Auspicious Dates and Places for The month of the Wood Sheep 2021

Auspicious Dates and Places
for The (6th) month of the Wood Sheep 2021.
(05:33 7th July to 15:40 7th August 2021 inclusive)
in the Year of the Metal Ox.
Public Bulletin

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The Yielding
Hexagram 33

A 9 month                                       fiery especially when it falls in Summertime.
A typical Sheep Month                   emphasises inclusion.
Where to be this month:                tai chi, South East, West.
Default orientation:                        Face North West or South East.
Where not to be this month:         North, East.
Favoured Animals:                          Pig, Rabbit, Sheep, Horse.
Especially challenged:                    Rat, Ox, Snake, Rooster.
The Hexagram (above):                  33 Dun, Heaven over Mountain. The Yielding.
Summary                                      Decisions to be made before moving on.

8       4       6
7       9       2
3       5       1
Wood Sheep Month.

Especially helpful day:

12th July    Metal Rooster      ****    A big (& noisy) splash.
Daily Officer Full suggests today’s events echo & re-echo. Which counsels caution as to the impact of today’s decisions. Rooster supports calculation but also self-indulgence & Metal Rooster is Snow White’s stepmother.
Favours: Snake, Ox, Dragon, plan minutely or trust the tao. Or both.
Special help: Wood(65) Fire(77) Snake, the flexible. 

Especially hazardous day:

16th July    Wood Ox              ****    Hazardous.
There’s a danger of raising up to knock down, Did you build this ship to wreck? Be aware of self-sabotage. Ox sticks to guns; sometimes spiked, sometimes mere water pistols. International misunderstandings.
Favours: No.                                     Excludes: Horse, Sheep, the impetuous.

The Month of the Wood Sheep, Animal by Animal:
These generic forecasts carry different nuances dependent upon whether this Animal rules your Year, Month, Day, Hour or Life House.

Sheep (1943, 55, 67, 79, 91; births in July*, 1-3pm & on certain days#) About inclusion – and you are – but be aware of any regrettable compromises involved.

Monkey (1944, 56, 68, 80, 92; births in August*, 3-5pm & on certain days#) Waiting brief. A month on the periphery; good place to prepare & perfect.

Rooster (1945, 57, 69, 81, 93; births in September*, 5-7pm & on certain days#) Empowered but you could lack direction. Trust appropriately.

Dog (1946, 58, 70, 84, 96; births in October*, 7-9pm & on certain days#) Break-up of some sort likely: to pre-empt, put an end to a minor association. The 22rd is the day.

Pig (1947, 59, 71, 83, 95; births in November*, 9-11pm & on certain days#) Your creative juices are flowing; notice and exploit.

Rats (1948, 60, 72, 84, 96; births in December* 11pm-1am & on certain days#). Still ruled by the spirit of the year (Hexagram 36), now impeded by Sheep insecurity. Talk.

Ox (1949, 61, 73, 85, 97; births in January*, 1-3am & on certain days#) Direct challenge but you hold the big guns. If the odds are too long, enlist the Dragon.

Tiger (1950, 62, 74, 86, 98; births in February*, 3-5am & on certain days#) Look both ways, right, left, forward and behind, then advance at speed.

Rabbit (1951, 63, 75, 87, 99; births in March*, 5-7am & on certain days#) more time to complete after the hurly burly of June. Discern between necessity and self-indulgence.

Dragon (1952, 64, 76, 88, 2000; births in April* 7-9am & on certain days#) Needed as intermediary and mediator. Well-rewarded.

Snake (1941,53, 65, 77, 89; births in May*, 9-11am & on certain days#) Some loss or interference likely; learn from the Dragon – as ever – & own it.

Horse (1942, 54, 66, 78, 90; births in June*, around midday & on certain days#) The red carpet’s out for you. Decisive or passive, the doors are open.
* Chinese Months start about a week later than European ones.
#You’ll need help or a Chinese Calendar to identify your Day Pillar.

A Tale of Lost Sheep – Can’t Get No Satisfaction.
What does your average Sheep* want? Answer: to be included. This month Ox and Sheep and Dog will slug it out, the Ox for control, the Dog for a quiet life and the Sheep simply to belong. So spare a thought for each of them but especially the lost Sheep.
You might not have considered that populism is a Sheep thing; bold spouting is one way to distract from that loneliness, sometimes to the general good, sometimes not. You’ll find Sheep in the ba zis of Abraham Lincoln, Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro and Nelson Mandela among others. That’s mixed company but each of these appears to have recognised the zeitgeist early and run with it. It’s a gift. Over a jail sentence of 27-odd years Nelson Mandela transformed from terrorist to world leader without changing a jot of his position; Trump saw very early on that in a world of unreliable news the loudest lie rules; Jair Bolsonaro tailored his strong man message to an electorate desperate for some sort of leadership.
1943 Sheep Mick Jagger and Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones may make this point even more clearly. What propels 80-year old men to return to touring? Frankly I can’t see that they’ve had much to say since Goat’s Head Soup (1973) but bless ‘em, those Sheep just got to be relevant.
Again consider integrity-free crowd pleasers like Piers Morgan: born on a Sheep Day, he has a special sense of what his audience wants to hear. And what he claims to believe from time to time is based on that perception. In relation to the lamentable handling of the Covid Crisis he struck gold; attacking hapless and corrupt government ministers was exactly what the crowd wanted and his following inflated exponentially. But once he moved on and started launching attacks on the “woke” (that’s you and me) his approval fell away. Don’t attack Prince Harry, Piers; no one thinks it’s big or clever. RIP GB News.
Our job – yours as well as mine – is to not give these particular lost Sheep too much credibility. This being 2021, specious claims and brazen positions from those in power can be expected. As ever this may be over a domestic concern, one you’ll find mostly in the office or in locations way above yours and my pay grade. In other words expect vagueness, avoidance of the issue and false comfort both in the kitchen and lounge as well as in the boardroom. Dogs and Oxen will tend to be involved and the transformative power of the Dragon is the solution. Choose your moment with care#.
Other Sheep will deal with this distinctive vulnerability otherwise of course, as they land on the familiar ground of their own month. The Dragon can loosen the knot they’re liable to find that attaches them uncomfortably to Dogs and Oxen. Rescue may arrive in the form of literal Dragons, the South East of your space or simply thinking outside the box. A decision to keep looking at the stars however deep in the gutter you may have fallen lately, is essential. The Sheep is actually the idealist of the Zodiac and that can be a tough row to hoe.
And perhaps we might all now be held back from shouting at the television by the knowledge that the noisesome people on our screens are themselves simply little lost Sheep; even 1931 Metal Sheep Rupert Murdoch. Perhaps he Trump and Bolsonaro could find better ways to deal with their pain. Poor lambs.
*(1943, 55, 67, 79, 91, July & mid-afternoon births and on certain days you’ll need a Chinese calendar for)
# Follow this link for a one-day Zoom course on Ze Ri or Date Selection in October.
Richard Ashworth 7th July 2021 
Where to be in July.
Summary: know your Flying Stars.
Tai chi, Home, the centre: Year Star: 6 Month Star: 9
The 9 Star will magnify whatever energy is already present which means that the so-called “Flying Stars” that landed at the heart of your home at construction are especially important right now. The 9 will tend to make a tough spot tougher and a helpful one more so. Good idea then to know what Stars sit at your own tai chi and act accordingly.
Out in the wider world, whatever has been happening this year at HQ, Government, capital cities or the CEO’s office will be happening now, only more so. Bear this in mind as you interact with the outside world and you won’t be uncomfortably surprised.
Oh and 9 is Fire so it’s going to get hotter yet.
Activate: Water – bowl changed daily or Fire – bright light 24/7 & occupy.
Neutralise: steer clear, add Earth e.g. a large (5kg+) rose quartz.

Where not to be in July
Summary: hazardous.
North, Distant Future: Star: 2 Month Star: 5. Monthly Wu Huang
2:5 is traditionally reckoned among the worst portents. Tradition may need to catch up. As time has passed the 2 has shed much of its negative baggage which is on one level only the projections of generations of feng shui Masters while the 5 has always stood for power as opposed to malevolence, this last being a quality it’s not clear the Tao ever took into account. In summary here sits some very powerful qi, best faced rather than occupied.
Or you can Mitigate: with t’ang lung and/or Metall. Sometimes it’s so because I say so.
Richard Ashworth ©2021

Richard Ashworth is one of the most respected Western Feng Shui Masters. He was among the pioneers of feng shui survey & analysis at a distance (for now of course the most prudent way to do it) on MySpirit Radio in the noughties. A good taster of his approach may be found on Audible at can also see him at work on tv’s Housebusters at  Most Thursdays and Fridays he is to be found teaching both feng shui and ba zi one-to-one online (times by mutual arrangement) with students from Seattle to Belgium,

Richard has worked from Lebanon to Bermuda, in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore and with stars such as Naomie Harris, Kelly Hoppen and Gillian Anderson. Unusually for a Western Master, he has addressed the Grand Masters at the International Feng Shui Conference in Singapore.

Every month we send (at a modest fee) retainer clients a more comprehensive monthly bulletin than this one, covering in detail right places to be (and when) as well as the most helpful days Animal by Animal and much more from the Chinese calendar.
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Richard Ashworth©

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