What does 2022 look like for you?

Water Tiger Year 2022

The Year of Herding Cats.


Richard Ashworth

Sometime between December and mid-February, Ox Year becomes Tiger Year and the balance between the Zodiac Animals alters, some become better-placed and some worse off. Monkeys for instance are traditionally accident-prone in a Tiger Year and Pigs gain privileges. Last year Sheep and Rat respectively enjoyed those advantages. The pecking order, if you will, changes at this time.

There are Four Pillars in your ba zi – sometimes misleadingly called a Chinese Horoscope but more accurately described as a snapshot of the prevailing Elements at your birth. These Elements respond differently to the ruling Animals of different years. So it’s possible to a great extent to see in advance likely events, pitfalls and opportunities in the coming year as the Elements ebb and flow in an endless cycle,

What can I do about it? My subscription clients simply review their ba zi at the beginning of each new Chinese year to identify likely assistance and pitfalls on the road ahead. Some just want an outline with major events picked out, some want something more comprehensive. We have a limited number of additional Zoom sessions available starting January 17th and as long as they last, we can review yours .Let us know if you want to address particular topics.

For more detail email sheilaashworthfengshui@gmail.com

Richard Ashworth is one of the most respected Western Feng Shui Masters. He was among the pioneers of feng shui survey & analysis at a distance (for now of course the most prudent way to do it) on MySpirit Radio in the noughties. A good taster of his approach may be found on Audible. You can also see him at work on tv’s Housebusters. Or read his collected Feng Shui Diaries. Most Thursdays and Fridays he is to be found teaching both feng shui and ba zi one-to-one online (times by mutual arrangement) with students from Seattle to Belgium.

Richard has worked from Lebanon to Bermuda, in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore and with stars such as Naomie Harris, Kelly Hoppen and Gillian Anderson. Unusually for a Western Master, he has addressed the Grand Masters at the International Feng Shui Conference in Singapore. He is now also a Founder Committee Member of the IFSA UK Chapter.

Every month we send subscribing clients a more comprehensive monthly bulletin than this one, covering in detail right places to be (and when) as well as the most helpful days Animal by Animal & much more from the Chinese calendar.
Subscriptions (and further info)Sheilaashworthfengshui@gmail.com

29, Portsmouth Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2JU | tel: 01483 428998 | info@imperialfengshui.info

Corporate and Media Contact: Peter Dunne. Tel. 07768 617330 peter@peterdunne.com

© Richard Ashworth 2025