Auspicious Dates and Places for the month of the Metal Horse 2024

Auspicious Dates and Places for
the (5th) month of the Metal Horse 2024.
(12:34 5th June to 22:58 6th July inclusive)
in the Year of the Wood Dragon.
Public Version

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On September 22nd at 3pm BST I will be teaching a One-Day Zoom Workshop on Ze Ri the Chinese Art of Date Selection. You’ll need to brush up your stems and branches but otherwise no prior knowledge of metaphysics or any other mumbo jumbo required. If you want some idea of the content, you might look at the links to recent talks to the Feng Shui Society and the IFSG. This workshop teaches the rudiments of what I share daily on Facebook, X and Linked In. Places are limited to allow for individual attention.
I continue to teach starter ba zi (that is Four Pillars) & Classical feng shui live one-to-one  via Zoom times & dates by arrangement with
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   Hexagram 32

A 1 month                                       is about communication & emotion.
A typical Horse Month                  moves fast.
Where not to be this month:        South, South West, North.
Where to be this month:               East, South East, central.
Favoured Animals:                         Tiger, Dog, Sheep
Especially challenged:                   (in order) Rat, Ox, Horse
The Hexagram* (above):                Heng  Constancy, Thunder over Wind.
Summary:                                       sticking and splitting.

*I am now listing the Hexagram corresponding to the particular month in question rather than the generic Tidal Gua. Put simply, Heng  corresponds specifically to a Metal Horse rather than to just any Horse.

9       5       7
8       1       3
4       6       2
Metal Horse lo shu
Horse Power and Traction. 
“I swore when I was young that I’d remember when
I knew what’s wrong with them that I was smaller than.”
John Sebastian Younger Generation

Metal Horses top priority is justice and its restoration. As I suggested last month, those who will restore sanity to the world are likely to have been born between 1986 and 1994. Born to champion justice, equal and fair distribution, this Horse, an unstable concoction of Metal and Fire, comes into its own in this 9th Fate of Fire. These are the ones who will wield power as the century develops. As Fire is about visibility, it is likely that people born under these signs (Fire Tiger, Fire Rabbit, Earth Dragon, Earth Snake, Metal Sheep and Water Monkey as well as Metal Horse) will steer the agenda this month too.

Horse and Dragon don’t clash or combine but as neighbours-but-one they don’t mix well. A Horse can be uncomfortably bright for the brooding Dragon; but never doubt the Dragon’s transformational power. This Horse’s Fire will tend to deepen the fixed positions of a Dragon Year while its Metal suggests a time of questioning. And of  stiff resistance.

Which unsurprisingly is what Heng: Constancy the Hexagram of the month is about. What is gained by making the apparent sacrifice of loyalty, monogamy, a fixed position? What are the exceptions? How does it differ from slavery? The six lines explore the misunderstandings, joys, power and resentments that can follow commitment. It consists of Zhen, Thunder, the Eldest Son, over Soen, the Wind, the Eldest Daughter, so inherently about long-term relationship and how to do it. But also about beliefs, when to stick and when to split, when to double down and when to re-consider.

The Qi shifts
Around this time of year, the Qi, that is energy, which has been flowing upwards and growing since December, peaks and reverses. Things get slower and ultimately darker. The date varies and this year that date is the 28th June. You may feel it as the qi turns yin and retreats until the Winter Solstice turns it back once more. Light always follows dark as dark follows light.

A 1 lo shu month focuses expression. This month’s concerns for better or worse, centre on communication. It may not necessarily be easier to do or more welcome but the odds are that in a 1 year emotional disclosure lands and transforms things. It may be that such disclosure is the most powerful communication there is: the Water of the 1 tempers both the Fire and Metal of this Horse; ideas abound but so does criticism. Also embarrassment.
Richard Ashworth 3rd June 2024

The Month of the Metal Horse, Animal by Animal:
These generic forecasts carry different nuance dependent upon whether this Animal rules your Year, Month, Day, Hour or Life House.

Horse (1942, 54, 66, 78, 90; births in June*, around midday & on certain days#) Keep your ego in check; acknowledge others in order to truly lead.

Sheep (1943, 55, 67, 79, 91; births in July*, 1-3pm & on certain days#) Assistant, deputy, bridesmaid rather than bride; be sure to catch the posy.

Monkey (1944, 56, 68, 80, 92; births in August*, 3-5pm & on certain days#) Speak out before you appear to have no choice. (You always do)

Rooster (1945, 57, 69, 81, 93; births in September*, 5-7pm & on certain days#) Head down, about careful preparation behind the scenes.

Dog (1946, 58, 70, 82, 94; births in October*, 7-9pm & on certain days#) You’re off the lead for now but the bigger blockages remain. Get flexible.

Pig (1947, 59, 71, 83, 95; births in November*, 9-11pm & on certain days#) Still all about preparation, composition, rehearsal. July brings action.

Rat (1948, 60, 72, 84, 96; births in December* 11pm-1am & on certain days#). Collaborate and receive. Pipe down and await your moment. Timing is all.

Ox (1949, 61, 73, 85, 97; births in January*, 1-3am & on certain days#) Notice pressure and let it take you where you want to go. And no further.

Tiger (1950, 62, 74, 86, 98; births in February*, 3-5am & on certain days#) Free rein; use it wisely, kindly and with foresight. You may not know it but you’re playing a long game.

Rabbit (1951, 63, 75, 87, 99; births in March*, 5-7am & on certain days#) A time to give; digging deeper leads to greater returns. Not for freewheeling.

Dragon (1952, 64, 76, 88, 2000; births in April* 7-9am & on certain days#) Ideas flow, share when ready and not before.

Snake (1941,53, 65, 77, 89; births in May*, 9-11am & on certain days#) A feeling of being outshone may possess you. Only a question of viewpoint

* Chinese Solar Months start later than European ones.
#You’ll need help or a Chinese Calendar for this.

A Helpful Day.
Friday 7th June, Water Tiger, Ox, Success (6) *** calls for adaptability.
Tigers make for issues of space and distribution; the Water Tiger can be invasive (think 2022) and Horses, Dogs and Pigs can luxuriate in the space created by the Tiger’s expansion. Others may on this occasion usefully follow in their wake. Okay to place long term Water. May be a solitary day.
Activity: Tiger NE3 (ENE around 65º) for assistance.
Favours: all but especially Pig, Tiger, Horse, Dog.

Not so Helpful.
Tuesday 18th June, Water Ox, Beak, Danger (8) ***** anticipation.
If you’ve been bogged down, tomorrow may bring release and firmer ground by way of the removal of obstacles. Following this you may dare to leap. Not yet. Go fish.
Hardest for: Horse, Sheep. Take your time. No favourites.
Activity: tai chi (geometric centre) for patience.

About Remove Days: Remove days are for clearing clutter (and more) but vary in quality. This means you could make important and lasting mistakes on an unhelpful one: technically Remove Days (along with the much rarer Separating Days) allow removal of all sorts of things from your life including relationships and associations. So proceed with caution. This month there are three: unusually, all three relatively helpful: 12th, 24th, June; 6th July). Time to re-think a few things maybe. It makes for good feng shui to hold on exclusively to what you love and what you make use of. The rest is perhaps disposable.

A Helpful Location.
SE, Determination: Year Star: 2 Month Star: 9 Tai sui (Dragon); Sun (Snake SE3).
2:9 In this direction is the tai sui, the most powerful force of the year. Don’t face this way. Locating here with the creative 2 powered up by the super-current 9 star however may be helpful especially to Mothers and in particular their ongoing relationship with daughters, protégées and younger female employees.
Intervene: Water & Wood: well cared-for plants are helpful here all year.

Not so Helpful.
South, Bright Future: Year Star: 7 Month Star: 5 Year san sha, Month wu huang
Not a great month in the South and it is of course delicate all year; risk of outing, unfavourable publicity and general embarrassment if you locate or aim to do anything ticklish here this month. If you must be here, orient carefully (ie to your favourable directions)
Calm it down: t’ang lung

Richard Ashworth is one of the most respected Western Feng Shui Masters.  A good taster of his approach may be found on Audible . You can also see him at work on tv’s Housebusters Most Thursdays and Fridays he is to be found teaching both feng shui and ba zi  one-to-one online (times by mutual arrangement) with students from Seattle to Belgium,

Richard has worked from Lebanon to Bermuda, in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore and with stars such as Naomie Harris, Kelly Hoppen and Gillian Anderson. Unusually for a Western Master, he has addressed the Grand Masters at the International Feng Shui Conference in Singapore.

Every month we send (at a modest fee) retainer clients a more comprehensive monthly bulletin than this one, covering in detail right places to be (and when) as well as the most helpful days Animal by Animal and much more from the Chinese calendar.
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Richard Ashworth©

29, Portsmouth Road, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 2JU | tel: 01483 428998 |

Corporate and Media Contact: Peter Dunne. Tel. 07768 617330

© Richard Ashworth 2025