? Why have we gathered? Who is in charge? This last is the main point: is the crowd leading the populist or vice-versa? Shi is about the integrity of leaders, their preparedness to follow the “middle path” of informed, dutiful and moderate behavior and about those who are so desperate for power that they will lead the mob wherever will gain them most influence.

The Monkey (born 1944, 56, 68, 80, 92; births in August, 3-5pm & on certain days for which you’d need a Chinese Calendar) is typically playful and ingenious. And indeed the Monkey Month is sometimes referred to as the silly season. The story has it that the puckish Monkey ascended to the Moon in order to steal and destroy the evidence of his crimes on the Akashic Record of the doings of men and Monkeys.

And it’s a Water Monkey, the most articulate of the five Monkeys (Water, Wood, Fire, Earth & Metal). The temptation for such a Monkey (and for many of us at this time) is to blurt, to say one word too many and as they say, to give away the farm. Tongues need watching during a Water Monkey Month.

An 8 lo shu month is also about gathering There’s no such thing as a coincidence but this type of gathering might more accurately be called accumulation. Now less powerful since we entered the 9th Chinese Fate Period earlier this year, the 8 is still reckoned fortuitous which implies that some such gatherings this month may turn out to be windfalls rather than fallouts.

The favoured Animals this month are of course the Monkey itself but also the Dragon, the Rat and the Snake. With each of these, in various combinations the Monkey is said to make Water. Water carries many meanings: the darkness of midnight, the cold of the North and communication – especially of a deep, emotional character. Which is not always comfortable for the Monkey who likes to play his cards close to his chest or the Snake whose ingenious mind may at any time be juggling a dozen mutually contradictory plans that they do not want to share just yet. This dance of communication and withhold is a very Monkey thing. Watch for that perhaps.

You can as alluded to above, be a Snake, a Monkey, or whatever by virtue not just of your year of birth but also your Month, Day and Hour. Each such “Pillar” of the ba zi (or “Four Pillars”) is ruled by a Zodiac Animal and each has a different nuance: the Day being very much about you personally and your most intimate relationships. If you were born on a Monkey Day the above may be quite personal to you.

Put these themes together and you have the Monkey month. It is a time to examine our own aspirations. This time of all times. Easiest probably for Monkeys themselves, Rats and the more adaptable Snakes; tough for the proud Tiger; toughest for Pigs whose course of action may already be in stone. But if we won’t choose our individual paths, the mob may do it for us.

As ever my Yi Jing class (1st Wed of each month, 7:30pm BST, next one August 8th) will be examining the ramifications of Shi, Hexagram 7, Gathering aka The Army.
The immediate lesson is to be as conscious of the stupidity of the crowd as of its proverbial wisdom. Let’s keep our heads and not fall prey to emotional conclusions we may later re-consider. And remember this could as easily be at home as on your tv screen. A hot summer and social unrest so often leads to tears.
I plan to examine all sixty four Hexagrams over the next several years.
In the second half of these sessions we are edging ever-closer to seeing just how the the Month Hexagram reflects the prevailing qi. This month of gathering crowds is a case in point. Some of the conclusions we’ve drawn over the last few months and are hard to argue with.
Edited highlights appear on my YouTube Channel later in each month.
You may not have the stamina for sixty four Hexagrams but you can join us for a year via

The Month of the Water Monkey, Animal by Animal:
These generic forecasts carry different nuance dependent upon whether this Animal rules your Year, Month, Day, Hour or Life House.

Monkey (1944, 56, 68, 80, 92; births in August*, 3-5pm & on certain days#) Know yourself and most particularly your appetites. The middle path beckons.

Rooster (1945, 57, 69, 81, 93; births in September*, 5-7pm & on certain days#) As powerful as ever but a little distracted. Your judgement needs to go beyond appearances.

Dog (1946, 58, 70, 82, 94; births in October*, 7-9pm & on certain days#) Some loss; this is a time to assess what matters to you.

Pig (1947, 59, 71, 83, 95; births in November*, 9-11pm & on certain days#) Some misunderstandings. Consider the benefit of the doubt.

Rat (1948, 60, 72, 84, 96; births in December* 11pm-1am & on certain days#). Tongue loosened, all the more reason to be discrete.

Ox (1949, 61, 73, 85, 97; births in January*, 1-3am & on certain days#) Homework, calculation, preparation first, expression next.

Tiger (1950, 62, 74, 86, 98; births in February*, 3-5am & on certain days#) Direct opposition, not that it’s that daunting, Rejoice in knowing where you stand.

Rabbit (1951, 63, 75, 87, 99; births in March*, 5-7am & on certain days#) Relax, simplify everything. Take time out as your best life beckons.

Dragon (1952, 64, 76, 88, 2000; births in April* 7-9am & on certain days#) Empowered despite the self-sabotage; time to rest, plan and visualise.

Snake (1941,53, 65, 77, 89; births in May*, 9-11am & on certain days#) Empowered but at risk of overstepping the mark.

Horse (1942, 54, 66, 78, 90; births in June*, around midday & on certain days#) Lying low is the best course, tie up loose ends, detach.

Sheep (1943, 55, 67, 79, 91; births in July*, 1-3pm & on certain days#) Time to hang out with carefully selected company. An opening for bonding and re-bonding.

* Chinese Solar Months start later than European ones.
#You’ll need help or a Chinese Calendar for this.

A Couple of Helpful Days
Saturday 10th August, Fire Horse, Stomach, Open (3) ***** very helpful
This very fiery Horse makes er… hay of the Monkey Metal. This is a powerful day relationshipwise – initiating or treasuring – but you’d better get on with it. Neglect today may lead to a cold shoulder; appropriate constructive use to tangible results within 60 days.
Activity: Dog NW1 (WNW around 295º) for solidity.
Favours: most but especially Tiger; Dog; Rabbit.
Caution: Horse, for the most part not your day. It’s all likely to be too much.
Wednesday 4th September, Metal Sheep, Wall, Closed (5) **** time out.
It’s smart today to be 2nd-in-line and 2nd –in-command. There are plenty of breaks even though the Wall is Closed. Allow others to arbitrate on your behalf. Let your will be expressed through and for rather than by you.
Activity: Face the Dragon at SE1 (ESE around 125º) for reinforcement.
Favours: all but especially Pig, Rabbit, Sheep, Horse
Not so Helpful
Tuesday 13th August, Earth Rooster, Beak, Remove (9) *** may induce error
Very poor Remove Day; dispose of nothing lightly. The Beak of the Bird Asterism is said to “preside over flocks and herds” and to demand upright behaviour. The beak of the Rooster who is often uncomfortable on her own day, may scrape up very little today. Hung Mo or Void by some calculations.
Activity: at the tai chi (the geometric centre) softens beginnings and endings.
No favourites.

Monday 26th August, Water Dog, Heart, Full (5) ***** ice breaking
Clashes the Year Dragon. Water Dog is a day of routine, fixed habits, views and behaviour. A Full Day fixes them more deeply, making today a day to question habit, and rethink. Originality is at a premium.
Caution: Dragon, Rooster.
Activity: at Tiger North East 3 (ENE around 65º) for additional space.

About Remove Days: Remove days are for clearing clutter (and more) but vary in quality. This means you could make important and lasting mistakes on an unhelpful one: technically Remove Days (along with the much rarer Separating Days) allow removal of all sorts of things from your life including relationships and associations. So proceed with caution. This month there is one that is helpful to some, right at the end of the Monkey Month, the 6th September and two dangerous ones on the 13th and 25th August). Time to re-think a few things maybe. It makes for good feng shui to hold on exclusively to what you love and what you make use of. And not only on Remove Days.

New Moon: This Water Monkey month’s New Moon falls on the Tuesday 3rd September at 05:25am. The Pillar is the Metal Horse, the righter of wrongs, expect rights and wrongs to be very distinct. The Lunar Mansion is Room which suggests a deal, an advantage that must be paid for. Often the advice on such a day is to give to charity (and not to count the cost). The Daily Officer Open (6) is very promising but you need to get on with it – whatever it is.
New Moons are broadly about beginnings.
Activity: tai chi (geometric centre) for authority. Perhaps add a little Water.
Favours only: certain
Tigers: Wood (1974) Fire (1986) Earth (1998) Metal (1950)
Dogs: Wood(1994)
Sheep: Wood (1955).
Caution: Horse – less haste, more speed. Compete only with your highest self.

Full Moon: This Water Monkey month’s Full Moon falls on the Monday 19th August at 19.32am. The Pillar is the Wood Rabbit, the most romantic of the Zodiac Animals. The Lunar Mansion Bow is about aim, gain and capture. The Daily Officer Danger is what it sounds like. Self-sabotage is indicated plus waste and dispersal by or of Dragons by or of Roosters. Whatever target is envisioned is some way away and more likely North or South than West or East. Not much help.
Full Mooons are broadly about endings.
Activity: at Rabbit due East to stay in motion or possession.
No favourites.

Locations: helpful & not so much
Every house is different but certain forces affect us all wherever we are. Below we list one location (measured from the middle of the house or tai chi)) that will definitely be less helpful this month and one which will be more useful than usual.. That applies to all enclosed spaces. What to do about it depends very much on the individual house. Ask if in doubt.

A Helpful Location
East, Ambition: Year Star: 1 Month: 6 Month san sha.
1:6 need 8 for productive company: these three Stars (Water, Metal and Earth) are reckoned to grease the wheels of creativity. Especially helpful to the young male, the ambitious and the daring. The location – other things being equal – of abundance and opportunity this month. Add Earth – ie 8 – such as crystals.

Not so Helpful
West, Intervention: Year Star: 5 Month Star: 1 Year Wu huang.
For all of our houses, cities, nations, enclosed spaces, the West holds this year’s wu huang or Five Yellow, reckoned the most dangerous star, capable of summoning all Four Horses of the Apocalypse at any time. So first of all, don’t locate here. Keep not locating here. Usually associated with illness, the 5 is more properly thought of as a hazardous power source and facing West briefly may actually replenish. Think of it like nuclear power: you want hot Water but you don’t want to sit on a reactor. But do steer clear.
Adjust: t’ang lung continues to address the 5. Metal may also ease awkward dialogue.
Note: Locations are measured from the tai chi (ie heart of the property)

Four Point Activation for 2024:
The simultaneous 4-Point Activation of Dragon Virtue, Sun, Moon and Fortune Virtue at Pig (around 330˚ NW2), Snake (around 139˚ SE3), Sheep (around 204˚ SW1) and Ox (around 27˚ NE1) respectively, is said to clear any major blockage. Locations are from the tai chi. 
The actual drill:
Put simultaneous attention on these four spots during the designated double hour, move between them, making noise, cleaning, placing Water, working or whatever. The more energy expended the better. Outcome may relate to energy put in & quality of materials.
If I have surveyed for you, I will have marked these points. If you’re unclear, do check. You may need help but many manage on their own by setting things up and moving from place to place. Agitation – drilling, digging, hammering – will always activate, but certain locations at certain times suit certain types of activation; see below.
Important: Timing:
1. Activation is likely to be most effective on auspicious days. We identify these in the Monthly and Weekly bulletins available by subscription.
2. Equally important is to choose a month that is safe for your particular building; this involves the Great Sun calculation which given the orientation of your building, we can work out for you; it relates to the sitting (or rear) position and it’s a bit fiddly.
If in doubt, don’t do the Activation.
Next suitable Date: 12th August 10am to 12 noon. 

Instructions for 2024 He Tu Journeys.
There are four journeys this year one of them includes three compass points. So you’ll need nine bowls and 150 rose quartz tumblestones. You may have some left over from the Rabbit Year; wash thoroughly at the next New Moon.

You are mixing  the energies of the two locations. So breath in deeply at the starting point and feel, then carry that energy with you to the end point. Notice the meanings of the Star numbers as you mingle them.

1. Wash and leave your 150 tumblestones outside under each New Moon; dates and times in my monthly bulletins.
2. Place a bowl of 30 tumbles at each of: E, NE, SE and tai chi (x2).
3. Place an empty bowl at each of: N (x2) and S (x2).
4. Move one crystal daily from starting to end point of each journey including one at NE (the midpoint of the E>NE>tai chi journey)
At the next New Moon you’ll have five different bowls holding 30 tumbles each at the end points (N (x2), NE and S (x2) and five different empty bowls at the starting points (E, SE, and tai chi (x2)
5. Wash stones again, leave them under the New Moon again, start again.

Starting Points & End Points for He Tu Journeys 2024:
Tai chi to N         Calming communication (He Tu Wood)  Heart to 2nd Son.
Tai chi to S          (10) Creativity                                                      Heart to 2nd daughter
E to N via NE       He Tu Water Beginnings & Endings          Brothers join.
SE to S                   He Tu Fire   Rescue                                            Sisters join

29, Portsmouth Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2JU | tel: 01483 428998 |

Corporate and Media Contact: Peter Dunne. Tel. 07768 617330

© Richard Ashworth 2025