The Sheep

Who is a Sheep?

Years: 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003.
Month*: July
Hour: 13.00-15.00
* Caution: the start of the Chinese month can be as early as the 4th & as late as the 9th, depending on the year. I can let you know this too.

What is a Sheep?
Idealistic, yin earth, not the top getter-onner, the Sheep has well-meant judgements about everybody which can sometimes keep her stuck in first gear. For the unbalanced Sheep (July birthday and/or Mid-afternoon birth) ambition and foolishness are pretty much the same thing. On the other side of the fence the grass is not greener; it’s actually brown on both sides. The balanced Sheep though, as well as being an expert judge of people, knows exactly what matters and is not easily diverted from it. The arrangement for instance that Sheep Bruce Willis and his ex Demi Moore have come to, whereby they stay friends and the children avoid becoming conflicted is not usual, either in Hollywood or the world at large but it is typical Sheep behaviour.
Conversely, the value of caution and conservatism is often clear in Sheep relationships. The most obvious of these is with the extrovert spontaneous Horse whose sidekick the Sheep often ends up being. With the Sheep beside him, the Horse’s fun may be a little less riotous but he will also stay out of serious trouble. The young Horse and Sheep of 1978 and 1979 for instance, are often a tag team who go out drinking and clubbing together. The Sheep may stand back in amazement at the daring of the Horse but is there both to pick up the pieces and to take advantage when these risks bear fruit. The Horse dances on tables, the Sheep ensures a soft landing. This of course illustrates a psychological truth about the Sheep: the risk-taking they shy away from is exactly what attracts them most. Also many a desirable partner has on the rebound from a Horse, found a life-long proposition in the Sheep.
Placed as the Sheep is between the Horse and the Monkey in the Chinese Zodiac, the Sheep understands also the trickiness of the Monkey. There is generally a certain wariness between them but this unorthodox team is capable of magic.
The Sheep also forms a natural affiliation with the Pig and the Rabbit. This is a very domestic alliance. The Chinese ideograph for home is a Pig under a roof and the average Rabbit would happily stay home 24/7 if allowed to. The Rabbit is the diplomat and mixer while the Pig who is inherently versatile takes up the slack of whatever jobs there are to perform. The Sheep makes things safe. She will have ensured for instance that there are no mutually sworn enemies on the guest list. The typical Sheep is an ideal social secretary as well as a master resolver of conflict. Psycho-therapy is among the appropriate career paths.
The Sheep is passionate, representing the yin or feminine side of sexuality but whether male or female, the Sheep is more seducer than chatter up.
Perhaps most interestingly, the Sheep forms a team with the Dog, the Dragon and the Ox. Individually each of these three is somewhat intimidating to her but when this group gathers, her unique gifts become essential. She can draw flexibility from the Dog, humility from the Dragon and cheerful co-operation from the autocratic Ox. Above all she ensures peace among them. Even if all she does is make the coffee, the Sheep is a comforter of the insecure. She understands that most barkers never bite and that aggression is simply inverted fear.

The Sheep: Outlook for 2011
You have been a team player so long that now, when you need the assistance of others, it will not be long in coming; Pigs and Horses are your best bet. You are the anchor, the backstop, the ever-present, you are so important in the lives of others. There may be domestic ructions and your family may at the end of the year be a different shape than when it started. What this means is that now is the time that your associates and family members need you most. Remember this is a two-ended transaction; you have rights and so do they. Broadly you have so much goodwill in the bank that you cannot but end the year even more valued than before. If you move house, make it to the North West by the way.
The Sheep, especially the Fire Sheep of 1967 is an idealist. What you do best is make things safe: in the family, in the nation, in the world. You want more than anything to bring heaven on earth. You are the team player of the Chinese Zodiac. Even your opponents in a sense are in your team. This year you are fully rewarded for contributions you made to the lives of others as far back as 2009. You are in deep karmic credit. Without you, your family, your colleagues and indeed the world would have been very different and impoverished.
In any case, during a Rabbit year the force is with you. This will be simplest probably in April and October when your creative juices will be flowing. Probably the big task for the year will emerge in April. Until then you may find yourself facing opposition. That’s okay because you have patience in industrial quantities.
You understand people though. You don’t pre-judge and you don’t label. This is a very exalted path to walk. You know how, not so much to deal with insecurity, as describe it differently. No ego is too big for you to tame or too bruised for you to comfort. You have been doing this for a long time now.
If you have recently experienced major issues with property, they will persist but relate to your own property and to domestic problems. You are already a pioneer of the solutions. Dealing with opposition firmly, gently and correctly is the way through. This is what you do best; rely on it.

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