
Healthy, Wealthy and Wise.

Many people think of feng shui as primarily about wealth. The reason for that is that the traditional Chinese feng shui man worked for a baron, a king or the Emperor whose priorities were defeating his enemies and accumulating more money and mistresses. Or fewer if the Empress was paying. I tend to think of feng shui as about health and of wealth as a function of being healthy, that is balanced.


The Chinese word for wealth, choi – as in the New Year greeting gung hei fat choi – actually carries meanings such as treasure and prize. Indeed in ba zi, it is the term for wife. Choi can be stimulated. Mediaeval procedures like “Grand Master Yang’s Double Mountain Upwards Strategy for the Relief of the Poor” have survived because they work. Each year there are different locations in the home, the office and the landscape that can be “activated” for choi.

A Long term process

Annually between Christmas and late February I perform a series of “tune-ups” on the homes and offices of long term clients to stimulate the advantageous areas relating to the New Year and quieten down the not so great. I also send out a monthly bulletin to my retainer clients listing the hot and cold spots for each month. On occasions of great need or great opportunity, I even prescribe daily variations. Such clients tend to be consistently health, wealthy and wise. My Diaries feature accounts of this.

Sliding Doors

In a routine survey –not that there is such a thing – I will identify the relevant immediate locations and work with them as well as the medium term (sometimes
called fei sin or Flying Stars) and indeed permanent ones. This is likely to involve installing proportionate bodies of sentimental (or gently aerated) water and ornamentation. Often these will be external (where the real wind and water is) and substantial. Since feng shui is so much about entrances and exits, the other most likely alteration is to where your doors are and the angles they open at. You have been warned!

The simplest thing in the world

Nonetheless it is often possible to improve someone’s lot with simple adjustments. Some of these can be an adjustment of approach stimulated by a ba zi debrief. Somebody said that “Being wealthy is the simplest thing in the world if that’s all you want” and wealth is essentially a choice. A ba zi maps our choices to date and allows us to rethink. It also tells me how you fit into your house and which Elements are wealthy for you. Contact us if you want to take this further.

29, Portsmouth Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2JU | tel: 01483 428998 | info@imperialfengshui.info

Corporate and Media Contact: Peter Dunne. Tel. 07768 617330 peter@peterdunne.com

© Richard Ashworth 2025